"This is what you need, the beacon of wisdom."

In the empty hall, a light golden flame appeared, and Sean took out an object that looked like an oil lamp.

The beacon of wisdom, the seventh-order strange object, the strange object created by Sean with Rank Nine Wisdom Gu as the core. This strange object was originally used by Ymir, and it is precisely because of the help of this strange object that Ymir can Quickly lay the path of the magician.

After learning what happened to Begapunk, Sean took out this strange thing.

At the beginning, Begapunk came to this world out of interest in the special mechanical life of Transformers to explore this world. His initial foothold was the earth, where he spent some time understanding human technology and then established punk. Research Institute, help him collect funds and collect information, and pursue the mystery of mechanical life.

Then he found the Transformers hidden on the earth. After some research, he had a preliminary insight into the mysteries of Transformers, but the more he understood, the greater his interest in the special mechanical life of Transformers.

Under such circumstances, after a long period of pursuit, Begapunk found Cybertron, the home star of Transformers, and it was here that Begapunk made even more amazing discoveries, but this is both Opportunity is also dangerous.

When Vegapunk arrived in Cybertron, Cybertron was still in a period of great freeze. The past wars and the exhaustion of Cybertron planet’s resources caused the Transformers, a special life group, to suffer huge losses, except for some of them leaving the game. Except for Botan's Transformers, other Transformers have entered sleep mode to reduce consumption, wait for time to repair everything, and then wake up again.

Begapunk stayed on such a dead star for a long time, and he walked almost every corner of the planet, and then he found the original flame symbolizing Transformers, and discovered another secret, that is Sai Botyn is "alive", at least it used to be.

A long, long time ago, at that time, human beings on Earth hadn't even been born. A seventh-order mechanical life broke through the barriers between the worlds and came here across the barriers.

For some reason, this seventh-order mechanical life was seriously injured and died shortly after coming here. His brain turned into a primitive fire, and his body became a Cybertron star, arrogantly in the lonely starry sky. Wandering.

Then, with the passage of time, at a certain moment, either by coincidence or inevitable, under the influence of the original fire, on the corpse of the seventh-order mechanical life, the first batch of Transformers were born. Since then, Cybertron No longer withered.

Of course, like most civilized races, Transformers has also gone from its initial birth to its peak and then to a trough.

The long lifespan, outstanding strength and extraordinary technological heritage have created the prosperity of the Transformers clan, but this prosperity is based on the consumption of a lot of resources.

Although the birth of Transformers is not easy, with continuous development, the Transformers family has gradually mastered the technique of spawning new Transformers, and with the accumulation of time, there are more and more Transformers on Cybertron.

Under such circumstances, for the sake of rights and resources, the contradictions within Transformers became more acute, and then war broke out, and a long era of war began. In addition to the demise of Transformers, the war brought more of them. The loss of energy, after all, Transformers can be spawned.

All the scientific and technological foundations of Transformers are built on energy stones, and even the survival of Transformers needs energy stones to maintain. Although the technological level of Transformers has long reached the point of exploring the stars, the only energy stones they need are still races. It was only produced on Botan, and there is no trace of any other planets.

The flames of war were pervasive, and the Decepticons and Autobots in Transformers had a real fire, and no one could stop it. In the end, the prosperity of Cybertron was burned to death in the war, leaving only the ruins, and finally falling into a period of freezing.

This situation continued until Vegapunk arrived in Cybertron. After discovering the secrets of the original fire and the planet Cybertron, Vegapunk was inevitably moved by these two things.

The original fire contains the power of data rules, because it is a legacy of a seventh-order life, direct fusion may be a disaster, but used as a reference, it is a good choice to analyze data rules, and Cybertron is even better. The body left by the mechanical life of the first-order, the various index parameters are amazing, and it contains the mystery of the material.

