The flying speed of the sightseeing airship is not fast, the altitude is also very low, and it is very gentle, so that Sean can easily enjoy the scenery of Lenz.

Perhaps because of the relatively loose system, Lentz looks vigorous, with a strong flow of people and a strong business atmosphere.

"Because Lenze has always been adhering to the business principles of fairness, freedom and permanent neutrality, many people will choose to trade here."

After seeing that Sean was more interested in Lenz, Hannes softly introduced some of Lenz City to Shaun. Hearing these words, Sean was noncommittal.

As time passed, the airship flew smoothly.

Initially, the purpose of the business alliance to study airships was to carry out a revolution in air transportation and change the disadvantages of air transportation, but the current results are not considered successful, at least not completely successful, because airships are too lacking in protection. , The resistance to harsh environments is too poor, and currently it can only fly at close range, which is not up to the original standard of the business alliance.

However, although the airship still has major shortcomings, the business alliance has not abandoned it. Instead, it is still studying in depth. The sightseeing airship is just a by-product, used to obtain certain benefits and subsidize research funds. I have to say this is A common method used by business alliances is to use other people's money to do their own things.

The hot spring island is one of the four small islands. There are hundreds of hot springs on the island, among which there is a magic hot spring, which has the effect of eliminating fatigue and strengthening physical fitness. After this magic hot spring was discovered, the business alliance The hot spring island has been built into an island with beautiful scenery and complete facilities, which is very suitable for living.

Of course, although the hot spring island is not small in size, there are not many people living on it. The business alliance has spent a lot of money to build a boutique residence. Everyone who can live here is either rich or expensive.

Under such circumstances, even though the cost of living on the island is very high, there have always been many big figures in the eyes of ordinary people who are eager to live on the hot spring island, because this is a manifestation of social status. Although there are no nobles in Lenz , But the class is still clear.

Unlike other sea-crossing bridges, the sea-crossing bridge that connects to Hot Spring Island is closely guarded. Most people are not even qualified to board the bridge. Of course, with the invitation of Yaros Lard, Sean can ride directly. The airship arrived at Yaros Rad’s manor. As one of Lentz’s most powerful people, Yaros Rad’s manor had a private space for the airship to land.

Arriving at Yaros Rad's manor, before stepping off the airship, Sean noticed the people waiting on the ground. What he didn't expect was that there was an acquaintance among them.

"Welcome to you, Baron Sean, this is Yaros Rad, you can call me Yaros directly."

Stepping off the airship, a forty-year-old man with sea-blue curly hair and light green pupils greeted him and gave Sean a hug among his friends.

"Thank you, Mr. Yaros."

With a smile on his face, Sean responded. The smiling man in front of him was Yaros Rad, one of the five permanent members of Lenz City.

"Long time no see, Baron Sean."

As soon as Sean finished greeting Yaros Rad, he spoke to the man behind Yaros.

"Long time no see, Master Holkins, I didn't expect to see you here."

Turning his gaze, looking at the familiar face, Xiao En's smile became brighter, as if he was happy for the reunion between old friends.

"Maybe this is fate?"

After a simple greeting, Holkins brought the topic to Smaug, and Smaug had attracted his attention from the beginning. He had some guesses in his heart, but there were also some uncertainties.

"Baron Sean, who is this dragon?"

"This is Smaug, hasn't Master Holkins seen it before?"

With a smile, Sean answered casually.

"I did see it before, but it has changed so much that I can't believe it. If I read it right, it has completed its bloodline transformation and became a real dragon."

With words, Holkins looked at Smaug with blazing eyes, as if he was admiring a treasure, but Sean laughed and said nothing about this question.

Aside, when Shaun was talking with Holkins, Yaros Rad had been observing Shaun and Smaug, as if he wanted to see something.

"Okay, I believe that Baron Sean is tired from the long journey. The banquet is ready. Let’s go and eat something first. But Holkins said you don’t like high-profile, so this banquet is just a private banquet and no invitation. Outsider, I hope you don’t mind."

After waiting for a while, after seeing Holkins and Sean exchanging greetings, Yaros spoke again.

Although the welcome banquet this time is only a private banquet, the scale is very small, and the dishes are only a dozen dishes, but each one is a boutique, all cooked with extraordinary ingredients, it can be said that every bite is gold coins. It's not an ordinary luxury.

"Baron Sean, this is Deep Sea Yuanbei. It is a food that I like to make. It is the most nourishing to the body. I hope you like it too."

With an inexplicable smile, Yaros Rad introduced today's main course to Sean.

Cut off a small slice and tasted it. The taste is crunchy, with the aroma of butter fried, and it has its own sweetness. It is really good. Shaun personally still likes the taste. As for the nourishment mentioned by Yaros He doesn't care about the effect, because his body has always been very good.

"It's really good, I like it very much."

Using a handkerchief to wipe off the non-existent oil stains on the corners of his mouth, Sean spoke, and the smile on Yaros's face was even worse when he heard these words.

"As long as you like Baron Sean, I will prepare another copy for you when you leave."

None of the three of you are incomprehensible With Holkins as a bridge, under deliberate maintenance, the atmosphere of this banquet is very harmonious, and after the banquet is over, it is unconscious. The relationship between people changes from strangers to good friends.

"Sean, let me introduce you formally, Yaros Rad, one of Lentz's five permanent members and a member of the Secret Society."

After the meal, the three began to talk about the topic, and Holkins officially introduced Yaros for Sean.

And when he heard this, Sean was not too surprised. After all, the secret law club is just a very loose organization. It does not have too many identity requirements for the members of the organization, just like him, except for the secret law. In addition to the members of the society, there is also a nobleman in the kingdom of Sutilt.

"This time I saw you buying Space Debris and Life Metal on Thorium Network, and Yaros happened to have these two things in his hands, so I asked him to contact you."

In words, Holkins explained the beginning and the end of the matter to Sean, so as not to have some other thoughts in Sean's mind.


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