The Lord’s Mansion of Luye Town has been back from Ye Guoling for three days. During these three days, Sean has been busy dealing with various things in Luye Town. Although he has a decentralized attitude, some things still require him to make a decision. .

   "Any other things?"

   After signing the last document in his hand, Sean turned his attention to the clerk Iluka and sheriff Elos standing in front of him.

   "No more, Lord Lord."

  Looking at Sean's slightly tired face, Iruka and Elos walked out very wittily after they had finished talking.

   After the two left, rubbing his eyebrows, Xiao En lifted his spirits and sank his consciousness into the door of another world.

   The familiar void is still there, and it is vast. Seeing the various bubbles, Xiao En's eyes "light up" slightly.

   The last time he exchanged the navy six-style training notes, there should be eight bubbles left here, but now there are eleven, that is to say, I don’t know when the otherworldly gate has gathered three more bubbles.

   With a torch-like gaze, he quickly skipped the familiar bubbles, and Sean quickly found the three newly gathered bubbles.

   A weird fruit, a huge egg, a creature that looks like a snail.

   Surprise emerged from deep in his heart, and Sean quickly stretched his spirituality to the bubble where the weird fruit was, hoping that everything was as he had guessed.

   [Item]: Soul Soul Fruit

   [Evaluation]: It touches the realm of the soul, has the power to play with the soul, and is a demon fruit cursed by the sea.

  [Price]: 50 source power points

   "Yes, it's really it."

  Getting spiritual feedback, the joy in Sean's heart can no longer be suppressed. As the owner of a devil fruit tree, Sean also thought about what kind of fruit he would eat in the future. His first idea was the sparkling fruit or the thunder fruit. After all, these two top natural devil fruits are indeed It has an incomparable advantage to other fruits. Not to mention the most basic elementalization, its ultra-high movement speed, flying ability, and powerful attack power are hard to refuse. However, in the long run, demons such as soul fruit may be It is more suitable for Sean, after all, the Devil Fruit has an upper limit, and his core is still on the extraordinary path of the wizard.

After calming down for a while, Sean stared at the Soul Soul Fruit with scorching eyes. If it is said that it was before, even if the Soul Soul Fruit was worth as much as fifty source power points, Xiao En could only sigh with excitement, but now it is. It's different.

In the first battle of Wild Green, the town of Luye suffered a lot of losses. Sean even used the sacred guardian engraved on his soul by the family, but the corresponding gains from this battle were also huge. Not to mention a large number of prisoners and wealth. The death of the bat **** brought a lot of power to Sean.

   Although the black bat **** has just recovered and his strength is not strong, his personality, his essence, is high enough, similar to the fifth-order transcendents, his death allowed Sean to gain a full 55 source power points.

   did not rush to exchange it, so Shaun turned his attention to the other two bubbles. He had already guessed about the weird creature Shaun that looked like a snail, and it was true.

   [Item]: Phone Worm (sleeping)

   [evaluation]: A creature that can make calls of the same kind, a bug with strong fertility, give it enough time, it may give you a surprise.

  [Price]: 3 power points

   confirmed his guess, Xiao En understood that this phone bug was something he had to exchange. The science and technology civilization of the Liberal Arts World is still in its infancy. There are no traces of communication methods such as telegraph and telephone. Under normal circumstances, the two parties can only communicate through letters, which is not only slow but also easy to lose. Although there are some extraordinary methods, for the time being These methods either have various flaws or are costly, making the nobles feel painful.

Sean also thought about getting telegrams and telephones to reap a lot of benefits, but unfortunately he was ashamed of the travellers, not at all. He can only give a rough idea, and give it to a research institution funded by the Montell family to try, anyway. So far there is still any news of success, but this is normal. Science needs to be accumulated and cannot be done overnight. At present, the mainstream energy science in the liberal arts world is steam science, and electricity is still a wilderness.

   Determined to exchange the phone bug, Sean cast his eyes on the last bubble.

   [Item]: Flame Dragon Egg

   [evaluation]: A mutant from the world of Ark, a beast with the name of a dragon.

  [Price]: 7.5 source power points

For Ark, Sean knows better. After all, he really likes this game. There are all kinds of dinosaurs in it. The flame dragon is one of the more powerful ones. It lives in a lava valley and has the ability to breathe the breath of the flame dragon. .

   Naturally, Sean wanted this flame flying dragon egg, but he was not eager. The importance was incomparable with the soul fruit and the phone bug. Of course, the most important thing was that his source power point was not enough.

Shaun originally had 0.5 source power points left. After slaying the bat slaves, he gained 1.5 source power points. In addition to the 55 source power points provided by the black bat god, there are only 57 source power points, and the soul fruit plus the phone The mother worm and the Flame Flying Dragon Egg require a total of 60.5 source power points, not to mention the white beard corpse that he wanted to redeem long ago ~ that would also require 34 source power points.

It is useless to think more, there will always be a source of power. In a single thought, Sean gathered the three bubbles that covered the body of the white beard and the fruit of the soul and soul, the phone bug, and the flame dragon egg, and then silently The annihilation began quietly, the bubbles shattered, and the contents inside were wiped out by an eraser like a pencil drawing, leaving no traces. In a flash, there were only four of Sean's eleven bubbles in the endless void.

Ignoring the disappearing bubbles, Xiao En first exchanged the soul and soul fruit, spending 50 source power points, and there are 7 source power points left. With the soul and soul fruit, Sean temporarily gave up the idea of ​​redeeming the white beard corpse. He was originally I want to make it into a puppet and gain a good combat power in a short period of time, but now his thinking has changed. In terms of his ability, the puppet is just an inefficient use method, and the final combat power is basically only Tier 3. , Even if it is kissed by the goddess of luck, it is only a fourth-order level, but with the soul of the soul, there are infinite possibilities, and it is completely possible to maximize the potential of the white beard's corpse.

   In the study room, his hands resemble apples, silver-gray, soul-soul fruits with tang grass patterns, Xiao En's expression is happy, no longer tired.

   Three days later, re-play the transformed soul soul fruit in his hand.

   Woo, take a bite, Sean can't help frowning, the taste is indeed a bit unpalatable, but it is not unbearable, as to whether it is like the legendary smell of shit, Sean doesn't know, after all, he has not eaten it.

Three or two bites ate the fruit of the soul and soul, and a strange power began to breed in the depths of Sean’s soul. Although it is rumored that only one bite would be able to obtain the ability of the devil fruit, but to be sure, Sean would still take it. Eat all of them.

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