"How long do you have to hide, do you have to ask me to come out?"

Sitting cross-legged under the Bodhi tree, Subudi’s eyes are rarely cold with a hint of coldness. At this time, although his voice is very soft, it resounds like a drum in the morning and evening in the ears of Yaochen, life and life will fall into a state of suspended animation. Yaochen wakes up.

Phew, a hint of cold aura permeated, and Yaochen's soul body appeared under the phantom of the ancient Bodhi tree.

He woke up, looked around, understood his situation, roughly guessed the cause and effect, a bitterness arose in Yao Chen's heart. He didn't expect that after using the secret method, he still didn't avoid the other party's perception, and things were still going. The direction he least wants to see.

"Junior Yaochen has met Senior."

Although his heart was bitter, Yao Chen's face did not show anything. Facing Subhuti, he solemnly bowed and bowed.

When he was alive, Yao Chen’s cultivation base was Peak Dou Zun, and as an alchemist, his soul power was far stronger than Dou Zun of the same rank, reaching the level of heaven, comparable to Dou Zun, but even at this moment. He can’t see through the slightest details of Subhuti, and there is only one possibility for such a situation, that is, Subhuti’s cultivation level has reached the fighting sage, and it is very likely that it is not an ordinary fighting sage, facing this There is nothing unacceptable for the strong, with a more correct attitude.

Hearing this, Subudi's slender eyebrows raised.

"Yao Chen? Are you from the Medicine Clan?"

In Douqi Continent, the surname of Yao itself is rare, and the most famous one is the Yao family, one of the eight ancient tribes.

Hearing this, Yao Chen's heart was even more bitter.

"Return to the seniors, the juniors were indeed from the medicine clan, but the juniors left the medicine clan a long time ago."

Facing Subhuti’s question, Yaochen chose to tell the truth. He did not use the medicine clan as his own tiger skin to make Subhuti a little jealous, because he didn’t want to, and a medicine clan might not really make the other person jealous. , After all, this gate of eternal life once also appeared Dou Di.

"Whether you are from the Medicine Clan or not, I can't ignore the fact that you are hiding in the body of my disciple of the gate of eternal life."

Staring at Yaochen, Subudi's words brought a trace of coldness.

Hearing this, Yao Chen's heart trembled, and he sensed the killing intent. Although it was only a trace, it made him feel like falling into an ice cave.

"Senior Rongzi, it is completely helpless for the younger generation to hide in Xiao Yan. I was betrayed by my disciple, my body was beheaded, and my soul was hidden in the ring. After being displaced, I fell into Xiao Yan's hands by chance. I pity him. He has a good aptitude, so I taught him the technique of alchemy so as not to bury what he learned..."

Facing Subudi's gaze, Yao Chen told what had happened to him. Except for the Burning Technique, there was not much concealment in other places, focusing on his alchemy ability.

Although his body has been beheaded, Yao Chen didn’t want to die like this. He still had a big vengeance, but he didn’t know that it was his disciple. His biggest enemy Han Feng had already been collected by Smaug, who had collected the different fires. Killed, the fifteenth-ranked Alien Fire Sea Heart Flame he had also fell into Smaug's hands.

"That's how it is."

After telling his own experience again, looking at Subhuti who was in deep thought, Yaochen did not speak any more, waiting quietly, waiting for Subhuti's decision.

"You should be very thankful that you did not lie. Since this is the case, I now give you two choices. One is to leave on your own and you will no longer have anything to do with Xiao Yan in the future. The other is to become the outer elder of our sect and be responsible for alchemy. And Zongmen will reshape your body for you."

Deep eyes glanced at Yaochen, as if seeing him completely, Subhuti gave his own answer.

Hearing this, the big stone in Yao Chen's heart finally landed. No matter what, his life was saved. Fortunately, he just concealed some things, did not tell lies, and did not use the tiger skin of the medicine clan to fake the tiger's power. Otherwise the consequences would be unthinkable.

"The juniors are willing to choose the second path, join the gate of eternal life, and serve for the sect."

Backed by a big tree to enjoy the cold, after seeing the foundation of the Gate of Eternal Life, Yao Chen does not reject joining the Gate of Eternal Life, and after joining the Gate of Eternal Life, he will reshape his body. This is a big temptation, the most important thing. The thing is that he has passed the Fen Jue to Xiao Yan, and he truly regards Xiao Yan as his disciple. Naturally, it is impossible to cut off the relationship with Xiao Yan in this way. With him, Xiao Yan can pass through this gate of eternal life. Better.

Seeing that Yaochen made such a choice, Subudi nodded, and was not surprised. After all, the conditions he gave were already quite good. If Yaochen is still uninteresting, then... ·

"Since you have chosen to join the sect, then your physical body should also be reshaped."

Before he finished his words, the jade floating dust in Subudi's hand was lightly waved, and the space was shattered, and a strange land appeared out of nothingness. It was a small lotus pond, the water was milky white, glowing with the luster of jade, but it was a rare one outside. The thousand-year-old earth milk, the lotus leaves are green and verdant, like an open umbrella, and between this half-covered, a little bit of gold is looming, it is a golden third-class lotus flower.

The third-rank golden lotus, a treasure born naturally at the beginning of the opening of the sky, the fifth-order magic plant, can grow bones, the living dead, repair colored glaze, and forge diamonds. It is an excellent treasure for healing and refining.

Reaching out and digging into the void, Subhuti picked a gilt-colored third-grade golden lotus, and after all this was done, Subhuti broke through the space again and grabbed a light ball from a piece of nothingness. In the light ball There is a bone that looks like white jade.

Seeing Subhuti's movements, Yaochen's heart was also rarely excited. Although he didn't know what the golden third-rank lotus was, as an alchemist he could roughly see that it was a rare treasure. That white jade skeleton is even the remains of a fighting saint, and I am quite sure about this. Even after many years of death, there is still a trace of fighting saint's pressure on this bone.

The clouds were light and the wind was light, and he pointed out the remnant thoughts of Destroying Dou Sheng, five fingers and one grasp to temper the medicinal properties of the third-rank golden lotus. Amidst the means of not seeing the slightest smoke, a perfect physical body appeared in Subudi's hands.

"I have never been stingy with my own sect, but I also hope you don't let me down."

Converging his actions, Subhuti once again turned his attention to Yaochen.

Hearing this, Yao Chen bowed and saluted again, suppressing the excitement in his heart.

"Yao Chen will live up to the kindness of the sect~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The words are sincere, but Yao Chen's sincerity.

Hearing this, Subhuti did not respond, and with a big wave of his hand, he merged the soul body of Yaochen into the newly refined body.

In the world of fighting spirit, if the soul body wants to turn from death to life, in addition to a qualified physical body, it also needs the assistance of an elixir to help the soul and the physical body merge, such as the seventh-rank melting bone pill, and the seventh-rank yin and yang resurrection pill. , But with the help of Subhuti, a high-level fighting sage who is proficient in soul power, Yao Chen can complete his resurrection without relying on the power of the pill.

Seeing the medicine dust that the soul is continuously merging with the flesh, Subudi broke through the space and sent him into a pool of fire, where the environment is more conducive to his fusion.

"Students should be satisfied with this result."

After doing all this, a strange luster was revealed in the deep pupils, and Subhuti thought of the mysterious master of the gate of eternal life.


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