Dresrosa, the influence that was caused by Sean's small experiment error has been wiped out, and everything has returned to normal here.

Touching the ancient stone tablet in front of him, Xiao En nodded with satisfaction. This is indeed a red road sign. Up to now, there are three red road signs in his hand, and only the one in the New World Crazy King's hand has not yet been obtained.

"You mean that a giant sea king appeared in the end and swallowed the entire Straw Hat Pirate Group?"

Retracting his palm, Shaun set his eyes on Youde who was not far away.

"Yes, my lord, that giant turtle-like sea king happened to wake up. Not only the Straw Hat Pirates but even a few of my pets were eaten by it."

With his head down, Youde reported the previous situation to Sean.

Hearing this, Sean was noncommittal. Some people's lives were stronger than Xiaoqiang.

"Did you figure out the identity of that giant sea king? Is it related to the fisherman island."

As soon as his speech changed, Sean changed the subject. Although there are many Neptune species in One Piece World, most of them are small and medium species. In fact, there are not many large species of Neptune species, let alone giant species. There are only a handful of giant Neptune species known to humans, but each has the strength above the general candidate, and is even as powerful as a general.

In the face of such a monster, generally no one in the sea is willing to provoke him, even a general.

"Up to now, the intelligence department has not found information about this giant sea king turtle. It seems that it has never appeared before."

"Really, then forget it, anyway, the red road sign is always available. Then you can ask the intelligence department to pay more attention to the fisherman island."

The current fisherman island holds the sea king among the three ancient weapons, and has the power to control the sea kings, including the giant species. It is one of the overlords of the entire world, and few people are willing to provoke it.

"Yes, my lord."

Hearing this, Youd immediately retreated, and after Youd left, Sean took out a phone worm.


The new world, the world, the territory of the mad emperor, one of the four emperors.

The mad emperor, formerly known as Dolbis, was born as a slave warrior. He was not only a top natural storm fruit ability, but also a supreme swordsman, and his strength was also one of the best among the current four emperors.

"My lord, do we really want to take action against Dalbis this time? That guy is not easy to deal with."

Standing on the gold-winged Garuda's back, Norris couldn't help but touch the scar on his left cheek, which was the mark that Dolbis had left on his face.

"Whether you really want to make a move depends on how that guy chooses."

Standing in the front, overlooking the sea, Sean answered casually.

Hearing this, he looked at Sean’s back, and then at the Black Crow and Youde beside him. Norris’s mouth was drawn with a smile. He knew Sean’s purpose and Dalbis’s. Crazy, he knew that this battle might be hard to avoid.

Norris was not afraid of this, but rather looked forward to it. With his lineup, Dolbys would lose no matter how strong he was, and he felt the power surging in his body, and he didn’t think he would be better than him. How bad is Dalbis.

Phew, the sound of the wind whistled, Golden Winged Garuda speeded up once again, and quickly swept across the sea, leaving a faint trace in the air.

Now that three red road signs have been found. So Sean naturally didn't want to wait any longer. This time he summoned his combat power in order to get the fourth red road sign from Dolbis's hands.

The reason why Norris was called was first because his Devil Fruit ability could play a role in dealing with Dolbys, and second, because Norris had just completed a breakthrough, and Sean wanted to see his strength.

Not long ago, Sean gave Norris the last person's great pill, and after getting this pill, Norris, who had already accumulated a lot of money, finally broke the shackles and became one of the generals.

In fact, in the original plan, Sean did not intend to give the Renyuan Dadan to Norris. After all, this guy has been in the Blackthorn Flower Chamber of Commerce for too short a time. Neither credit nor loyalty is enough. Sean is not willing to train himself. A general-level white-eyed wolf was born. Later, a plan proposed by Uranus made Sean change his attention. Of course, the most important thing is the current strength of the Blackthorn Flower Chamber of Commerce, even if Norris really has two hearts. Sean can also get rid of him.

Ten days later, over the world, looking at the huge territory below, Xiao En and his party looked different, some were indifferent, some were amazed, and some were eager to try.

"It seems that the host's family has found us."

Seeing the domineering divergence, Sean raised his brows as he looked down, slightly surprised.

And just after his words fell, a huge cyan crescent-shaped sword wave rose from below, as if to cut the sky in half with them.

Seeing this scene, Norris looked on, took a step forward, and activated the fruit ability.

Barrier·Desert Guardian, under the influence of Norris fruit ability, countless yellow sands were born out of thin air, gathered into a wall, blocking the path of Crescent Sword Qi.

Boom, the collision occurred, the yellow sand flew away, and the sword energy disappeared. Norris, who had just become a general, successfully blocked this slash.

"It seems that the breakthrough in strength gives you the courage to face me again, Norris who escaped."

The fluttering words sounded. I don't know when, a tall man with his upper body naked, with bronze skin and scars, a pair of leather pants on his lower body, and a large sword on his back, appeared in front of Sean and his group.


Hearing this and seeing the figure in front of him that had been carved into his own bones, the little joy in Norris's heart just because of blocking the slash immediately disappeared, his face gloomy as water.

"Your Excellency is Dalbis? It's really amazing, I found us so far away."

Looking at the tall figure in front of him, Xiao En's eyes narrowed.

The current Golden Winged Garuda is at an altitude of several thousand meters, and the other party can discover that they are indeed beyond his expectation so quickly. Does the fruit of the storm have a special increase in seeing and hearing?

"I am Dalbis~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to let the owner of Blackthorn praise me like this, shouldn't I feel honored?"

Averted his gaze from Norris and landed on Sean, a strange brilliance flashed in Dalbis’s eyes the size of a copper bell, even if he was the Four Emperors of the New World, but for the man in front of him He still didn't dare to underestimate it.

"I want the red road sign."

Without going around in circles, Sean explained his purpose.

Hearing this, an unexpected color flashed across Dolbis's face. He really didn't know that the man in front of him was also interested in the red road sign, but it was not easy to get something out of his hand.

"Want something? Yes, but I have to ask about the sword in my hand first."

With that, Dalbis drew the big sword behind him.

The chaotic blade has a heavy flower T-shaped, and the hilt is inlaid with gems. It is the sword of the Supreme Sharp Knife·Black Knife·Ye, the world's largest swordsman Eagle Eye 200 years ago.


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