The afternoon sun waves were particularly warm. On the deck of the Thorny, Sean, Monka, Youde, and Catherine were drinking afternoon tea.

Although he was not very satisfied with the desserts made by the chef on the ship, Sean still tasted them. Monka and Youde had no taste problems at all. They had only one requirement for desserts, which was sweetness, as long as it was sweet enough. All shortcomings are not shortcomings, and they are not drinking afternoon tea, but eating a dinner.

As for Catherine, since there is no dessert or tea in front of her, there is only a big fresh fish.

Sharp nails stretched out from the fingertips, picked up the big fish, and Catherine opened her mouth to gnaw directly, the scene was unharmonious and bloody.

However, such a scene did not cause discomfort to the other three dining at the same table. Monka and Youde are not surprised, they are busy dealing with the food in front of them, while Sean is smiling and observing silently. NS.

In order to test the feasibility of his wild return method or acting method, Sean used spiritual hints to make Catherine consider herself a special cat from the bottom of her heart. Although it is not easy to complete this step, after all, the relationship between man and cat The difference between the two is still very large. It is necessary to blur a person’s most fundamental cognition of himself, but Sean finally completed it. He gave some of the cat’s characteristics to Catherine’s heart step by step, making Catherine a real Catwoman, even some of her own living habits are step by step closer to real cats, such as eating raw fish.

Although the time is short, it turns out that Sean’s wild return development method is likely to be effective. Catherine’s leaps and bounds during this time proves that Catherine is different from Monka and Youde, and Sean does not. Let her eat Renyuan Dadan.

Of course, with the continuous improvement of Catherine's strength, Sean also discovered that this development method also has great flaws. Catherine's pair of bright green cat eyes proves that they have fundamentally undergone irreversible changes, even if they are Catherine of the Devil Fruit Ability cannot control them to return to normal, or from the bottom of her heart, Catherine thinks that her eyes should be like that.

In addition to the most obvious eyes, Sean also found that Catherine’s leg muscles have also undergone more obvious changes. This change is not caused by normal exercise, but a structural adjustment that allows Catherine to be flexible. Sex and leg explosives have improved tremendously.

Of course, what is the final result of this change? Whether it is good or bad is still uncertain, and it will take more time to prove it.

"My lord, we are about to enter the upside-down mountain soon."

At this time, Benoit stepped onto the splint.

Looking at Catwoman's hideous appearance, even if it wasn't the first time I saw him, Benault still felt a bit of discomfort. Fortunately, his psychological quality was good, and he was able to control himself and prevent himself from showing it.

Although he was hypnotized by Sean and regarded Sean as his own master, when his fundamental self had not been lost, he had his own behavior pattern and thinking.

"Is it finally here."

A smile appeared on Xiao En's face when he heard this.

After purchasing a batch of high-quality slaves in the country of peace, they returned to the Judicial Island and stopped and went all the way. It took more than four months to finally reach Upside Down Mountain.

Although Sean has gained a lot on this road, and even found a precious devil fruit on a desert island through the special nature of his own experience and beauty, it is naturally a sparkling fruit, but Sean is really about the life on the boat. I'm a little tired.

And through observations during this period of time, Sean also found that their escape from Mary Joa did not attract much attention in this world. It can be said that except for the three kingdoms responsible for guarding Mary Joa, they issued a wanted order against them. Besides, the other forces did not respond at all.

However, it is not impossible to think about it. After two hundred years have passed, the older generations have long since died, and those in power nowadays have not lived under the shadow of the Tianlong people since they were born. For them, the Tianlong people are just the villains in the story. The defeated dog in reality is nothing worthy of attention. It has to be said that humans are very good at forgetting creatures, not to mention the various forces between countries in this era. The relationship between them is intricate and complicated, and the few Tianlong people who escaped by chance are not worthy of their joint attack. This world has long been no longer the stage of the Tianlong people.

"I'm going to arrive in the North Sea soon. Next, I need to keep a low profile and improve my strength, especially the ability of Devil Fruit."

Carried by the upstream seawater, the thoughts in Sean's heart turned.

Although the power of the devil fruit can also touch the soul, its fundamental point is still on the body. When a little bit of Sean’s true spirit reincarnates into this world with part of the soul power, his body can completely eat a devil fruit again. .

Although it is said that after eating the devil fruit, he will be badly affected when facing the devil fruit tree, but from the beginning, Sean made the decision to eat a devil fruit, because this is both a flaw and a clue. Otherwise, it is too difficult to find the Origin Sea and the Demon Fruit Tree in this vast pirate world. The most important thing is to have the power of the door, Sean is sure to keep his true spirit, even if the worst happens at most. Just throw away this body.

It’s just that at the very beginning, Sean was planning to find a devil fruit of superhuman such as wood fruits, lush fruits, lush fruits, after all, his own characteristics and these devil fruits It has a relatively high affinity, it will be easier to develop, and this kind of devil fruit can also play a certain role in his follow-up plan.

However, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. After getting the Sparkling Fruit, Sean chose to eat it after careful consideration. After all, the Devil Fruit of Sparkling Fruit is quite powerful in terms of mobility and aggressiveness. It is definitely the top devil fruit in the Nature Department. , It is of great help to him now, and the effect of this devil fruit in his follow-up plan may not be worse than those of plant-based devil fruit.

The rumbling, the sea surging, the entire Thorns flew up at the moment of crossing the mountain top.

With roots on the soles of his feet, he stood firmly on the deck, looking at the vast sea. At this moment, there was also a trace of waves in Xiao En's heart.

As long as he enters the North Sea, as long as he gets what he wants from Derma 66, his own strength will undergo a qualitative change, and then it will be time for him to set foot on the great waterway again and step onto the world stage. Of course, before that, He still needs to lie dormant for a while.


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