"Little Ram, we should leave here."

Sensing the body not far away from him, Sean, who was observing Little Ram, suddenly spoke.

"Okay, sir."

Little Ram, who was practising his flexibility, immediately jumped from the second floor, without reluctance or doubt.

Come on, the footsteps landed, and the ground paved by red bricks suddenly cracked a series of fine gaps. This was the consequence of Little Ram's insufficient control of his own power.

Today, seven days later, although little Ram has not officially embarked on the path of transcendence, strictly speaking, his pure physical strength is comparable to that of a Tier 1 transcendent. The horror of talent is evident, and this is after Sean deliberately controlled it. result.

If Sean let go of the transcendents who captured the orcs and let the little Ram swallow it, it would not be impossible for the little Ram to be comparable to the second-order transcendent, but this is not a good thing.

It is true that Little Ram's talent is unexpectedly terrifying, allowing him to swallow a different kind of soul with almost no side effects, but the power does not need to be possessed, and it truly belongs to himself after mastering it.

Moreover, the rapid growth of strength will also burden little Ram's original body, devouring the soul, radiating the flesh, and strengthening the strength itself, which should be a gradual process.

With Little Ram, the gauze of the space unfolded, and Xiao En proceeded unhurriedly along the long-planned route.

In fact, even though his physical body has not yet approached Gattuso, Sean is also preparing to leave here these days, because during this time he has hunted and killed many orcs in order to study little Ram’s talent and help him cultivate. Among them, there are also a few extraordinary orcs.

Sean believes that this has attracted the attention of the orcs. Although he deliberately chose the target during the hunt, as far away as possible from the hidden snow area, Sean will not underestimate the orcs' methods. Rarely will leave some traces. In such a situation, it is better to be more cautious. After all, although he himself is not afraid, little Ram will not work.

As Sivers's most important city in the New World, Gattuso naturally has perfect sewers, and this is the main body of the route planned by Sean this time.

The Lionheart Palace, the palace of the orc king, although these orcs once belonged to the Bimon Empire, their blood has long been cut off, and the orc king is now the golden lion clan.

The world fragments returned, the Lion Heart Palace was seriously damaged, and there were ruined walls everywhere, but the Lion Heart King still lived here, so it was still the center of the orcs' rights and politics.

The lights were brightly lit, and the cheerful laughter spread far and wide from the palace, especially conspicuous in the silence of Gattuso.

"King, the human remnants in the city have been completely cleaned up. I don't know what we should do next."

After the laughter and laughter, the top of the orcs gathered together to discuss the next step.

Although the level of civilization of the orcs is lower than that of the humans in the Liberal World, they are not fools. After the capture of Gattuso, they collected intelligence as soon as possible. Among them, the environment around Gattuso is very important. The most important.

Hearing this, above the throne, the Lionheart King Gato Rhein, who held his head with one hand and closed his eyes, opened his eyes.

His eyes were pure gold, like the most dazzling gold. Catu Rhein, with the pure golden lion blood flowing in his body, was different from ordinary orcs. He had a pair of eyes that people didn't dare to look directly at.

"High priest, how long will the space barrier disappear?"

Without answering the previous question, Cato Rhein turned his attention to the high priest of the orc kingdom.

"Wang, the space barrier can last for about a month."

Hearing that, a skinny orc with a crow feather robe and a camouflage mask on his face stood up. He was the totem high priest of the orc kingdom, Pilt Flame, and one of the most noble figures in the orc kingdom.

Totem priests are a very important and extraordinary path in the orc kingdom. They believe that nature is alive. They sincerely worship the four elemental spirits, establish the connection between the totem pole acquisition and the elements, and then smelt the soul to build the elemental totem to obtain extraordinary power. Now the New World The road of priests of the beast soul, which is widely spread among the natives, evolved from the road of totem priests left by the beasts.

But compared with the path of the totem priest, the beast soul priest is undoubtedly worse. Although the entry is much simpler, neither the upper limit nor the power can compare to the totem priest. The most important thing is that the totem pole of the totem priest can continue. Inheritance, although there are big restrictions in this, this is the real horror of the totem priest.

"Is that so? There is still some time."

Nodded, he respected Gato Rhein, the totem high priest.

"By the way, Advisor Garter, do you know that in addition to the dead ones, there are those strong humans in Gattuso?"

As soon as his speech turned, Cato Rhein cast his eyes on the only human in the palace.

Galt Russ, the former baron of the Kingdom of Siphos, the chief financial officer of Gattuso, and the current advisor to the Orc King Court.

"King, the strong humans in Gattuso I know have already died under the brave orc warriors, and I really don't know the rest."

Crawling on the ground, Gart's chubby body resembled a ball.

"Okay, I just ask casually, you don't need to be so nervous."

A smile was outlined at the corner of his mouth, and Cato Rhein's tone was gentle.

Hearing this, Gart let out a sigh of relief and quickly wiped the sweat on his forehead with his sleeve.

Although he is not satisfied with the Church of the God of Fighting and Fearlessness, Cato Rhein will not show this. After all, there are still a considerable number of people in the orc kingdom today who believe in this god, and for that ability The unknown transcendent Gato Rhein who comes and goes freely in the temple is still very concerned. After all, the defense of his palace is not higher than that of the temple. The opponent can come and go freely in the temple, so his palace is probably the same.

"Everyone, you must hurry up to rest your troops and arrange city defenses, because there is likely to be a bigger war waiting for us in the near future."

Back to the topic, Cato Rhein issued a resolution.

And hearing this, the orcs in the palace not only didn't feel nervous, but cheered. They were celebrating the victory and welcoming the upcoming war. The orcs were never afraid of war.

Above the throne, watching the performance of his subordinates, Cato Rhein raised the glass with a cheerful smile and drank the wine in the glass. Human beings are indeed a good creature, not only tastes good, but also brews wine. , You can consider more captive breeding in the future.

Cato Rhein is not worried about the upcoming war. He has enough confidence in himself and the orc kingdom. The most important thing is that the land under his feet is called the New World by humans based on the intelligence he has collected. The human power on this continent is limited, and it belongs to different countries~www.wuxiaspot.com~Gattuso is one of the pioneer cities of Siphos. After this city was occupied by them, Siphos was already in the New World. Not to be afraid.

After the space barrier disappears, the possibility of war is actually not great, because the surrounding Siphos will choose to flee if they are not stupid. Of course, if other human kingdoms intervene in, the situation will be different, but the orcs The strength of the kingdom to deal with the attacks of one or two human kingdoms is not troublesome.

As for the unity of more human kingdoms, Cato Rhein also thought about it, but the probability of such a situation is too low, whether it is the records left by the kingdom long ago or the newly collected intelligence. As well as Galt's recounting, he knew that human beings are selfish and extremely fond of infighting creatures. It is too difficult for such creatures to unite on a large scale.

"This is really a rich land. One day I will surpass my ancestors and build a huge empire on this land."

After a few pots of wine, Cato Rhein’s ambitions began to swell.


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