Four days later, the Luye Town Expeditionary Force arrived at the destination Yeguoling. During the process, the Expeditionary Force was attacked twice, but because they had been prepared, they did not lose a few people.

   "Lord Lord, we were attacked just now."

   "Oh, isn't it? It seems that they are also in a hurry."

   Looking at the sky outside that hadn't completely darkened, Xiao En's mouth was drawn with a cold smile.

   "Yes, Lord Lord, what shall we do next?"

With these words, Ferrolie’s cold face revealed a murderous aura. Obviously, he was attacked by the opponent from time to time, but the situation that the opponent had nothing to do with him had already made the military chief of Greenfield Town accumulate a lot of trouble. anger.

   "Don't worry, Ferrolie, it's them that should be anxious now, let the extraordinary squad go out first, and let most of the soldiers have a good rest."

   Seeing through Ferrolie's inner thoughts, Sean gave his orders.

   "Yes, Lord Lord."

  Although he was raging in his heart and wanted to peel and tear the natives, as the military chief, Ferrol knew that Sean’s decision was correct.

Although the weird bats from time to time have not brought huge losses to the town of Greenfield, they have exhausted the soldiers. Returning gives the soldiers a chance to breathe. With their guardian, they don't have to worry too much about those weird bats in a short time.

  Wild green, black bat tribe, sacrificial hall.

   "Sacrifice your lord, those white ghosts have already been killed, what should we do?"

As the patriarch of the Black Bat tribe, Black Bones used to fight Fuwei for his own use. He was supposed to have a sense of stability, but at this moment, he was really uncomfortable. The understanding of ghosts far exceeds that of other tribesmen.

   "Yes, sacrificial sir, what should we do now?"

As the words of the black bone fight fell, the three elders of the black bat tribe also spoke in agreement. Obviously they were also anxious. At this moment, the black bat tribe sacrificial who was being questioned by the people at this moment was safely seated in their seats. On the top, there is no half-minute anxious color.

   "The patriarch doesn't need to worry, I have sent the bat slaves out earlier. With him, those white ghosts will not be better off, not to mention our **** has awakened."

At the end, there was an unspeakable smile on the withered face of the black bat sacrifice, and when he heard the words of the black bat sacrifice, the patriarch of the black bat Hei Bone Dao and the three elders were first surprised, and then smiled one after another. Sweep the haze in my heart.

   In a short while, the black bat sacrificial return to the secret of the tribe, only the black bones and the three elders were left in the sacrificial hall.

   The smile diminished, and the atmosphere became silent. After a while, Elder Black Bat spoke:

   "Patriarch, are the gods really awake? Or do gods really exist?"

   The tone is low, and the words are quite unbelievable.

The black bat tribe has always had the custom of enshrining totem gods, and the source has not been traced back, but since the end of the demonic tide, the black bat tribe’s gods have not shown a trace of miracles, as if it were a muddy wood sculpture. Although the black bat tribe still has the habit of worshipping totem gods today, there are not many devotees, at least at the top.

Hei Gu Da and the other two elders did not have much reaction when they heard the words of the elder blaspheming their own totem gods. After all, they did not believe in their own totem gods. In their opinion, the totem gods were just helping them rule the tribe. Of a tool.

   "The Totem God may really have recovered!"

  'S tone was erratic, as if chattering, and the complexion on his dark face.


   The three elders all turned their eyes to the black bones for a while.

   As if not hearing the words of the three elders, Hei Gu Da continued to speak:

"I have seen records about totem gods and extraordinary powers in the ethnography. I originally thought it was just bragging, but now that characters like bat slaves have appeared, the existence of totem gods is not unacceptable. "

   After finishing speaking, Hei Gu Da fell into silence again, leaving only the three elders staring at each other.

   About a quarter of an hour later, Hei Gu Da suddenly stood up from his seat.

   "Next we will change."

   The confusion in his eyes faded, and the black bones were filled with unprecedented firmness.

   "My patriarch, what do you mean?"

   The three black bat elders couldn't figure it out for a while when the black bones had no head or tail.

   "Improve the status of the sacrificial line, return part of the power, in exchange for the sacrificial support for us, we must obtain extraordinary power as soon as possible."


   There are some disagreements with the three elders of the Black Bat tribe about Heiguida's decision. After all, it hurts their interests, but this time Heiguida's will is so firm that they can't tolerate them to refute.

Since the Totem God fell silent, the status of the sacrificial line in the black bat tribe has been declining. In recent decades, it has fallen to the completely reduced to a mascot, and this situation has continued until Only half a year ago, the bat slaves appeared, and the bat slaves appeared. The bat slaves used bats to **** human blood when they moved. At the first shot, they used ten bats to **** up a small tribe of nearly a hundred people into corpses. It was really terrifying.

   Because of the existence of this power, the status of the sacrificial line in the black bat tribe has quietly changed, and now there is news that the totem **** is resurrected, and Hei Bone is completely determined to obtain extraordinary power.

As an ambitious person, Hei Gu Da understands that momentary honor and disgrace are nothing. When you should bow your head, you should bow your head. As long as you can gain extraordinary power, you will have a chance to get back what you lost today. On the contrary, he is likely to lose everything. Falling dust completely.

   Black bat tribe’s secret black bat cave, the black bat sacrifice walking in the dark and quiet cave, although there is no lighting, but the pace is steady, without the slightest stagnation.

   seemed to feel the entrance of an outsider, and the top of the black bat cave suddenly flashed with a green light at the starting point, like a group of weird fireflies, but this kind of sight only lasted for a moment, and soon disappeared.

   Crossing the long and dark passage, the black bat sacrificial walked into an open area.

The view was suddenly wide. In this hall, except for the six stone pillars hugged by two people, there were no objects obstructing the line of sight. In the center of the hall, there was a blood pool with a diameter of about three meters. In the center of the blood pool, there is a black stone statue about six meters high with a bat head and wings on the back. It is the totem **** Black Bat of the Black Bat Tribe.

   Before walking to the blood pool, the black bat sacrificial praises as usual, and then took a bronze wine cup from the altar and drank the blood in the cup to start a new round of practice.


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