The next day, early in the morning, as soon as the sun crossed the sea level, Sean led Monnes and a group of his men on the three-masted sailing ship Bailu down the Tam River and into the endless sea.

The place where the bloodhoof beasts are located is a small island, not far from Memphis, it is only about a day's voyage, and this is also in Sean's expectation. After all, the bloodhoof beast's corpse appeared on the black market. It is very fresh and there are no signs of freezing, so the place where the group captured the bloodhoof must be very close to Memphis. Of course, there are other ways to keep the bloodhoof beast alive in this world, such as space-like wonders. , But these things are basically impossible to be owned by a small hunting group.

  With shadow-recorded charts and experienced navigators, they travelled unimpeded all the way. Two days later in the afternoon, Xiao En and others arrived at the island where the bloodhoof beasts were located.

   The island is unnamed, so Sean named it Bloodhoof Island because of the bloodhoof beasts.

   Bloodhoof Island is high in the east and low in the west, with steep cliffs on the east and rugged rocks, and dense jungle on the west like most desert islands. No one thought that there would be a group of extraordinary creatures on such an ordinary island.

   When Sean and the others landed on the island, a group of people on the valley plain in the center of the island were nervously laying out something.

   "Brother, do you think we can catch all the brown bison in one swoop this time?"

   Two big guys with similar looks were side by side, watching the others busy, one of them, who looked younger, said casually.

   "Don't worry, this time I specially invited an extraordinary hunter professional. With his help, I will never let those damned guys escape."

   "Extraordinary, it's really enviable."

   said, the young man's face was full of envy.

   looked at his younger brother with a look of envy, the strong man with a long scar on his face patted him on the shoulder, and said:

   "You don't have to be envious. After I sell these brown bisons this time, I will buy you a potion."

As he said, feeling the power surging in the body, a smile appeared on Scarface’s stiff face. The Extraordinary was indeed different. He was grateful for his decision to spend 80 gold gallons to buy the Soldier’s potion last time, although this The price is higher than the market price, but the potion is not black bread that can be selected by people. Without the corresponding channels, it is impossible to buy it with money. From an ordinary person with no background to an extraordinary person, 80 Jin Jialong is not expensive.

   On the other side, Xiao En and his party are walking silently in the dense forest.

   There is a small team of extraordinary people. The poisonous insects and beasts in the dense forest can't cause harm to them, but because there is no qualified road, they can only open and move forward, so the team is not moving fast.

   "Monnes, it looks like we are going to stay overnight on this island tonight."

   Estimated a traveling speed and time, Sean said.

   "It should be like this, Lord Lord."

As he spoke, Monnes' expression remained unchanged, his eyes swept, and he was alert for possible dangers. Although the Extraordinary squad cleared up in advance, this kind of danger was basically impossible to appear, but Monnes still did meticulously, without a trace. relax.

   Noting Monnes's actions, Sean had to feel that the guard officer was really a reliable person, but perhaps it was precisely because of this that he could become his guard officer.

  The forest gradually sparsed. Before the sun completely set, Xiao En and his party finally walked out of the dense forest.

   The valley plain is not a plain river, but undulating like a wave, with a distinctive beauty under the red sunset, which makes people feel peaceful.

   sent out guards, cleared surrounding dangers, built surrounding camps, everything was arranged in order, and Shaun didn’t need to worry about it.

   Walking around the camp, looking at the lush green grass around him, Sean knelt down and pulled one out of the grass.

   "It really is green grass."

Looking at the green grass in his hand, Sean fell into contemplation for a while. Green-eye grass is a kind of extremely high-quality forage. Only some great nobles would spend their great efforts to nurture them as fodder for riding beasts. Xiao En never expected that there would be such a large area of ​​green grass here.

   "Perhaps this is the most precious treasure of Bloodhoof Island."

   If the grasses growing in the valley plains are all green grasses, their value will not be lower than that of the bloodhoof herd, and the benefits will be higher if they are used to build high-quality pastures.

   got up and looked into the distance, Xiao En's original relaxed expression became serious, his brows frowned slightly.

The appearance of the green-eyed grass broke Shaun’s plan. Originally, he planned to catch the bloodhoof beasts and leave, but now he needs to make changes. After all, the benefits are moving, even if he is the son of the earl. unable to be changed.

   Bloodhoof Island is an uninhabited desert island. It is not difficult for Sean to occupy it. The only trouble is that it is too close to Monfitos. Once he builds a ranch here on a large scale, it is difficult not to attract the attention of interested people.

Relying on the prestige of the Montell family, the overturning on the surface can still be suppressed. At most, some profit exchanges can be carried out, but the danger in the dark is difficult to It is difficult to separate the Montell family in the New World. Enough strength to hold this cream cake.

   "Now it seems that it is more appropriate to build a small stronghold first to achieve nominal occupation, and wait until the time is right to carry out large-scale development."

   made up his mind, Sean stopped staying and went straight back to the camp.

   In the middle of the night, except for the night watchman, everyone else was already asleep, and a sudden explosion from a distance awakened many people, including Sean.

   A large number of torches were lit, and the originally slightly dim camp suddenly became lively.

"what's going on?"

   Looking at the direction of the explosion, Sean frowned.

   "It's not clear at the moment, but the sound should be the sound of a gunpowder canister exploding."

   Standing beside Sean, Monnes looked solemn.

   "Go to the shadow to see what's going on."

   The shadow behind Shaun fluctuates for a while, and then calms down again. Monnes noticed it but didn't ask anything.

   "Monnes, pass the order to let the troops assemble, let's go over and take a look."

   "Yes, Lord Lord."

   With an order from Sean, the entire camp quickly and efficiently operated.

   Under the dark night, Xiao En led a team of men and horses to move forward quickly. Although the line of sight was not very good because of the darkness, because the terrain was relatively flat, there were no trees and rocks, so the speed of advancement was not slow.

   And the shadow came back when Shaun was about halfway there.

   "It turned out that the hunting group made a noise. I didn't expect that they wanted to round up the bloodhoof animals. Their appetite was not small. I just don't know if they have such a good mouth."

   murmured, there was a cold light flashing through Sean's blue pupils.


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