In the early morning, when the sun completely rises, Lenz City has been enveloped by a thick layer of water vapor, isolated from the inside and the outside.

"Hey, what a disgusting smell of sea."

On the vast ocean, a huge nighthawk came from a distance and crashed into the mist of Lenz City.

"Hey, this **** smell of sea is really disgusting."

Falling from the nighthawk, walking on the empty street, smelling the stench in the air, Yaros Rad frowned.

"Hehe, the smell is a bit unpleasant, but doesn't this mean that the timing of our return is just right?"

"Indeed, besides, if you think about the gods of the mother of the sea monster, maybe you will feel that the smell of the sea is quite fragrant."

Hearing Yaros Rad’s complaint, the other two people in the same group spoke one after another, and they were the other two of the five permanent members of Lenz City, Relian Althani and Delphi Levi.

"Well, I have to admit that what you said makes sense, it's really fragrant."

Between words, the three smiled at each other.

"Let's go and meet Mugur first. The old wolfdog still doesn't know how to arrange the three of us."

With a soft voice, Delphi Levy spoke again.

Hearing this, Yaros Rad and Relian Al Thani looked at each other, nodded and agreed. The matter has not settled yet, and the four of them need each other's strength.

House, it didn't take long for the three of Yaros Rader to come here, and there was a smile on the faces of these three people, Mugur.

The clock tower, the most center of Lenz City, at this moment has become a sea of ​​sea monsters, densely packed. Looking around, there are all kinds of sea monsters with weird shapes. There are all kinds of them. It makes the scalp numb to see. But what is strange is that these originally vicious sea monsters seem to be asleep at this moment. Stay in place quietly, without a trace of change.

"Mother of the sea monsters, you are the original creation of the ocean."

"Mother of sea monsters, you are the source of all sea monsters."

"You are the mother of sea monsters..."

Ancient, inexplicable language whispered from the sea monster’s mouth, gathered into a wave, spreading around, they were chanting the name of the mother of the sea monster.

Wow, wow, it was the sound of the waves sweeping, and at a certain moment such a sound enveloped the entire city of Lenz.

The fog became denser and water stains began to appear on the ground, and then more and more, and gradually converged into a stream.

Feeling such a change, Max Lehmann, who had been guiding the sea monster's movements with his heart, stopped his hand movements, with a smile on his face.

"Is it finally here? Let me wait."

He confided softly, and a fiery flame ignited in Max's muddy eyes. It was longing and greed.

Om, covered by invisible coercion, even if they were out of Max’s control at this moment, the tens of thousands of sea monsters still did not have any changes. Has come.

The space fluctuates, the sacred breath is permeated, and the entire Lenz City seems to be plated with a faint gold at this moment.

"Is this God's sloughing? It's a perfect creation."

In the void, a five-sided ice coffin quietly emerged, with an unknown body lying inside.

The human body has a snake tail and a golden mask on the head, which makes people unable to see their face. The body has fine scales of pure gold, like a small coat, which covers most of the scenery, but the crystal-like jade arms are enough to make people. Crazy, this is the **** in Max's eyes.

"Is it this thing? It's really ugly, but I like it."

Weird and shapeless, like a big octopus covered with snake scales, this is the gods in Mugur's eyes.

"Is it ugly? I think he is a perfect creation, the darling of the world."

With obsessive colors in his eyes, Yaros naturally refuted Mugur's words.

"Oh, look, the poor Max is still dreaming."

With words, Muguer's eyes all cast towards Max.

"You are mine, you are mine."

The extraordinary power surged, Max flew into the air, and as he kept getting closer to the gods, the look on his face became more and more frenzied, gradually becoming frenzied.

"As long as I merge with you, I can continue to live, and I can find my youth."

The muddy eyes were full of bloodshot eyes. At this moment, Max's eyes could not tolerate anything other than the gods.

Sneer, blood was flowing, Max suddenly felt the power in his body gradually disappear.

"This is, this is a breathless gun."

He lowered his head and looked at the dark shadow that pierced his abdomen from behind, revealing the barbed spear tip, Max's eyes showed a look of error, as if he had seen something incredible.

"How come, how come, Delphi, you bitch, get out of me."

Falling to the ground, covering his wounds, Max's face was full of hideousness.

"Hehe, Max, how can you say that to me? You weren't like that before."

With a soft voice sounded, the means of covering up his figure were removed, and Delphi and Yaros appeared in front of Max.

Seeing these four figures, Max's pupils suddenly shrank, and everything seemed to be clear.

"Yalos, Delphi, Mugur, Lelian, good, very good, so you have been calculating me."

At this point, Max knew that he had completely failed, but he was very surprised when the four people knew his plan, and from there.

Cough, his mood fluctuated violently, Max couldn't help coughing up blood. The Breathless Gun is a Tier 5 strange thing, with the dual power of shadow and poison. Once injured, there is no corresponding means. As time goes by The injury will get worse and worse.

Max himself also has Tier 5 methods. Under normal circumstances, even if the breathless spear is good at sneak attacks, Max can't let it easily succeed. He just hates that he has just been fascinated by the gods and lost his eyes. Take precautions.

"Max, you can go to death with peace of mind. We will report the sins you committed to the Alliance."

Looking at Max who was coughing up blood, Mugur looked at him condescendingly, as if he was looking at a poor bug.

"Ah, I really lost this time, but can you make me a little bit clearer?"

At this moment, Max seemed to have figured it out, let go, and his expression became calm again.

"Well, since you want to know, then I'll tell you. Who made us good friends once?"

A delicate voice sounded, and Delphi answered Max's doubts at this moment.

It turns out that not long after Max started the plan, in an occasional incident, Yaros discovered some clues.

At the beginning, Yaros just thought that Max was secretly taming the sea monsters. At that time, he and Max were fighting for the ownership of a chamber of commerce. The private domestication of sea monsters in Ibaraki violates the laws of the business alliance.

The result was unexpected. Yaros found something amazing. He discovered the fact that Max used living humans as a sea monster transformation experiment, and then he also discovered the existence of Czech Spin.

When things have reached this point, Yaros has fallen into a dilemma. If Max is simply taming sea monsters, then he will expose if he exposes it. Max must bear it, because this is the rule of the game~www.wuxiaspot .com~ But if he reveals the matter of transforming sea monsters with living people, Max will definitely fight him hard, which is not what he wants.

But at this moment, Czech Spin seemed to spot his secret prying, took the initiative to connect with his people, and then told him the purpose of Max's sea monster transformation experiment.

At first, Yaros didn't believe such words. After all, things like gods were too vain, but then the facts told him that things seemed to be what Czech Spean said.

Greed is breeding, desires are surging, and this thing is not only needed by Max, a dying person, but he also yearns for it.

But Yaros was not blinded by greed, he knew that he could not eat such things alone, and neither Max nor he wanted to complete this thing silently in Lenz City.

As a result, an alliance of interests naturally formed, and the four permanent members of Lenz City came together, because only the four of them can work together to achieve the greatest possible success and leave as little trouble as possible.


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