Phew, the breeze was blowing, leaving a piece of scorched earth after the fire.

Walking out of the tunnel and looking at the empty ground, Xiao En's eyes drifted away.

Da Ba, Da Ba's footsteps are getting closer and closer, and Mengka's figure is revealed under the cover of smoke and dust.

Looking at Monka's indifferent face, Xiao En understood that he was worried about himself, so he hurried over when the fire was just extinguished.

"It seems we are going to rebuild the house."

The fire burned for a day and night. In the process, Sean’s small broken wooden house had long been in ruins. He was originally considering whether to leave as soon as possible. After all, the cultivation environment here is really bad, but considering the king of heaven With the existence of Uranus, Sean intends to stay for a while.

Although Eim left him a data phone bug, the contents are not comprehensive. There are still some doubts in Sean’s mind that need to be answered, and Uranus, the king, is the best choice. He is the one who has lived for a long time. A living history.

As soon as time passed, it was another month. The chalet where Sean was burned was rebuilt, and it was even better than the previous one. At least it did not have a skylight, and because the garbage dump was burned, Sean and Monka also Had to change the training location to a remote forest.

"Get out if you have seen enough."

At the end of the day's practice, Sean and Monka walked out of the forest. At this time, Sean suddenly stopped.

Hearing this, the forest was still silent, no sound was heard, and Monka quietly clenched the iron rod in his hand. Although he found nothing, he believed in Sean's judgment.

"Don't come out? Need me to invite you?"

He raised his gaze slightly, locked it somewhere, and a faint killing intent spread out from Xiao En's body.

"Don't do it, I come out, I come out, I really have no intentions."

A slightly hurried voice sounded, the branches and leaves swayed, and a figure slipped down from a large tree in the distance.

Black long curly hair, about 1.6 meters, thin body, like a piece of skin wrapped in bones, pointed-mouth monkey cheeks, with deep decree lines on the forehead, naked upper body, and a grass skirt made of branches and leaves around the waist. Live like a monkey.

Seeing this man, Munka's muscles and muscles tightened quietly, and the killing intent in his heart began to surge. As long as Shaun had any indication, he would immediately rush to kill this guy. He didn't want him to cultivate with Shaun. The matter of the technique was revealed, and that might cause serious trouble for him and Sean.

At this moment, the monkey-like figure seemed to be frightened in some way, his expression changed, and he quickly took a few steps back.

Seeing this scene, Sean's eyes narrowed.

"Come here, if I were to kill you you would be dead."

With that, Sean glanced at Monka.

The thoughts in his heart turned, and he understood what Shaun meant, Monka restrained the killing intent in his heart, and at this time the monkey-like figure came over slowly after hesitating for a while.

"What's your name?"

Looking at the young man with an old face and not too old, Xiao En asked.

"Youde, Lukasz Z. Youde."

With your head down, not looking at Sean's gaze, Youde replied softly.

When speaking, he unconsciously moved away from Sean and approached Monka, as if the peaceful face of Sean made him more scared than Monka.

"Are you afraid of me?"

With a smile on his lips, Sean stared at the young man named Youde.

"You are dangerous, more terrible than a mountain bear."

Lifting his head and looking at Sean, Youde lowered his head quickly again.

"Why are you following us?"

After confirming his inner thoughts, Sean changed the subject.

"I didn't. I just ran into it by accident. I live in this forest."

Hearing Sean's words, Youde strongly denied it.

"Really? It can be said to be accidental once, but can it also be said that you have been around us for three consecutive days?"

Eyes narrowed slightly, looking at Youde, Xiao En said softly, although the tone was gentle, but there was a hint of coldness.

Hearing this, Youde's face suddenly changed, and the blood on his face gradually faded.

"Sorry, as long as I want to learn physical skills with you, I have no other ideas."

Knowing that there is no point in denying anymore, Youde quickly admitted that he was wrong and said the purpose of his previous peeking.

"Learning physical skills? Why do you want to learn physical skills?"

"I want to be strong, I want to live well."

Having said this, Youde’s words were full of firmness, his hands clenched unconsciously, and he remembered what his mother had told him before his death, which made him a strong man, well. Stay alive.

"In this way, I can teach you physical skills, so you don't have to learn it secretly in the future."

A faint voice sounded. Upon hearing this, Youde suddenly raised his head. His old face was full of incredible. Because of his special talents, he knew the horror of the two men before him, especially the one who was talking to him. One, originally he thought he was dead this time. After all, not to mention other things. It is a taboo to steal other people's physical skills. Unexpectedly, the other party would not only not pursue them but teach him physical skills.

"But as a price, you will do something for me in the future."

After speaking, Shaun turned and left without asking Youde's opinion.

"Hurry up and keep up."

After walking away for a while, Monka spoke up looking at Youde who was still stunned.

Hearing this, You De woke up like a dream with his face full of consternation.

"Oh, oh, oh, I'm coming right away."

Unconcealed joy emerged on his face, and Youde immediately followed Monka's pace.


In the underground mysterious space, after a month, Sean came here again.

"Uranus, do you know about blood factor?"

Among the many technologies left by the data phone worm, Sean is most interested in the descent factor, because this thing is not only the basis of multiple technologies, but also vaguely touches the essence of life. For such technologies, as It's hard for Sean not to be interested in a wizard.

"Bloodliness factor, it seems to be a bit impressed, ooh, let me think about it."

In the dark space, the old voice echoed, half-opened with one eye, Uranus seemed to be plunged into the memories of the past.

"It seems to have been discovered by a scientist named Begapunk more than 200 years ago, but it seems that the Age of the Dragon Kingdom has similar records."

Whispering in a low voice, Uranus' expression seemed a bit distressed.

"I’m too old, I don’t remember clearly. I can’t remember the specifics. I’m sorry, little Hearing what Uranus said, Sean was silent, although in his The concept of descent factor in memory was also proposed by Begapunk, but he was not surprised that a similar discovery had already been made in the era of the Dragon Kingdom, because the technical basis for endowing the devil fruit ability of the dead animal system is the descent factor, or life. Tupu, now Uranus' uncertain words only verified his thoughts.

"Things seem to be getting more and more interesting. What kind of person is Begapunk?"

The thoughts in his heart turned, but the look on Sean's face did not change in any way.

"Then Uranus, can you tell me what happened to the war back then?"

As soon as the voice changed, Sean did not struggle with the blood factor anymore.

"This is a long story."

Scarlet rays of light gleamed in the dark space, and Uranus narrated the past to Sean.


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