Greenfield City, Lord's Mansion, Meeting Room.

"how do you feel?"

Looking at Iluka sitting on the sofa, Sean asked.

Hearing this, she pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose, and a smile appeared on Iluka's face.

"It's better than ever, Baron."

Feeling the slowly flowing Chakra inside, Iluka’s words contained a hint of joy that could not be concealed. He had originally thought that he would never be able to step into the extraordinary world in his entire life, but he did not expect that things are impermanent, so fast. He has mastered his own extraordinary power.

Although he has just awakened for ten days, he has a reincarnation experience. Iruka is very familiar with Chakra's refinement, and his physical talent is really good, so now he has reached the standard of Chakra. The level of Ninja is comparable to a first-order transcendent.

"I heard that you rejected the transplantation of Baiyan, and want to transplant the Shalanyan?"

Taking a sip of black tea and looking at Iluka with a hint of excitement deep in his eyes, Sean asked.

Hearing this, Iluka nodded.

"Baron, I am more fond of writing round eyes than white eyes."

After a reincarnation, Iluka has a deep understanding of these two kinds of eyes, for him to write round eyes is far more useful than white eyes.

"You should know the dangers of writing round eyes, right?"

Hearing this, Iluka nodded again.

Seeing Iluka like this, Sean's gaze stopped for a while, he knew that the other party should have made up his mind.

"In that case, after half a month, when your physical condition is adjusted to its peak, you can go for surgery."

Without saying anything, Sean agreed with Iluka's idea of ​​transplanting Shao Lun Yan.

The side effects of writing round eyes are indeed more obvious, but if it is just an ordinary writing round eyes and not a kaleidoscope, it is actually not unbearable. As long as Iruka's body is modified to a certain extent, so that he has a physique similar to Uchiha. NS.

In fact, if the risk of transplanting inter-column cells is not too high, it is the best choice to transplant inter-column cells to Iluka to improve physical fitness. Once successful, not to mention ordinary writing round eyes, it is also kaleidoscope writing round eyes. It's totally affordable.

"Thank you, Baron."

Iruka breathed a sigh of relief when Shaun agreed.

"Next, your focus will be on Memphis. Kuzan has actually controlled it now, but this is only temporary. If we want to truly control it, we need to build our own team... ·······"

After talking about personal affairs, Sean began to talk to Iruka on official business. This was his real purpose for finding Iruka. After adjusting for a few days, now Iruka has begun to take charge of the big and small affairs of Green Field City again.


In the study, after Iluka left, Sean sank his consciousness into the door of the infinite.

The space is still vast, but Xiao En's eyes are full of colorful colors, one after another, and after completely mastering the three worlds of Ark, Naruto, and Dou Qi, there are more and more things that Sean can exchange for.

Seeing those different kinds of pills, Xiao En's eyes turned slightly, his thoughts moved slightly, and he exchanged all of these pills. These pills are special products of the world of fighting energy, and are products of the Pill Pavilion of the Gate of Eternal Life. From the first to the ninth grade, each has its own magical effect.

Although the world of fighting spirit is different from the Great World of Boya, it also has many similarities. The pill produced there also has an effect on the transcendents of the Great World of Boya, but other effects require further experiments.

"Although it needs to spend a fortune point, it is generally worth it."

Looking at the pill that had consumed 300 source power points, Xiao En’s thoughts turned. These pill are not very useful to him, but they are very important to the transcendents in Greenfield City. With these pill, their The growth rate will rise again, and they don’t get these pill for free. They have to use contribution points in exchange, but after all, they are their own people, so the price given by Sean is very fair, and the pill is worth 10 power points. You only need contribution points worth 20 source power points to exchange for.

After changing the pill, and no longer look at it, Xiao En pulled a bubble down in front of him. This was his main purpose this time.

The bubbles were colorful, a palm-sized, translucent jade bowl floated in it, and there was nothing in it.

Looking at this jade bowl or the contents of this jade bowl, Xiao En's consciousness fluctuated slightly.

[Item]: Century Bisque

[Evaluation]: A bowl of natural century soup from the captive world of gourmet food in the extreme cold food showcase. It is a bowl of soup condensed for a century. Can you see it?

[Price]: 800 source power points

Feeling the feedback from Wujianzhimen, Sean knew that this was indeed what he was looking for.

The thought in his mind turned, 800 source power points disappeared, and Sean replaced the Century Bisque.

Since the resurgence of the magic wave, the concentration of magic power in the Liberal Arts World has continued to rise. At this point, ordinary transcendent creatures and strange objects are no longer as rare as before. For these things, Green Field City can harvest a batch every once in a while. After more than half a year of accumulation, the source power points that can be provided to Sean can no longer be underestimated. It can be said that from now on, Sean basically does not have to worry about the acquisition of ordinary source power points.

In the study room, holding the translucent jade bowl in the palm of his hand, looking at the bright aurora above the mouth of the bowl, Xiao En opened his mouth and drank the invisible soup inside.

Grumbling, the soup poured into the throat, and a hint of sweetness bloomed, and Xiao En's face unconsciously showed a big Century Bisque is a masterpiece of nature, not only a combination of a variety of rare The ingredients also left traces of time precipitation. In a sense, it is also a special potion, and its rank has reached the sixth rank.

The wind and clouds change, the mountains collapse, the sea dry up, the rivers flow backwards, and the stars fall. After drinking Century Bisque, Sean's soul began to undergo a subtle change in the depths of his soul.

With the existence of Dangling Mountain, Xiao En’s soul power does not lack accumulation. What he lacks is grind and sculpting. Originally, this would be a cumulative process, which may last for decades or even hundreds of years, and Century Nong The appearance of Tang omitted this process for Sean.

The radiance was radiant, the taste of the ingredients turned into the tastes of life, the traces left by time turned into carving knives, and they began to carve Sean's soul in detail.

Om, the power of the soul naturally diverges, with Sean as the source, it began to pour around like water, and outside the study, a tall body with a white beard did not know when it appeared here, standing quietly, motionless.


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