"who are you?"

Covering the wound in his abdomen, looking at the thin, pale but fierce tiger man holding a black chaotic T-shaped sword not far away, Bakalun’s eyes have deep doubts, at this moment in There was a corpse lying down beside him. These people were all members of his pirate group.

The other party's appearance and temperament are very special. If he has really dealt with the other party, he must remember it, but the truth is not. Although he does a lot of evil and seems to be rampant, but in fact every time. His actions were carefully investigated, and he would not provoke those places with a strong background. This is also the secret of his being wanted by six countries and still staying free to this day.

Looking at Bakalun who was in doubt, the sick tiger didn't speak. The order he received was to bring the other party back alive, but he didn't let him answer the other party's question.

Although the tiger is terrible, the hungry tiger is even better. This is the true meaning of the hungry tiger knife.

Holding the knife in both hands, dragged a long knife mark on the sand. The sick tiger, like a tiger at the gate, pounced on Barenka fiercely.

Seeing this scene, Bakalun's small eyes narrowed into a slit, his heart was fierce, and a raging flame ignited on his hands again.

"Damn it, if it weren't for the time it took me to get the burnt fruit, it would be too short, I must make you look good today."

Hardly resisting the sick tiger's offensive, in a short period of time, Bakalun's arm and chest had one more injury. Although the injury is not serious, it is not a good sign.

Under normal circumstances, it is still very advantageous for a person with natural fruit ability to fight against a sword or a great sword. After all, the sword hero’s flying slash can easily be avoided by the natural type of devil fruit ability. Just be careful not to be drawn closer. It is difficult for the sword lords to cause serious damage to those with natural ability, but it is a pity that not only did Bakalun get the burned fruit for too short a time to develop further, his own strength is also a step lower than that of the sick tiger.

In fact, if it weren't for the sick tiger who wanted to capture Bakarun alive, Bakarun would have died long ago, just like his crewmen who fell in a pool of blood.

There are more and more scars on his body. Although I don't know why the opponent never kills him, Bakalun doesn't think he will end up in the opponent's hands.

After this period of fighting, Bakalun had discovered that the guy opposite was a fierce beast, and he was the prey he was teasing. He would just bite to death when he lost interest and swallow it with his skin.

"I can only take a gamble. After playing for so long and the noise is so loud, if that guy is still in the **** flower market, he should be attracted to it."

The chunky body kept evasive, and Bakalun's small eyes showed the light of thinking.

"Norris, I agree to your terms. As long as you save my life today, I will be your subordinate."

Although his body is short and fat, Barenka has a good voice, especially at this time, when he shouted out, a huge sound wave spread out in all directions.

Hearing this, the sick tiger's expression did not change, his expression did not change, he still calmly shot out the sword, and constantly pushed Barenka to a dead end.

"Damn it, I really take refuge, do you really want to die?"

After being stabbed again and feeling the weakness coming from his body, Bakalun flushed his eyes anxiously. He was really going to be unable to hold on anymore. At this moment, a burst of hearty laughter came from afar.

"Haha, it seems you made the right choice."

Phew, the wind and sand swept through, and the body was solid, and a figure appeared near the battlefield between the sick tiger and Bakarun.

He is three meters tall and in his forties. He is wearing a brown coat, a face with Chinese characters, eight eyebrows, and a long scar on the left half of his face, extending to the lower jaw, full of a domineering atmosphere.

"Friend, I save this person, how about giving me a face?"

Looking down at the sick tiger's thin body, Norris spoke.

Regarding this, the sick tiger hadn't heard of it, and the armed color was wrapped around the big sword, and he severely cut it out again. This time he wanted to solve Bakalun completely.

Seeing this scene, Norris frowned, and the character became more obvious.

"It seems you didn't take my words to heart."

The anger on his face flashed as the wind and sand revolved, and in a flash, a curved moon blade condensed by the wind and sand was aroused from Norris's hand, and the target was directed at the sick tiger.

The hairs were standing upside down, and the sense of crisis came, and the sick tiger had to stop his offensive and turn around, holding a knife in both hands to block the arc-shaped moon blade issued by Norris.

With this opportunity, Bakalun turned around and ran, and several leaps came to Norris's side.

