Wow, the pages of the book were turned, and at this moment the breath of light turned into substance, covering the entire room like flowing water.

"This kind of power is really overbearing."

Feeling the faintly suppressed power, Xiao En frowned slightly.

The Dawn Church holds the power of light. This power seems to be gentle, but in fact it is overbearing, and it is extremely repellent to other powers.

"God said: The light will last forever, and the evil will disperse."

The words were low, changed from the previous gentleness, at the moment of speaking, Steyr exuded a majesty that people would not dare to look directly at, just like a high god.

Om, the power of light flowed, and as Steyr's words fell, the power of light exuding a sacred aura continued to wash Rostand's body.

The black smoke is constantly annihilated, first the body and then the soul. With just a few breaths, the curse left by the dagger of the Avengers is pulled out by the power of light, but at this moment Rostand no matter the soul Still the body has suffered irreparable damage, the whole person has lost the breath of life, in other words he is dead.

Watching this scene quietly, Sean didn't make any movements. He believed that since Steyr dared to do so, he must have a certain degree of certainty and would not really kill Rostand.

"God said: Life is precious, and God should love the world."

The pure white feathers floated, and a figure resembling a phoenix appeared in the meantime, and Steyr's majestic voice sounded again.

Om, the space is distorted, and the supreme aura is permeated. At this moment, it seems that a terrifying existence casts its gaze from a higher dimension.

The sacred radiance permeated, the soul and body were reborn in the light, and Rostand's lost life unexpectedly resumed operation again.

"The seventh-order magic technique, the salvation of light, is also called the resurrection technique. The Church of Dawn is really willing."

Looking at Rostand, who was resurrected from the dead, and the pure white feather that burned out, Shaun's heart was a little uneasy. Resurrection from the dead was a miracle that could not be ignored.

Steyr herself is only a fifth-order legendary being. It is naturally impossible for her to perform seventh-order divine art on her own. What she relies on is actually that pure white feather.

Although Sean didn’t know where the pure white feather came from, the supreme divine power contained in it could not be faked. It was the power of the true god. In other words, this feather could actually be regarded as a true god. A genuine fetish.

Compared with other churches of true God, the development time of the Dawn Church is actually not that long. The Lord of Dawn only came to the throne in the Bronze Age. People accept it and its image has always been very positive, so the development momentum of Liming Church has been very fierce over the years, and it has surpassed many old churches of True God.

As a rising star, the Liming Church is naturally inferior to other True God churches in terms of background, but it is more determined and more decisive in doing things. This is also a major factor in their development to the current scale. It is evident that Steinder is willing to use a fetish.

"All right."

The gentle voice sounded again, the light dissipated, and Steyr's pale face was covered with sweat.

"Sleep well, God will protect you."

Realizing that Rostand was about to wake up and leaned down, with a heartbreaking smile on his pale face, Steyr reached out and stroked Rostand's forehead.

Seeing Steyr's face in a daze, and feeling warmth like never before, Rostand fell asleep again.

"Baron Sean, can I trouble you to prepare a room for me? I need a rest."

After doing all this, Steyr once again set his sights on Sean.

"Of course there is no problem, please come with me, Archbishop Steyr."

Taking a look at Rostand, whose vitality had returned to normal, Sean showed a right smile on his face and walked out with Steyr.


The dark forest, the canopy of the trees obscured the sky, in December, the place was full of cold breath, and the strands of chill seemed to be able to penetrate through the clothes and penetrate into the bones of people.

At this moment a large number of troops have gathered at the junction of the Dark Forest and Yorkshire, bringing a rare hustle and bustle to this cold place.

In addition to the Iron-Blooded Knights in this war, the Kingdom of Surtilt mobilized a total of five regiments with complete organization, including two new field regiments directly under the kingdom, and three garrison regiments drawn from Yorkshire. Although the three legions are nominally the establishment of the Royal Army, they have been under the control of the Montell family and can be regarded as private soldiers of the Montell family.

In the Kingdom of Sutilt, the number of a complete army corps is about 5,000, and the number of five complete corps is 25,000, and this is only the main combat personnel, plus other auxiliary personnel, the number is close to 40,000, it can be said that every day The cost of eating horses and chewing is an astronomical figure.

"Prepare, let go."

Rumble, as the flag was lowered, thunder-like explosions sounded on the edge of the dark forest. The dark forest is indeed dangerous in terrain and the natural conditions are bad, but the army of the Sutilt Kingdom is not without a way. , Building bridges in water, powerful gunpowder weapons coupled with transcendents, they are completely capable of doing this.

"Admiral Jovanka, our forward encountered the enemy early this morning. After paying a certain amount of casualties, he defeated the enemy. Now he has pushed forward again for ten miles. As above, the report is complete."

As the adjutant reported the latest intelligence, Jovanka Best turned his attention to Heston and Rubio, who were sitting on both sides of him.

"It seems that those Mobels finally couldn't help it. This is the third large-scale conflict between them and us in this period of time."

Perceiving Yovanka Best's gaze, Rubio spoke first.

At the very beginning, facing Sutilt’s offensive, the Mobe chose to avoid the station passively. The goal was very clear, which was to use the harsh environment of the dark forest to consume the strength of the Kingdom of Sutilt. The continuous advancement of Sutilt's army The Mobes seemed to be unable to bear it anymore and began to send people to frequently harass the army of the Sutilt Kingdom.

"At present, it seems that our side does have a clear advantage, but I am worried that the Mober people may send out the strong to lift the table."

At this time, Heston also expressed his views, and at the same time said what he was most worried about.

Heston is a fifth-tier glorious knight. The only people he can call the strong are those of the sixth-tier. All signs indicate that the Möbers and the Nemesis Church have been completely integrated, and the Nemesis is a sixth-order. According to the summary of all kinds of information, the evil **** of rank, this nemesis has a high probability of recovery.

Hearing this, he understood Heston's worry and waved his hand, and a soft smile appeared on Yovanka Best's thin face.

"We don't need to worry about this kind of thing. What we have to do is to deal with the frontal battlefield."

Hearing this, Heston and Rubio looked at each other, and both understood what Jovanka Best meant.


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