The city hall is brightly lit.

In the consul's office, Iluka stood side by side with the police chief Claudius, looking at the city of Green at night through the bright floor-to-ceiling glass.

Bang Bang Bang, sporadic gunfire sounded in the corners of the city, breaking the tranquility of the night.

"Tonight is a bit noisy."

Shaking the red, **** red wine in his hand, Iluka let out a sigh.

Hearing this, Claudius sighed in sympathy.

"It's a bit, but it should be quiet for a while after today. Some people always can't see the form."

"It's true."

Glancing at each other, picking up the wine glass, Iluka and Claudius touched.

Phew, a gust of wind blows, and the folders spread out on Iluka's desk are messed up. There are messages of one person after another, including Ivan.

For more than a year, the Wild City side has been continuously migrating people from Menfitos. Although most of these people are refugees, although Wild City has provided them with basic simple housing and job opportunities after the migration, there are still many people. People are dissatisfied, even if many of these people have lived in the slums of Monfitos before, even eating is a problem.

Of course, the main reason why the opposition has reached the point where it is today is the unwilling careerists who went bankrupt in the disaster and some unseen black hands.

Faced with such a situation, Iruka originally planned to sort out one by one. After all, there are many people suspected of among them, and many of them are just impulsive or coerced. It is a pity that the changes in the external situation have made Iruka. Card had to change this idea.

In order to cut the mess quickly, Iruka took the initiative to contribute to today's riot, let all the careerists pay the surface together, and then catch it all in one fell swoop.

It is true that such an approach will lose a lot of blood, including some impulsive people, but this is indeed the fastest approach to restore peace in Greenfield City.

Blocking is worse than sparse, let all hidden contradictions burst out, and then solve them all at once, which not only avoids troubles, but also can use their blood to deter others, killing two birds with one stone.

The sound of dense footsteps sounded, and the prepared army entered the city for the first time and began to suppress the rebellion that had just broken out with **** means. Faced with the attack of the army, the insurgents who had set off a riot due to the blood of the moment suddenly woke up.

Of course, they are not the main target of Green Field City this time. This time, Green Field City mainly targets the black hands hidden in the dark, but these people do not need ordinary troops to deal with.

Phew, the pale fog spread, and a small house located in Xicheng District was suddenly firmly wrapped.

At the same time, a gray-haired old man in the house who was wearing a coarse linen cloth was praying to a wooden statue and opened his eyes.

"Old Joel, your story has been posted, come with me."

Passing through the dense fog, the figure of Huan Li, the person in charge of the Yin Beast, appeared in this simple room.

The phantom lizard was originally a capable person in the form of an animal system, an extraordinary species, and a colorful illusion lizard. Later, he used his merits to exchange a fifth-order light of hope potion, which broke the original limitation of the devil fruit and became an animal system·legendary species. · Those with the ability of the fog dragon form have greatly improved their strength.

According to the news from Anbe, although the old Joel, who has lived for many years, is usually not visible, he is at least a third-order, and possibly even fourth-order transcendent. It is precisely because of this to ensure that there is nothing wrong with it. The lizard decided to take the shot himself.

The power in the body surged, and the phantom lizard was guarding against possible attacks. After all, no one wanted to catch it with one's hands. Even if they knew they were lost, most people would choose to struggle to death.

Um? Perceiving something wrong, his expression changed, and the phantom lizard rushed in immediately.

In the room, Old Joel was still sitting there on his knees, with his back straight and his head hanging slightly, doing the most standard prayer ceremony, but at this moment he had no breath.

"What a lunatic."

Looking at the old Joel who had committed suicide, the magic lizard couldn't help but curse inwardly, and at the same time, he felt a little chill in his heart. People who ignore other people's lives are ruthless people, and those who ignore their own lives are werewolves. Face such a person. , Even the phantom lizard feels a little frustrated

And when he raised his head and saw the **** statue clearly, his pupils suddenly shrank.

The **** is wooden and rough. It is not made by a master. It is more like carved by yourself. Even the face is a bit unclear, but the shape of the crown and the scepter is confirmed by the phantom lizard for the first time. His identity.

Although it has been described in Anbu's intelligence, when I actually saw this scene, the phantom lizard still couldn't help but feel shocked. Who would have thought that the biggest black hand who caused the riots in the green city secretly was not the greedy nobles. It's not those evil organizations that can't be seen, but the Storm Church, one of the Churches of True God?

"Come here, clean up here, and bring all valuable things back to the nest."

The face became gloomy, and the magic lizard gave an order.

Soon, the dense fog dissipated, and two Yin Beast members walked in, searched the old Joel's house carefully, and took away all the valuable things, including the old Joel's body.

As for the wooden statue, after inspecting it on the spot, hesitated again and again, but the phantom lizard left it in place.

The army and the police department are in the light, the evil beast is in the dark, and the dark department is responsible for coordinating the overall situation and providing intelligence support. Over a night, the instability factors in the city in the city have been sorted out, including those who forbeared in this matter. Some mysterious organizations that can't help revealing traces, you must know that the current Greenfield City is not the former Greenfield Town. With the shadow of such a white end, the information system of Greenfield City has not only been perfected, but also a big one. Net, all the outcropping fish are caught in the net.

In the early morning, the darkness receded, the sun rose, and Greenfield City returned to its former tranquility.

In the lord's mansion, Xiao En looked indifferent as he watched the summary of the situation handed over by the shadow.

"You did a good job in this matter. The Storm Church will need to strengthen surveillance in the future. Now is not the time to take action."

Sean was not surprised that the Storm Church, which has always regarded itself as the Church of Orthodox God, did such a Sean was not surprised.

When there is light, there is darkness. Although the Church of Storms is an Orthodox Church, it still has a **** and cruel side. There is even a department within their church that is responsible for handling dirty matters. They are the dark side of the Church of Storms and only have the most devout believers. In order to join in, for the glory of God, execute dark justice, and old Joel is such a person.

The Storm Church is the only church in Memphis that can preach with integrity. Even the Dawn Church can’t get involved. In their opinion, all the people in Memphis are the Lamb of God. Now that the Lamb of God is lost, they naturally want Leading them back to the right path, who told them to give up the opportunity to preach in Greenfield City before, but they were rejected when they wanted to go back.

"Storm Church."

Knocking on the desktop, thinking of the various forces of the Storm Church in the New World, Sean's thoughts kept turning. In fact, if it were not for the success of the real name projection, Sean would have probably refused the request of the Storm Church to preach again in Greenfield City. It's a pity. There is no if.


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