At the top of the Naruto Building, looking at the hundreds of ninjas surrounding him, Sean couldn’t help but squinted his eyes. He wasn’t surprised at the strength of this power, but he had to admit that this extraordinary way of ninja was in training cannon fodder. Superiority.

Without pre-preparation, in the face of a sudden disaster, with just an order, Konoha Village can quickly draw out such a group of ninjas. The background can be seen. You must know that the power of Zhongnin has been as extraordinary as the second-order world. The ninjas are close, not to mention that there are a lot of ninjas comparable to Tier 3 Shangren.

"This number of transcendents may not be easily drawn out in the current Liberal Arts world, and this is only a small part of Konoha Village."

Thoughts rolled in his mind, and the terrifying pupil power surged in Xiao En's eyes.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng."

The pupil power vented, and the repulsive force broke out, sweeping across the square with Sean as the center.

The ground was lifted up like a blanket. Under this terrifying repulsion, both the gorgeous ninjutsu and the hundreds of elite ninjas lost their meaning.

Boom, the blood-colored flowers bloomed. In just an instant, all the hundreds of ninjas turned into a dazzling blood mist, and there were no bones left.

A huge pit was formed, and the ground sank hundreds of meters. Looking at it, apart from the Hokage Building, which is still standing, there are no buildings around.

"The tree world has come."

Spirituality surged. At this moment, Sean used his own witchcraft killer move. This killer move was originally only Tier 4, but Sean used Tier 5 power to perform. The power is naturally different, not to mention this moment. His body has merged with the cells between the pillars and turned into an immortal human body.

The grass and trees broke the soil, and the basin turned into a forest in an instant, covering the Hokage Building, shutting off everyone's eyes. After doing all this, Xiao En quietly walked into the Hokage Building.

At the edge of the forest, looking at the lush forest that suddenly appeared, countless people held their breath. At this moment, they were even more shocked than before, because they were so familiar with this technique. In the minds of many people, the generation of Senjuzuzuma can already be compared with God.

"Hokage-sama, this will not be the wooden escape of the generations of adults, right?"

After a long silence, someone finally asked this sentence.

Hearing this, under the attention of countless people, Sarutobi Hizen was silent. Although he wanted to say no, the forest in front of him was indeed like a wooden escape between a thousand hands.

"Immediately transfer the ninja troops, no matter what the opponent's purpose is, we must not let it go."

Without getting too entangled in the previous issue, Sarutobi Hisaki gave the order again, and the other party did show terrifying power, but this was not the reason they were afraid. Ninjas were never afraid of sacrifice.

"Where the leaves fly, the fire is endless."

With the consciousness of guardianship, Sarutobi Rizen took the lead to step into this forest.

As a product of witchcraft tricks, the trees produced by the tree world are not only invulnerable, they are not afraid of water and fire, but also have terrible regeneration capabilities. General ninjutsu is basically ineffective against them. The most terrifying thing is that these trees have certain levels of regeneration. Autonomy, they will spontaneously attack any living thing near the forest here, this is a cannibal forest.

Inside the Naruto Building, relying on the powerful perception power, Sean quickly found what he wanted.

"Using time and space ninjutsu to construct a miniature alien space."

The lavender light in Samsara's eyes revealed, and Sean stretched out his palm and grabbed a giant scroll out of nothingness.

The Book of Seals, also known as the Book of Taboos, is kept by the Hokage of Konoha Village in the past. It records all the forbidden techniques that Konoha Village has since its establishment, such as the s-level forbidden technique for reincarnating from the dirty soil, such as the eight gates of ninjutsu. , Such as Spiritualization, such as Flying Thunder God.

Although these forbidden techniques are very dangerous, they have extremely high reference value for Sean, especially the spiritualization technique and the reincarnation technique involving the soul and the concept of life and death. In addition, , The Book of Seal also has a record of Senjutsu Zhuma's wooden escape ninjutsu.

"Keep it so secretly, how did the future Naruto get the Book of Seal? Or is it a farce in itself?"

An inexplicable thought arose in my mind, but it was quickly curbed by Sean, no matter what the future might be, this time if Kimha Village didn’t have a copy of the Book of Seal, Naruto might not be able to steal it in the future. Book it.

"It's time to leave when things arrive."

Putting the book of seal into the bag, he took away some interesting ninjutsu scrolls, stepped out in one step, the space fluctuated, and Xiao En quietly left the village of Konoha.

By the time Sarutobi Rizhan and the others broke through the forest and broke in, Xiao En's figure had already disappeared.


Three years later, Sean's figure appeared in the Uzumaki Kingdom.

In the past three years, Sean’s footsteps have traveled to the five major countries, or sneaked into, or forced to collect a large amount of ninjutsu. It can be said that now Sean may be the person who has mastered the most ninjutsu in the hands of Naruto World.

Of course, killing is also indispensable in this process, and this has also left Sean with a terrible name in the five big countries. By now, the five big countries have shown signs of uniting against him, but Sean did not Don’t care, no matter how many lambs there are, they won’t become a wolf. After awakening the eyes of reincarnation, there are only two people in the world of Naruto that make Sean feel jealous. When he died, his consciousness was still sinking, and one was sealed, floating above the high sky.

"Compared to those who have lost the true meaning of inheritance, perhaps the Maelstrom clan is the one who knows Mingtu best."

For the deformed world of Naruto World, Sean did not intend to intervene too With his current power, it is more difficult to deal with Liudao Immortal Datongmu Yuyi or Datongmu Huiye. This kind of thing is still left to It’s better for the Son of Destiny to do it. He only needs to wait for the final harvest. Whether it is the transformed devil fruit or the sacred tree, it will eventually fall into his hands. Besides, Shaun is most interested in Hokage. The world is in the dark.

The Uzumaki Kingdom is an island nation founded by the Uzumaki clan. From the beginning to the end, the Uzumaki clan has been Konoha’s allies. It’s a pity that the Uzumaki clan caused the greed of other Ninja villages due to powerful sealing techniques and was annihilated. In the process, Konoha, who was an ally, seemed to be dragged by others and did not help.

The Maelstrom clan was destroyed, and the sealing technique dispersed. Since then, the major ninja villages have gradually perfected their tail beast sealing techniques and began to master the power of the human column. Of course, the biggest benefit in this process is not the extermination of the vortex country. The major ninja villages are Konoha villages that "cannot" reach out for assistance. Compared with other ninja villages, Konoha's tail beast seal technique is the most perfect.

"What the **** is the ghoul banning the **** of death in this forbidden technique?"

With doubts, Sean walked into the country of the vortex.


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