"Ronan, I'll give you another chance."

Standing on the ground, looking at Monkey D. Ronan, who was panting with blood stains not far away, Yod’s dark eyes were full of indifference, and beside him, the other five members of the Straw Hat Pirates All of the members fell to the ground, being tightly bound by his pet black mamba, and there was the possibility of being buried in snake belly at any time.

Seeing this scene, Ronan not only clenched his fists, but the brilliance of helplessness and anger flashed in his eyes.

"Ronan, leave us alone, you go."

"Come on, Ronan."

"Hurry up."

At this moment, the other members of the Straw Hat Pirates screamed. They knew that even if Ronan handed over the red road sign, the other party was likely to kill them, so they hoped that Ronan could run away directly by himself, no longer. Take care of them.

"Heh, it's really touching partnership, just don't know what Ronan would choose."

Hearing the shouts of other members of the Straw Hat Pirates, Youde showed a playful smile on his face and fixed his gaze on Ronan, expecting him to make a choice. At the same time, the Black Mamba quietly tightened In the body, the rest of the Straw Hat Pirate Group were almost out of breath, and their faces were bruised.

It was at this time that Ronan finally made his choice.

"I'll give you the red road sign, but you want to let us go."

Hearing this, the other members of the Straw Hat Pirates wanted to say something, but unfortunately they didn't have the strength, and Youde smiled unabashedly.

"Papa, papa, I have to say that Monge d. Ronan, you made a correct choice, and I agreed to your terms."

With words, Youde's pet Black Mamba quietly loosened the restraints on the other members of the Straw Hat Pirate Group, showing Youde's sincerity.

Although Ronan’s choice was intellectually stupid, betting everything on Yode’s promise, but emotionally speaking, it seemed to be an inevitable choice, and it was precisely because In this way, similar stories will continue to be staged in a long time. This is the weakness of human nature, and it is also the flash of human nature.

Seeing his freed companion, Ronan took out a green seed the size of a thumb from his body and let out a soft breath.

The seeds fell to the ground and grew quickly, and a three-meter-tall sawtooth piranha appeared on the ground soon.

Wow, with his mouth open, along with sour saliva, an old stone tablet was spit out from the mouth by the piranha.

Seeing this ancient stone stele, a bright light flashed in Youde's dark eyes. He knew that this thing was the red road sign he was looking for.

"Things are here, return my companion to me."

Standing in front of the red road sign, Ronan guarded Youde directly to **** it.

Seeing this scene, Youde did not regret it, and simply let the Black Mamba throw the other members of the Straw Hat Pirate Group out.

"Okay, if that's the case, then the red road sign is for you, and I'll connect it."

A cold light flashed in Ronan's dark eyes when he saw his escaped partner.

Hey, strength burst, and the red road sign was kicked by Ronan, but the direction was not on the side where Youde was, but the blue sea.

"Don't you want the red road sign? Go chase it, you don't know where it is when it's late."

With words, Ronan's green palms fell on his partners, helping them quickly recover from their injuries, and then retreating in the direction of their ships without stopping.

Although this unfair transaction was a bet from the beginning, Ronan was more willing to bet that the other party cared more about the red road signs than his own lives, rather than betting on Yode's promise.

"Little cleverness can kill people."

Looking at the backs of Ronan and the others, Youde moved in shape and quickly chased the red road sign. If this thing really fell into the ocean, it would be really troublesome to find it again.

"Great, that guy didn't catch up."

The White Spotted Deer was watching from a distance, and found that there was no chasing soldiers behind. Everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates group couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Just a short while before they all died in the hands of that person.

But at this moment, the sunlight disappeared, and a huge shadow covered them.

"Damn it, that big bird."

A strong sense of crisis came, and looking up at the scene in the sky, the hearts of the Straw Hat Pirates who had just relaxed, they recognized the identity of this monster.

Before, the reason why Youde did not let Golden Winged Garuda take action was because the Golden Winged Garuda was too strong. He was afraid that Ronan and others would be killed by Garuda accidentally. Now that the red road sign has been obtained, Then naturally there is no scruples in the shot.

In fact, no matter whether Ronan was clever or not, Youde never let go of their plans. As the saying goes, cutting the grass to eliminate the roots, Youde deeply believes that the current Monkey d. Ronan is indeed very weak compared to him. , But he knew Ronan's potential was a real monster reserve. Since he had offended such an enemy, he would naturally kill him directly, or he would be irresponsible for his future.

Huh, the ferocious aura erupted, locking the Straw Hat Pirate Group below, and the Golden Winged Garuda flapped his wings.

Huh, the gusty wind roared, struggling to stabilize the figure, the Straw Hat Pirates group was immediately enveloped in murderous intent, and could only watch the golden-winged Garuda rush towards them like a sharp arrow.

"Damn it."

Will burned and strength erupted. At the moment of crisis, Ronan used his ability to create a forest on the beach, temporarily blocking the squally wind, but this did not change their final outcome, compared to the general-level Golden Winged Garou Luo, they are still too far apart, the two are not at the same level at all.

The trees were withered and the purple mist was permeated. Only relying on the spitting of poisonous gas, the entire Straw Hat Pirates group lost resistance in Garuda’s hands, but when Garuda was about to execute orders and have a full meal, The mutation happened.

Moo, like Niu Changming, at this moment, the ground is shaking and the mountains are shaking, and the entire island and the surrounding sea are shaking.

Grumbling, sea water surging, whirlpool formation, huge suction eruption, all the surrounding things were absorbed in the past, including the sea water, including the straw hat pirate group, including rocks, including trees.

The rumbling, the forest overturned, the rocks collapsed, the sea level dropped, no, the island was rising to be precise, a giant figure appeared, and the horrible attraction around it was caused by drinking water.

"The giant sea king of tortoises~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the sky, the golden-winged Garuda was caught on his paws. Youde's face is a bit ugly, because several of his other pets were also caught by the sudden appearance of the sea king. Kind of swallowed.

"Damn it, fortunately, the red road sign is here."

Seeing the ancient stone tablet on the other paw of the Golden Winged Jialouluo, Youde breathed a sigh of relief. At the moment when the mutation happened, he noticed something was wrong, and he immediately recruited the Golden Winged Jialouluo. Now It seems that this decision is indeed correct.

"Let's go, the new world is really a terrible place. Who would have thought that such an unnamed island turned out to be a giant sea king."

Phew, the wind whistling, although the suction on the sea is terrifying, but this alone can't help the Golden Winged Garuda, free from the shackles, the Golden Winged Garuda quickly went away with Youde and the red road signs.

And after they left, this giant sea king who suddenly awakened quietly sneaked into the sea and disappeared, leaving only a turbulent sea surface.


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