The volcano erupted, carrying terrifying power, and densely packed magma bombs covered the area where Casio and the black fire hyena were located.

The air was distorted, and the high temperature of the magma made the air in the compartment scorching, and the pupils shrank, watching the magma bomb Casio that was constantly expanding in front of him, smelling the breath of death.

Not hesitating, Swordsmanship was launched, and Casio cut the magma as far as possible. At this time, it was too late for him to evade, so he could only resist. Compared to Casio, the hyenas of the Black Fire Church reacted quickly. Undoubtedly, you have to take a shot slowly.

Phew, the smell of sulfur permeated, amidst the crimson, after the baptism of magma, in the end only two figures were still standing, namely Casio and the Tier 4 black fire hyena, the others turned into coke. Fell to the ground.

At this moment, looking at the figure of Monnes, Casio’s eyes had killing intent surging. He understood that this guy was really planning to kill him just now, but while the killing intent was surging, his There is still fear in the depths of his eyes. Although he just blocked Monnes’s fire breathing, he has also lost a lot of money. The previous confrontation with magma hurt the root, and his right arm is also aching at this moment. The most powerful part of the eruption is not the high temperature of the magma, but the force carried by the magma bomb, which is a simulated volcanic eruption. The explosive power formed.

Roar, a low-pitched roar, compared to Casio's concealment, the Black Fire Hyena is much more direct. After being attacked by Monnes, he immediately exploded with killing intent in his heart.

"Humble two-legged sheep, I will eat you."

The wolf's mouth opened and closed, revealing a tongue like a snake letter, and his eyes locked on Monnes. The black fire hyena tore off his right arm scorched by magma, and black flames rose all over his body.

Crunching, bathing in black fire, and regenerating flesh and blood, a brand new arm soon grew out. At the same time, the black fire hyena disappeared in place with a movement.

With his eyes narrowed slightly, he caught the black fire hyena. The Secret of Life was activated and resonated with the black teeth. With his footsteps, Monnes directly greeted him, six styles, shaved, explosive steps.

The latter came first, Monens approached the Black Fire Hyena at an unimaginable speed, and then launched an attack directly.

"The dog bites Guren."

An icy light flashed in his eyes, locking the figure of the black fire hyena, Monens’ right arm was immediately elementalized, turning into crimson lava, and as his accumulated power exploded, the elemental arm instantly stretched, carrying The horrible power rushed towards the black fire hyena, and at the same time, his magma fist also evolved a hound head in the process, grinning, vivid.

Perceived the danger, although his head couldn't react a little, the black fire hyena deflected his body at the very moment of his instinct due to his instinct.

Roaring, carbonization of flesh and blood, a scorched smell came, feeling the pain from the waist, the black fire hyena couldn't help but let out a painful wailing, and this is not the end, biting the black fire hyena's waist After a large piece of flesh and blood flowed out of his intestines, the dog-biting Honglian released by Monnes changed its direction like a living thing and appeared behind the black fire hyena.

Darkness fell, sharp canine teeth, black and red intertwined colors are the last memory of the black fire hyena. The hound evolved from the Monnes dog biting the red lotus bite off the black fire hyena's head from behind.

The crimson brilliance gradually dimmed, watching the black fire hyena that fell to the ground and had become a headless corpse, Casio's heart shook, and he unconsciously moved away from Monnes, knowing that he had just planned to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger. Fighting, I didn't expect that his weak Black Fire Hyena had not survived a few moves in the hands of Monnes, although there were unexpected reasons, but this might not change the final result, it was just a matter of time.

In fact, if it is a normal dog-biting Honglian, it is impossible to do such a thing, but although Monnes’s dog-biting Honglian looks like a hound condensed by extraordinary power, it actually has black teeth hidden inside it. With the particularity of the elementalization of the natural devil fruit, after performing the knight's secret skill of one life, the black tooth can "swim" in the body of Monnes. It is precisely because of the existence of the black tooth that the dog bites red. Lian can show that unexpected flexibility.

"Papa, it's wonderful, should you say that you belong to the Golden Oak family?"

Slight applause sounded rhythmically, and two figures emerged in the darkness. The leader was the bishop of the Black Fire Church, Uhill.

Seeing this woman, Monnes narrowed his eyes slightly. Although the surface remained calm, the power in the body had begun to surge wildly. He felt a breath similar to the white beard in this woman, which was a Tier 5 power. .

Of course, although the alarm bell has been rang in his heart, Monnes is not afraid, because although Tier 5 is strong, his side is not without equal power, but what makes him somewhat unacceptable is his so-called so-called The guard is really incompetent.

"But although this guy is just a trash, he is a member of our church anyway. You killed him directly like this, making me a little embarrassed!"

Red lips lightly opened, and he glanced at the headless corpse on the ground, and Uhill showed a trace of undisguised disgust on his face.

The slender fingers moved slightly, and a black flame popped out, falling on the headless corpse, instantly burning the headless corpse, leaving only a pile of white powder.

The flame returned, entwined around Uhir’s fingertips. Compared to before, it seemed to be a bit more vigorous. Seeing this scene, a look of fear flashed in the eyes of the black fire hyena behind Uhir The head quietly lowered.

"Even trash can't be wasted."

Absorbing the black flames A blush appeared on Yushir's pretty face.

"Looking at where your potential is good, I will give you a chance. As long as you join the Black Fire Church, you can survive today. At that time, as long as you can gain the favor of our Lord, whether it is wealth, power, or status, you will be at your fingertips. Maybe soon you will be the person sitting in the car instead of the person standing outside the car."

Looking at Monnes, Uhir's brown pupils were beating with enchanting flames. The performance of Monnes just now really moved her heart. Although it is a cult, the Black Fire Church also pays attention to talents. If Monnes If you can surrender to her and train it so well, she may be able to have another useful dog in the church in the future.

As for Casio on the side, she didn't care about it. It was just a hapless one who had been used. Since she has appeared here, then Cassio's ending is doomed.

"Are the cultists now digging the wall so blatantly? It seems that I haven't come back for too long."

A faint voice sounded, and Xiao En walked out of the carriage with a white beard.


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