"This is······"

As soon as his thoughts turned, Sean realized that his body was out of control.

An air current from nowhere enveloped him, bound him, pulled him, and quickly descended down the tunnel.

Under the influence of the airflow just now, the tunnel that Xiao En had dug had been connected to a deep, unreachable passage.

Seven turns and eight turns, quickly descending. Although the process was terrifying, under the protection of the airflow, Sean was strangely unharmed.

I don't know how long time has passed, but it is definitely not short, and Sean is down to earth again.

Helping his dizzy head with his hands, Sean carefully looked at the surrounding situation.

The space is very large. Due to the lack of light, the boundary cannot be seen. The ground is paved with unknown silver metal, glowing with cold light, which can clearly reflect the figure.

"What is this place?"

His eyes were slightly narrowed, and Xiao En let go of what he saw and heard. It was at this moment that an old voice suddenly remembered.

"I finally waited for you, my child."

A little scarlet lights up in the dark, like a huge red lantern, dispelling the surrounding darkness.

"This thing is..."

Locking the source of the sound, he quickly cast his gaze over, looking at what was in front of him, there was a moment of astonishment in Sean's dark eyes, because such a thing shouldn't have appeared in the world of One Piece.

In the silver hall, a dragon was quietly crawling on the ground, with a big scarlet eye open, watching Sean quietly.

It has a body of about thirty meters long. It is silver-white in its entirety, reflecting on the ground. It has long beards and deer-like dragon horns, as well as this pair of huge fleshy wings. Its body is extraordinarily slender.

In Xiao En's view, this dragon has the characteristics of an eastern dragon and traces of a western dragon, and its shape is more similar to the Yinglong in the myths and legends of previous lives.

Of course, the condition of the dragon at this moment is not good, half of his face has been beaten, a pair of fleshy wings are also tattered, and there are countless scars on the dragon's body, and he is suffering from such injuries. It is a miracle to be alive now.

"Child, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. I have been waiting for you for nearly two hundred years."

Looking at Sean, the dragon spoke again, with a particularly soft voice.

Hearing this, Sean's doubts in his heart became even greater.

"wait for me?"

"Yes, waiting for you."

As if understanding the doubt in Sean's heart, Long spoke again.

"My name is Uranus, of course, you can also call me the king of heaven."

At this moment, Sean seemed to see a faint smile on the face of the dragon who claimed to be Uranus.

"Uranus? Heavenly King? You are..."

The thoughts in his mind turned, and Xiao En's face showed just the right shock.

"Yes, I am the king of heaven you think."

Lifting his head slightly, Uranus seemed to appreciate the shock on Sean's face.

"Then how can you..."

"I know you have a lot of questions in your heart. I will tell you one by one next."

Before Sean had finished speaking, Uranus interrupted him. Perhaps he hadn't talked with anyone for a long time. Uranus seemed a little excited, but at this moment, there was a harsh electric current in the silent space. Inside, there was a bright blue-white electric spark from the wound where Uranus lost half of his face.

The red light in his eyes was dim, and the head that Uranus had just raised was lowered again. It was at this time that Sean realized that Uranus was not a flesh and blood life at all, but a mechanical life. You must know his previous experience, color and perception. Middle Uranus is a living flesh and blood, without any abnormalities at all.

"Sorry, my health is getting worse and worse. I can't say a few more words. Fortunately, he is prepared in advance."

As he said, a beam of light shot out of his scarlet dragon's eye.

The light beam fell, the 3D image was formed, and a figure appeared in front of Sean.

The figure is tall, holding a scepter, sitting on a magnificent throne, maybe because of the time too long, the figure's face is a bit fuzzy, only a pair of pure gold pupils can not be ignored, there is Surpassing the indifference of the king and similar to the gods.

"Hello boy, my name is Yim. When you see this message, it means I'm dead."

Having said that, the image was blurred for a moment, but it quickly returned to normal.

"Out of boredom, I once made a deal with a woman named Guangyueshi, and she told me a prophecy."

At this point, Yim paused. It was obviously just a video, but at this moment, Sean could clearly feel the complex emotions in him.

"The old throne will eventually fall. When the fire burns, the new king will come out of the flames and recast the crown. This is a ridiculous prophecy. With me on the throne of the dragon people, I will never fall."

Although the voice was not loud, at this moment an unspeakable dominance was revealed in Yim's body, as if what he was saying was the truth.

"At least I used to think so."

The momentum receded, and Yim's words became deepened.

"I lost, but not to the group of ants, but to myself."

"Since you are the new king in the prophecy, then I will leave my fruit to you. It is up to you to eat or not, remember, this world..."

Katz, the image suddenly became blurred when it arrived, and then stopped abruptly.

"Tell me, your name, little one."

At this time Uranus spoke again.

"Myers, Don Quixote Myers."

"Don Quixote? It's really a good surname. This is what Eim left for you."

With words, Uranus opened his mouth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and spit out three things, a fruit, a book, and a data phone worm.

"Take these three things. If you don't understand, you can ask me again at this time next month. I am too tired now."

His voice was low, and Uranus' words contained unbearable fatigue.

When the voice fell, Uranus opened his mouth and let out a breath before Sean could say anything.

Losing control of his body, being wrapped in air currents, and carrying those three things, Xiao En left this secret space that did not know how many meters underground.

Back in his tunnel, Xiao En looked at what was in his hand with the faint light.

The first is the devil fruit, the size of an apple, the whole body is golden, and it has a pattern like dragon scales. This is the fruit owned by Yimu, the uncrowned king of the dragon.

After reading it for a while, Sean opened the book, which is the Devil Fruit Illustrated Book.


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