In the depths of the falling river valley, a silver day river gushes out of the spatial fault, falling straight down three thousand meters, scouring down, a vast soup, a sacred tree rooting in the valley, the tree is tall and towering like a mountain, and the surrounding clouds and mist, like a fairyland .

But just in such a beautiful scenery, a tragic fight is going on, one side is a beast, the other side is a human being.

Roaring, a long roar sounded, separating the clouds and fog, a full-body red-gold, one-horned water dragon protruding its head from the sky, aimed at the side of the beast, and spit out a sharp breath of sword, wherever it passed, it was a **** storm.

The Primordial Desolate Beast Jin Jiao, who once followed Shaun, has no real power in the Magic Council, but it holds an extremely lofty position.

Ang, Jin Jiao's movements caught the attention of the monsters. A six-tooth white jade elephant with a body like a mountain and a body like a jade issued a warning. He was also an ancient desolate beast with wisdom.

The gaze fell, the sword-like sharpness surged in the amber dragon eyes, locking the six-tooth white jade elephant, Jin Jiao made no secret of his killing intent, although it hadn't made a move for many years, its own sharpness was not dimmed because of this.

Om, the radiance of magic surging, the body was divided into two, intertwined with each other, Jin Jiao directly launched his own ultimate move.

As an extremely intelligent Primordial Desolate Beast, backed by the Magic Council, Jin Jiao also converted to magic. Compared with the so-called monsters below, it is the real monster.

Shocked, the edge was full, and the space cracks quietly appeared, and the two golden dragons intertwined in the void and turned into a golden dragon scissors. This is a killer move developed by Xiao En when he was in the Demon Realm, and it was used in conjunction with the golden dragon. Zeng Zhuangzhi used to move in all directions, but now it is used by Jin Jiao himself.

The avatar magic pattern, Jin Jiao used the magic pattern specially analyzed by the Magic Council. With this magic pattern, combined with his own kendo magic pattern, Jin Jiao successfully reproduced this magic.

Sneer, the golden light was fleeting, blood sprayed, Nuo's big head fell, and plunged into the Luotian River, stirring up a jet of water, facing the golden dragon shears, the six-tooth white jade elephant, which is also an ancient wild beast, did not stop it with a single move. .

The terrifying sword aura raged, slashing all vitality, and the six-tooth white jade elephant died.

Roaring, shouting loudly, returning to the clouds, looking down on the earth, Jin Jiao is full of pride, losing the only limitation of Immortal Gu, with the support of the Magic Council, and its own unique strength, its strength is not six teeth white jade The Primordial Desolate Beast holding a little old Gu Immortal inheritance can be compared, the Primordial Desolate Beast and the Primordial Desolate Beast are also different.

Looking at all of this in the dark sky, Xiao En’s face showed a smile. This golden dragon has been with him for a long time, and his feelings are different after all, and now the other party has not let him. disappointment.

As if he had noticed something, Jin Jiao looked back, but saw nothing.

The doubts in his heart were fleeting, Jin Jiao plunged into the killing again. Swordsmanship is the way of killing after all. There are not many opportunities for this kind of opportunity in the current Demon Source Realm.

"The current president of the Magic Council has seen your Excellency."

The power of the earth surging, building the soil into steps, wearing a pale yellow magic robe, Rumo's long hair is simply bound by a simple hair rope, climbing up the steps, surpassing the obstacles of time and space, and Happy Land comes to Xiao En In front of.

"You gave me a surprise, Happy Land."

With his gaze down, the corners of Xiao En’s mouth as he watched ascending the steps outlined a slight arc. At this time, his state was special. Although there was no deliberate concealment, it was still very unusual for the land to perceive his existence. Easy thing.

Hearing this, looking at that strange face, his heart throbbed, and a name naturally appeared in the heart of Happy Land, that is, the Lord of the Infinite.

Most people in the magic source world only know that behind the magic council are the father of oak and the lord of all souls. Even many people in the magic council think so, but the real high-levels of the magic council know that except for the first two , The Magic Council also has a third seventh-order magician, that is, the Lord of Wujian, but compared to the first two, the Lord of Wujian appears quietly, and there is no relevant information circulating in the world.

"I have seen Mianxia."

Lowering his gaze, Happy Land bowed and bowed a half.

Etiquette is an extension of the rules. There is no clear etiquette among magicians. The half bow is the awe of the power of Sean and the respect of the knowledge that Sean has.

"You can find me to show that your analysis of the rules of the earth has reached a point where it is close to the limit. As a gift, I will explain to you the seventh-order path of the magician, but I am not good at the power of the earth, even There is still no complete inheritance of the seventh rank in the magic road, and it depends on you how much you can gain."

For the Venerable in the original trajectory of Happy Land, Sean still valued it very much. Whether it was himself, Sieggel, and Ymir gave her certain guidance, and the performance of the other party did not live up to this value. With a steady and steady pace, it has come to where it is today in more than a thousand years.

"The foundation of the magician lies in the magic pattern. If you want to be promoted to the seventh rank, the construction of a complete magic pattern combination is the most important..."

The deep voice sounded, echoing in the depths of the heart of Paradise, and Sean revealed all the secrets of the magician.

Across the mountains, across the sea, and footprints all over the five realms, Xiao En’s teaching is not only an exposition of language, but also let Happy Land see and experience in person. With his special existence, all the secrets of the Demon Source Realm begin to be in Happy Land. It appeared in front of him that even Sean once spurred a long river of time, walked into the past time with a happy land, and personally felt the changes in the world.

At Yashan, the end of the world, Sean stopped.

"That's all I can teach you. After all, you have to go your own way. I hope you can add a new branch to the immature tree of magic."

Seeing the breath completely silent, as stable as the earth, completely returning to the ordinary paradise, Xiao En's eyes flashed with a hint of appreciation.

Hearing this, my heart was touched, and the aura of Paradise fluctuated for a moment.

"Students thank the teacher."

Lowering her gaze, Happy Land bowed and bowed. It was once because of awe, but now it is the respect from the heart. When she raised her head again, Xiao En's figure had disappeared, and she herself was from the end of the world, Yashan. Back to Zhongzhou At this time, the battle between Warcraft and humans is still continuing, everything seems like a dream.

Sea of ​​Origin, Sean’s consciousness of separation quietly returned, where time and space are intertwined into a furnace, life evolves into flames, constantly smelting the world consciousness of the Demon Realm.

Generally speaking, whether it is a wizard or a magician embeds their own rules into the world, in addition to being careful about the resistance to the rules themselves, the most important thing to pay attention to is the backlash of world consciousness.

Facing such a situation, wizards usually use negative methods such as procrastination and resistance. As long as they survive the reconstruction of their own rules, they will win, because in a world with a power level of 7th order, even if it is a weak one. In the seventh-order world, a seventh-order wizard comparable to medium divine power has no advantage in facing the impact of world consciousness, and it is almost impossible to rebel against the object.

But Sean is different. The existence of the door of the infinite has given him another choice, completely replacing the world consciousness, and then reconstructing the rules in turn. This process will be much smoother and more convenient, and after three hundred years, Sean has finally completed it. After this step, it is precisely because of this that he will quietly separate his consciousness and head to the material world.


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