Outside the world of truth, on space station 4, Morrel left the world of truth with Etrez.

Shuttle space, walking in the starry sky, Morrel is ready to mobilize the power of the door of the infinite, and take Etreis back to the world of liberal arts, but his thoughts have just arisen, and after a step out, he suddenly found that he has come to a place An elegant study room.


After a moment of astonishment, Morrel quickly regained his composure when he noticed the abnormality of the matter. Of course, at this moment, the power in his body was close to boiling.

"Yes, Mengjing, to be precise, this is the office of the Librarian of Mengjing."

A low voice sounded, and a figure sitting behind the desk spoke, and he was clearly there before, but Morrel did not see him.

Black tuxedo, silver chain with pocket watch exposed in chest pocket, gold wire glasses, teak pipe, flax-colored curly hair, light blue deep eyes, forty-something face, thin body, long face, kept With two moustaches, a cheerful and kind smile on the corner of his mouth, a mature, steady but not rigid and erudite image came into Morrel's eyes.

"I'm sorry to meet you in this way, Sean, but I just woke up, and at the moment I am not suitable to go directly to the Liberal Arts World."

Facing Morrel's gaze, the man spoke again.

Hearing this, the thoughts in his heart turned a hundred times, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and Morrel bowed for a meeting ceremony.

"I have seen the tower master."

At this moment, Morrel already knew the identity of a man, after all, there were not many people in this world who could pull him into a dream so effortlessly.

"Don't be so polite, please sit down, and please forgive my presumption."

Reaching out, the master of the Eternal Tower, the eighth-order power wizard Shupnos sent an invitation to Morrel.

Hearing this, he did not hesitate, Morrel sat across from Supnos, facing an eighth rank, even if he was not the real person, he had no more choices, but fortunately, this eighth rank was not the same. No malice towards Him.

"Formally, I am Supnos, a seeker on the path of truth, a part-timer and a part-time drama creator."

Everything is ordinary, sitting opposite Morrel, Supnos is like a mature, talkative, flexible-hearted scholar, with a cordial attitude, without the alienation as imagined.

"Here, I want to thank you first for your help to Yemengade. That little guy was born because of me, but if you want to really come out, you must get rid of my influence. At this point, I can't help him. ."

Having said that, Hypnos let out a sigh.

"In return, you can pick a book from this study room and take it away."

Looking at Morrel, the light blue eyes were clear, and Shupnos gave his promise.

Hearing that, Morrel's heart is not at peace. Obviously, this rumored existence who has been sleeping in boundless dreams is very clear about everything.

"Don't be nervous, the reason I am so clear about these things is only because Yemengade, this little guy, was not only born because of me, but also because I grew up looking at it, just like my child."

As if seeing through Morrel's mind, Supnos added with a smile.

Hearing this, Morrel remained silent. Another meaning of this sentence is that there are very few things in this world that can't be hidden from him, it just depends on whether he wants to know or doesn't want to know.

"Finally, it is also the important reason why I took the liberty to invite you this time. I hope you can help me bring this book into the liberal arts world. Judging from the current situation, you are the most suitable candidate. Of course, I Will also pay corresponding rewards."

Looking at the silent Morrel, Supnos said his main purpose this time, and as his words fell, a book as thick as a dictionary with a dark cover and a dazzling blood in the middle appeared. Above the desk.

Reaching out his hand, his slightly dry palm stroked the cover of the book, and Shupnos's face showed a trace of sorrow.

"It's a bit ridiculous to say that many people call me the weaver of dreams and creator of dreams, but in fact I rarely dream. It is unknown so far, even if I have lived for a long time, but I have only dreamed three times in total."

With words, the body and mind were relaxed, and the light blue eyes flashed with reminiscence. At this moment, the immortal Shupnos, who had already cut the shackles of time, recalled the past like an ordinary old man.

"When I first dreamed, I was only ten years old, and I was a child. At that time, I officially embarked on the path of wizarding. After that, I had a dreamland of my own. Of course, this may also be the void. The first piece of dreamland."

"The second dream was tens of thousands of years ago. I don't remember it clearly. After that time, Yemengade was born."

"The third dream was not long ago. This book is the product of this dream. I have a hunch. If nothing else, this should be the last time I dreamed."

Flicking across the pages of the book, Supnos let out a sigh, seeming to be feeling something.

Hearing these words, Morrel's heart trembled.

As a dream weaver, Supnos only had three dreams of his own in his life. This is a bit surprising, but what really makes people sigh is that each of his dreams is simple.

His first dream gave birth to the first dreamland of this emptiness. Perhaps it is precisely because of the existence of this dreamland that Hyponos discovered and opened up the path of dreamland.

His second dream created Yemengade, creating a seventh-order great life in nothingness, a truly incredible miracle.

Thinking of this, Morrel unconsciously cast his gaze on the book on the desk that was as thick as a dictionary. As the product of Hypnos’s third dream, or even the last dream, what kind of existence he is. NS?

"Can I take a look at this book?"

Curiosity spread in his heart, Morrel did not deliberately suppress it.

Hearing this, he suppressed his sigh, and a gentle smile appeared on Shupnos's face.


Reaching out, Shupnos made a please gesture.

Upon hearing this, Morrel reached out and picked up the book.

Very light ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ like a feather, this is Morrel’s first feeling, but when he really picked up this book, he felt a kind of inexplicable heavy, dark cover and That touch of blood made him feel a touch of absurdity and uncertainty.

The weird feelings were intertwined, and Morrel reached out and opened the cover of the book.

Do you want to know the true meaning of life? A simple question, with blood flowing in the font. This is the preface of the book. Seeing such a sentence, Morrel's eyes froze.

"Although this book is said to be a product of a dream, to a certain extent it can be regarded as a book written by me. Most of the material in it comes from my experience of wandering the dreamland of many worlds, among which I deliberately pursued it. There are also things I came into contact with unconsciously."

"Of course, compared to the traditional sense, this one can be said to be incomplete, or it can be said to be open-ended. It is absurd but all-encompassing. I named it Nightmare Space."

His eyes fell on Morrel, and Shupnos whispered.


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