After returning from the black market, he took a rest for three more days and received some nobles. After leaving instructions to collect cheap wonders to the manor housekeeper Hagg, Sean said goodbye to Sir Link and set off from the port of Memphis by boat. Go north along the coastline.

Monfitos is located on the west coast of the New World. The green fields of the Montel family’s pioneering territory are not far from Monfitos. It takes about two days to reach the estuary of the Tam River along the coastline, and then sail up against the current for half a day. We arrived at the town of Greenfield, the pioneering territory of Memphis.

   Compared with Memphis, Greenfield Town is much simpler, but this is normal. After all, Greenfield Town was established by the Montel family alone.

   The boat docked on the pier, and as soon as he got off the boat, Sean saw where a group of people were waiting.

   Although he is not familiar with these people, Sean is introduced by someone familiar with him. After some greetings, Sean has a general understanding of the power structure of Greenfield Town.

The clerk Sir Iluka, is in charge of the administration of Greenfield Town, and the military officer Ferroles is in charge of the military of Greenfield Town. There is a 200-man infantry brigade under his command, equipped with a new Lester single-shot rifle, which is quite powerful. , Sheriff Aelos, in charge of the security of Greenfield Town, Guard Officer Monnes, who is not in charge of the specific things in Greenfield Town, but only responsible for the safety of the lord’s mansion. Although there is only a cavalry squad of ten people under his command, all of them are They are extraordinary, and these four people constitute the power center of Luye Town.

   At night, after a rather grand dinner, all the people in Greenfield Town know that the real owner of Greenfield Town, Sean Montell, the eldest son of the Montell family, has arrived in Greenfield Town.

   In the study room, Sean stood by the window, savouring the red wine in the glass, and quietly listening to the secretary Iruka reporting the big and small things in Greenfield Town.

In addition to Luye Town, the territory under the jurisdiction of Luye Town has five villages and eighteen large and small plantations. Its registered population with the Government Affairs Department totals more than 10,000 people, including free men and serfs. As for the native slaves, they are not among them. In the eyes of most Surtilts, these natives are not of the same kind at all.

  After five years of development, Greenfield Town has now passed the initial stage of requiring blood transfusion from the Montere family. Although there is not much output, it has been able to achieve basic self-sufficiency, which is considered to have laid a foundation in the New World.

   After listening to Sir Iluka's report on and off for more than an hour, Sean had a general understanding of the situation in Greenfield Town.

   "Sir Iruka has worked so hard for you all these years. I only thank you for your contribution on behalf of the family."

  Speaking, Sean also bowed and half bowed to Iluka to show his gratitude.

Iluka's full name is Iluka Montel, a collateral of the Montel family. He graduated from the management department of Foster University, the number one university in the Kingdom of Suttilt. Although he is not an extraordinary person, he is in administrative terms. But his talents are outstanding. For such a person, Sean is naturally much closer to each other.

   "Sir Sean is serious. As a member of the Montell family, I'm afraid that I haven't done enough to make the glory of the Golden Oak tree dust."

   It’s been a courtesy, and the atmosphere between Sean and Iluka has become more harmonious.

"Sir Iluka, the two of us have the same surname, and we are bathed in the glory of the golden oak tree. I will just say some things. This time I came to the New World and the family has another task assigned to me. I’m afraid I don’t have much energy in administrative management, so I still need to work hard for you."

Hearing Sean’s words, Iluka was a little bit mad. Before he came, he was ready to hand over part of his power. After all, as a new lord, Sean took back part of his administrative and military powers after he arrived. His direct power is a normal thing, but now the facts are completely different from what he thought.

   "Lord Sean, I will do my best to make the glory of the Golden Oak tree brighter on the New World."

   After reaction, Iluka immediately expressed his attitude to Sean. For him, dealing with complicated administrative affairs is not only a burden but a kind of enjoyment. He likes the feeling of dominance.

   Seeing Iluka's statement, Sean's mouth showed a smile.

On the second day, Sean received three other persons in charge of Greenfield Town besides Iluka at the Lord’s Mansion. The whole process was very smooth and there were no twists and turns. After this interview, Sean had a good opinion of these three. For a deeper understanding, the military officer Ferro listed as a knight family, but has fallen, and only one knight is left. He is not a traditional knight himself, but a professional, a swordsman of the first rank. He is a founder and seems to have a good talent in leading the army.

   Sheriff Elros gave Sean the opposite feeling to Fang Zheng's Ferrol. He was slippery. Of course, slippery was not a shortcoming. At least in the process of talking with him, Sean felt very comfortable.

As for the last guard officer among the three men, Moons is the person that Sean values ​​most. His experience can be regarded as more inspirational. He was born as a servant, and was the father of Sean because of his steadiness and goodness. Heston Montell took a fancy and gave an extraordinary opportunity, but unexpectedly he did not accept the professional potion. Instead, he asked Heston for a piece of the incomplete knight’s secret "Heart of Steel". ", and with his own efforts and some resources given by the Montell family, he became a second-order Since then, he has changed his own destiny and became a real knight, albeit only in reputation. .

   "Knight Monnes, before leaving, my father mentioned you to me, saying that you are a steady person and a person who can do things. Now it seems to be pretty good."

   With a smile on his face, Sean was happy looking at Monnes, who was sitting upright in front of him. As for whether Earl Heston Montell said these things, it doesn't matter, after all, it is impossible for Monnes to verify.

   "Your Excellency Earl is too acclaimed. It is an honor for me to serve the Montere family."

  'S tone was deep, and after listening to Sean's words, Monnes, the bearded man, immediately showed a touch of emotion.

"Knights of Monnes, my father and I believe in your abilities. I now want to know the situation of the Guards Knights squad. After all, this is the only large-scale extraordinary power in the territory. "

   "This is my honor, Lord Lord."

  Although he has become an honorary knight from a slave, Monnes still pays special attention to the distinction between inferiority and inferiority.

"Lord, there are ten members of the cavalry squad, all of them are first-tier professional soldiers, equipped with a horse, a single-shot rifle, a cavalry knife, two sets of leather armor, and one set of chain armor. In addition to daily training, there will be an outing exercise every five days. I am in good condition and can perform tasks at any time."

After listening to Monnes’s report, Sean was quite satisfied. As an extraordinary team, Sean naturally couldn’t let them stay by his side and let them go out to find traces of extraordinary creatures for himself. Collecting extraordinary resources is Sean's idea.


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