Begapunk practiced the secrets of "Golden Gear" and took the path of a mechanical wizard. His flesh and blood has long been transformed into a machine. At the same time, he is also a seventh-order superman capable of swallowing fruits. If he can swallow If Cybertron is lost, then he may be able to forge a mechanical **** body and open the door to the seventh step. For mechanical wizards, material science is a very important and indispensable knowledge, and even many mechanical wizards think that they are restricted. The biggest factor in development is the material, and the existence of Cybertron has given Vegapunk the hope of breaking the **** of materials.

Over the years, Begapunk has been committed to analyzing the original fire and devouring Cybertron. The original fire contains the scientific and technological heritage of Transformers. Some unknown seventh-order mechanical life left behind, and later Transformers filled it in. These inheritances have made Bergapunke's attainments in mechanical creation soar. In addition to enhancing his body, Cybertron is also the best reference for him to understand Cybertron's technology.

Supplementing each other, with the existence of Primordial Tinder and Cybertron, Begapunk has made rapid progress in these years and has become a Tier 6 mechanical wizard, but then the problem came.

As Begapunk swallowed Cybertron to a higher degree, after crossing a certain boundary and touching the core of Cybertron, facing the devouring of Begapunk, Cybertron unexpectedly began to actively integrate. The most important thing is that at this time Begapunk couldn't stop even if he wanted to stop. Cybertron turned into a cage, trapped him inside, and locked his soul and body.

The body changed rapidly, continuously jumping, getting closer and closer to the seventh step, while the speed of the soul's transformation remained the same. Soon after, the balance between the body and the soul of Begapunk was broken.

The powerful mechanical body began to oppress Vegapunk’s soul. In order to avoid breaking the soul, Vegapunk would fall into a deep sleep from time to time. In such a situation, Vegapunk would not only risk merging the original fire, let the soul Beyond the transformation, he could only ask for help. Facing these two choices, Begapunk chose the latter, because he was not sure if he chose the former, he would eventually wake up from the unknown seventh-order.

Even if he has conducted in-depth research on the original fire, he is not sure whether the seventh-order mechanical life has left his own life data in the original fire. If there is, the result after his fusion is probably quite different. Wonder, as a scientist, Begapunk has a fanatical side as well as a rational side. In the face of such possible hidden dangers, he naturally has to avoid it.

"With the help of the beacon of wisdom, my analysis of the original fire will be further accelerated. As long as I can truly master the data rules, I will be sure to completely control this mechanical **** body."

After receiving the seventh-order wonder of the Wisdom Beacon, Begapunk's face showed a smile.

Hearing this, Sean looked still.

"Is there enough time?"

Looking directly at Vegapunk, Sean asked this question. The biggest difficulty Vegapunk now faces is the problem of time. If his soul transformation progress has not caught up before his mechanical body completely transformed, then His soul may be broken, or directly distorted.

"Enough, my Tun Tun Fruit will soon be awakened, and at that time I will be able to slow the rate of swallowing to a certain extent."

Faced with Sean’s question, Begapunk gave an affirmative answer.

Hearing this, Sean raised his eyebrows slightly. It was a bit unexpected that Vegapunk could complete the awakening of Tuntunguo at this point, but this is also a good thing. At the seventh level, nature, animals Of the three fruits, the Superman and the Superman, the one with the least risk of awakening is the Superman~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The natural system has to face the erosion of the world, accidentally incarnate into natural disasters, and become a natural phenomenon in the world. Animals The line will face backlash from species consciousness. If you are not careful, you may lose yourself and let the animal nature replace your human nature. Only the Superhuman line is the easiest and faces the least backlash.

"This time your choice is a bit sloppy after all."

After pondering for a while, Sean said such words.

Hearing this, Vegapunk nodded. Choosing to swallow Cybertron this time is really a dangerous choice. A large part of this is due to his curiosity about the unknown as a scientist, but he does not regret it. Once again, even if he is aware of the possible dangers, he will still do it. This can be said to be a kind of paranoia, or it can be said that he is a kind of persistence as a scientist.

"I know, but I don't regret it. After all, Cybertron itself is a huge material library. Only by swallowing him can I truly master all the inheritance of Transformers."

Looking at Sean, Begapunk's eyes shone with brilliance.


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