The night falls, and there is no moon tonight.

Standing on the open-air balcony, staring at a deep night sky, playing with the almighty gold coin in his hand, the thoughts in Sean's heart kept turning.

"After so long, the three divine powers of time, money, transactions, and contracts are still as stable as they were at the beginning. There is no sign of falling apart. The hidden mysteries are much more profound than I expected before. It is hard to imagine Woking knowing that Juejian actually mastered such results."

The omnipotent gold coin flipped over at Sean's fingertips, even in the moonless night, he still exuded a dazzling golden halo, full of treasure.

"With such characteristics, as long as a suitable carrier is found, a powerful artifact is likely to be born."

Looking down at the universal gold coin, Sean squinted his eyes. The excessive perfection made Sean somewhat suspicious of this universal gold coin between the real and the illusion.

It is hard to imagine that in just a few decades, Atolia, who has just returned from the silence, that is now Woking, has actually produced such results.

A good idea may come from a flash of inspiration, but a perfect result inevitably needs time to water, and it is inevitable to leave corresponding traces in the process. It is difficult for Sean to believe that Woking created it without knowing it. In order to have a major impact on the path of the gods, and to be qualified to open another path, it is still in the case of crossing the field and abandoning the background of his past accumulation.

"Is there really something hidden in this?"

Thinking of the situation in which the universal gold coin escaped by itself after Woking's death, a gloomy light flashed in Sean's blue eyes.

The power of time and space at the fingertips intertwined, and the dazzling brilliance of the universal gold coin instantly dimmed, and he was sealed by Sean again.

In the early morning, the orange-red sun dyed the sea of ​​clouds red.

Heavenly Palace, Zhenyun Hall, Sean and Ymir sat on the Black Iron Throne and waited silently, but before long, Sieggel's figure quietly appeared on another throne.

"Are there any results?"

Opening his eyes and casting his gaze on Sieggel, Sean asked.

Hearing this, Sieggel, who had just appeared, shook his head.

"I tried to trace the traces left by Woking, but I didn't find anything useful. There was nothing about universal gold coins."

Because of doubts in his mind, Sieggel spent a lot of energy using causal means to trace the traces left by Woking, but found nothing except for some leftover wealth.

Hearing this, Sean narrowed his eyes.

"This is too clean."

Hearing that, Sieggel fell into silence. It was indeed too clean. There was no process of research and experimentation. It is not so much that Woking discovered and perfected this result, it is better to say that he obtained it directly from other places. The original plan is perfect, but there is no similar result in the past history of the Liberal Arts World, and there is no similar research direction, which is completely blank.

"What did the Storm Lord say?"

Thinking about it, Sean changed the subject.

Hearing this, Sieggel's frowned brows quietly let go.

"He hopes that we will fulfill our agreement as soon as possible, and join forces with the Storm Church to strike a blow to the Jiao Terran, and it is best to cause severe damage to them."

Speaking of this, Sieggel's old face showed a gentle smile again. In cooperation with the Storm Church, the current Emerald Principality occupies an absolute advantage.

Hearing this, Xiao En's face also showed a smile.

"It seems that he is really in a hurry, but this is also normal. If the Jiao People continue to grow, the ancient Jiao people will probably take advantage of the trend to condense the third ocean divine power. At that time, his path forward will be destroyed. NS."

"Since the agreement has been set, let it be fulfilled as usual."

Judging from the current situation, the Jiao Terran is still the biggest obstacle to the Emerald Principality in the sea, and their current momentum really needs to be suppressed, otherwise they may completely lose control. The only pity is that they want to kill the ancient in the sea. Jiao Ren is too difficult.

"This time, let the two of Siren Christine and Fallen Angel Eric take action, on the one hand to show the strength of the Emerald Principality, on the other hand, it will also control the situation within a certain range."

With words, Sean made a decision.

Christine, who holds the Teigu·Sea Monster Nut, and Eric, who has the mythical eye and illusory pupil, are both considered to be pseudo-seventh-tier, capable of exerting the seventh-tier combat power, even in the face of ancient Jiao Ren It also has a certain degree of self-preservation, and when the ancient Jiao people didn't make a move, it was difficult for the Jiao people to stop them, and this level was just right.

After all, in the case of unsure of killing the ancient Jiao Ren, the weakening of the Jiao human race must be a soft knife cutting process, which can make the ancient Jiao Ren feel pain, but it cannot make him desperately crazy. The most important thing is to return. To leave room for the Storm Church to play, after all, they are more anxious than the Emerald Principality.

Upon hearing this, a silent Ymir spoke.

"After Eric fell, he really needs the nourishment of the dead mountain and blood sea to go further. The Jiao Terran is a good choice."

The words were low, and Ymir's slightly immature face was full of indifference.

"Although the Navy's Deep Diver Force has just been established, this battle may also be a real opportunity for them to grow. After all, the main members of the Jiao Ren tribe are also various sea tribes."

Looking at Sean, Sieggel also spoke.

Hearing this Sean nodded. Relying on the resources provided by the Emerald Principality and the identity of the princess of the Kristin Murloc, the current Deep Diver troops have taken shape, except for Kristin, the general and In addition to her direct line of troops, the entire Deep Diver troop can only be described by a group of miscellaneous fish. To be truly usable, you need to experience the tempering of blood and fire. This time is both a test and an opportunity. The war will be Remove all unqualified soldiers.

"Siggle can't leave the kingdom of God for a long time. Morrel is currently preparing for the refining of the demon soldiers. I will also try to reconstruct the rules during this relatively peaceful time. So next, the Emerald Principality It needs to be left to your care, especially the war above the sea. Although the Lord of the Storm will bear the main pressure to contain the ancient Jiaomen, it must be just in case."

Reaching a consensus, Shaun turned his attention to Ymir.

Ymir, who has been silent in the spiritual world for many years, has mastered the rules of death, and it is difficult to make a qualitative breakthrough in a short period of time. It can be said that Ymir is the most leisurely among the top combat power of the Emerald Principality.

Upon hearing this, Ymir nodded. Although he didn't like this kind of thing, he would not deliberately shirk it. He also knew the importance of what Shaun would do next. Once he really succeeded as expected, Not only Sean himself, but the strength of the entire Emerald Principality will complete a qualitative change in a short period of time.

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