Roar, the tiger's roar broke out, and the muscles of both arms suddenly swelled. At the moment when the strength increased greatly, the sick tiger finally cut off the arc-shaped moon blade that was gathered by the wind and sand.

With a knife in his hand, looking at Bakalun who has run to Norris's side, the sick tiger knew that his mission this time might be difficult to complete. He felt a fatal threat from Norris, and the one just needed him. The arc-shaped moon blade that can be solved by explosive power has already explained the problem, and that is just the result of the opponent's casual action.

However, despite the great disparity between the enemy and ourselves, the sick tiger still began to mobilize the power in his body and was ready to take action at any time. Unless he received an order, the Yin Beast did not say that he would give up his mission and would never die.

Roar, the tiger roars in the mountains and forests, a tragic aura rises from the body of the sick tiger. At this moment, he really looks like a tiger that is so hungry that he is on the verge of death and has to fight for it.

"Do you want to come again? It's really troublesome."

Seeing the sick tiger like this, Norris had murderous intent surging in his heart.

Phew, palms opened, wind and sand gathered, and a mini dust storm quietly formed in Norris' palm.

"This time I will teach you a lesson and let you know when to put away your paws."

A cold smile was outlined at the corner of his mouth. With Norris's right hand, the mini-dust storm grew rapidly and swept the surrounding frantically.

Seeing the extremely fast approaching the growing sandstorm, the sick tiger's expression changed slightly, and he made two consecutive shots.

Hey, hey, the sword aura is vertical and horizontal. As a great swordsman, Norris's flying slash is naturally not weak, but it is a pity that he cannot shake the sandstorm that has become a natural disaster.

Boom, the wind, sand and rocks, was swept by the sandstorm, the body of the sick tiger instantly disappeared in place, I don't know where the sandstorm was.

"I can't help myself."

The sandstorm went away, retracting his gaze, Norris glanced at Bakalun beside him.

Perceiving Norris’s gaze, Bakalun immediately lowered his head. Although he knew that this man was very strong before, he had no specific concept. Today, he finally has a clearer estimate. A sandstorm can be set off with a gesture of action. A monster.

"Since you have agreed to be my subordinate, then just behave well and don't let me down."

Looking at Bakarron, Norris spoke lightly.

Hearing this, Bakalun's heart that hadn't settled down suddenly tightened.

"I see, boss, I won't let you down."

"Well, I hope you do what you say. By the way, how did you get into the Yin Beast?"

Thinking of the sick tiger before, Norris frowned again. He didn't care about a sick tiger with ancient abilities of the animal family, but the Blackthorn Flower Chamber behind the sick tiger didn't want to offend him easily. If the forces on the sea are in full swing, the Blackthorn Flower Chamber of Commerce is definitely one of them. It seems to be a newly emerging overlord. It is precisely because of this that he did not kill the sick tiger before, but only banished him, just want to stay. Leave a certain amount of leeway.

In fact, if it weren’t for the fact that he had said that he wanted to subdue Bakalun before, if it weren’t for Bakalun who is a rare natural fruit-burning ability, he really doesn’t want to offend the Blackthorn Flower Chamber of Commerce, although with his strength and God Bastan's special environment, even if a general-level powerhouse comes, it can't help him, but such an enemy can still not be provoked.

"Yin Beast? That guy was Yin Beast just now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He is from the Blackthorn Flower Chamber of Commerce? But I never provoke the Blackthorn Flower Chamber of Commerce."

Hearing Norris' words, Bakalun was at a loss. As a pirate with eyesight, how could he not open his eyes to provoke the Blackthorn Flower Chamber of Commerce, which has been flourishing for these years? Isn't that the old birthday star eats arsenic and looks for death?

Seeing the shock and dazedness on Bakalun's face that didn't seem to be false, Norris retracted his gaze.

"Let's go, get out of here first."

Between words, Norris turned and left first.

Although the sick tiger is a member of the Yin Beast, he did not kill him. He believes that the Blackthorn Flower Merchant will not be troubled with him because of such things. He still has enough confidence in his own strength, and although he does not want to Provoked the Blackthorn Flower Chamber of Commerce, but that didn't mean he was afraid of the Blackthorn Flower Chamber of Commerce, but he just didn't want to cause trouble.

Seeing Norris leaving behind, Bakarron immediately followed.


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