The crown of emerald, the success of life activation·fruit alchemy made Sean once again immersed in alchemy. Barrett Destruction·Night Assassin is the product of the fifth-order demon fruit alchemy. Next, Shaun will try the sixth-order. Then there is the seventh step, this is the real purpose of Sean.

"Huh? It seems that something interesting has been contained."

Feeling the movement of the door to no room, Sean stopped the movement in his hand.

Since he condensed his real name and was promoted to Tier 6, Sean had a clear sense of the door of the Wujian. Every time the door of the Wujian contained something, he would be aware of it for the first time, just like the door of the Wujian. The door itself is part of him, this feeling is something he has never had before.

The thoughts turned, and Sean's consciousness came to the inside of the door of the infinite.

The void is vast, with colorful bubbles floating in suspension, the number is over a hundred, and there are many kinds, and in these bubbles there are three mavericks, just like a group of chickens, people can see at a glance, two of them are chaotic. The unclear contents floated above all the bubbles, like a king looking down on a courtier, and below them there was a silver-white bubble floating, and inside it was an ancient bronze bell floating up and down.

Taking a look at these three bubbles that seemed to have been quiet for years, Sean retracted his gaze. This time he didn't come in for these three bubbles. The first two bubbles appeared when Sean condensed his real name. But a chaos, you can't even see what's inside. The feedback given by Wujianzhimen is that these two things have extremely strong protective power, and they need to be slowly disintegrated. As for how long it takes, there is no definite number.

Compared to the first two bubbles, the third bubble is much more friendly. At least Sean knows what's inside, but although the things are good things, Sean can’t afford it now, because his exchange price is 99 fundamental source power points, there are only 10 fundamental source power points available on Sean now. If he wants to redeem this thing, unless he is frantic, it is possible to drain the fundamental source power of the three worlds of Ark, Hokage, and Dou Qi. .

Looking around, Sean quickly locked on his goal amidst the colorfulness.

As his thoughts turned, a gray bubble was pulled up to Sean, and inside it was a very ordinary quill floating quietly.

[Item]: 0-08 Al Sukhod's pen

[Evaluation]: A special strange thing from the mysterious world. He is a poisonous "writer". Be careful that he writes you to death.

[Price]: 900 source power points

Receiving the feedback from Infernal Gate, the thoughts in Sean's heart kept turning.

Mystery is a peculiar world with a path to becoming a god. The transcendent can climb up the steps step by step and finally reach the end and become a god. But Mystery is also a crazy world. The world is suspected of being affected by someone in the starry sky. This kind of pollution, the original supernatural power has been distorted, reason and madness coexist, the more you go up, the closer to the madness, it is like walking on the edge of life and death, and the strange things in this world are also affected by the supernatural. A certain kind of pollution has some side effects while possessing peculiar power. Some problems are not big, like a prank, some are fatal.

Even some strange objects still have the characteristics of "alive" and possess a certain degree of autonomy, just like the 0-08 in front of Sean's eyes. This performance is somewhat similar to the strange objects made by Sean using devil fruit alchemy. It's just that, compared to the evils of the strange things in the secret world, the strange things made by the devil fruit are much better, at least they are now.

"With this thing, the success of my plan has improved a lot."

Thinking of his previous plan, he looked at 0-08 again, and the thoughts in Sean's heart turned.

The extraordinary path of the mysterious world is the potion system. From sequence 9 to sequence 0, the smaller the number, the more powerful it is. Sequence 0 represents the gods, and 0-08 has the extraordinary characteristics of the Sequence 1 writer of the visionary sequence, which can be used My own ability to write stories affects the real trend of the surrounding area, involves the realm of fantasy, and shows the ability to almost dominate fate. Although it is not 100% successful, its weird and powerful are undoubtedly comparable. Sixth-order wonders.

"But it's not the time yet."

Withdrawing his gaze, Sean left the void of the Infinite Gate.

0-08 is indeed powerful, but the side effect is also very fatal. He will find a way to write down his own owner, with the existence of the door of the infinite, although Sean is not afraid of 0-08 to write himself to death, but I don't want to cause unnecessary trouble now.

After the Emerald Crown, after the return of consciousness, Sean quietly ended his experiment. The appearance of 0-08 made him need some time to re-plan his plan, that is, at this time his apprentice, the psychic witch, Alice, is looking for Come here.

Sitting in the newly built rose garden, looking at him wearing a white hooded robe, with long burgundy hair dangled casually, Alice Sean, with her head down, frowned.

"Teacher, I have been promoted to Tier 4."

A slightly hoarse voice sounded, glanced at Sean, Alice whispered, with a touch of expectation in her words.

Hearing this, Sean did not speak, but still stared at Alice, his face was dull, without any expression.

Silent silence, low air pressure filled the rose garden, at this moment even the dazzling galaxy water rose has lost its due brilliance.

"Sorry, teacher."

I don't know how long it took, the silent Alice spoke again, with a trace of stubbornness in her hoarse voice.

Hearing this, Xiao En slowly retracted his gaze.

"Alice, you are not sorry for me, you just need to be responsible for the choices you make."

The phantom in the middle door of the pupils reflected, watching the colorful, strange aura that looked like a living thing entwined around Yalisi's body, a chill appeared on Xiao En's face.

Alice is a psychic witch with a strong talent, but even so, it is still very difficult for her to reach the level of a fourth-order transcendent within a year. Alice can do this entirely because She frequently explores the causes of the spiritual world.

The spiritual world is the home of sentient beings in the Liberal World. It is grotesque and weird. It is very different from the material world. Without a special method, it is difficult for even a Tier 5 legendary life to enter the spiritual world to explore, but Yali I think this psychic witch is obviously not in this As a psychic witch, she is born to be able to communicate with the spiritual world. It is logical to enter the spiritual world, and even because of the favor of the spiritual world, Alice is in the spiritual world. The speed at which she can increase her strength in the realm far exceeds that of the outside world, but this gift is not without a price. The more frequently she contacts the spiritual realm, the more erosion she suffers. If it accumulates, even the psychic witch will have to bear it. One day that does not live, that time is when she loses control.

Witches are the darlings of magic power. Their growth is natural, and they don’t even need special instruction from the teacher, because the source of power that favors them will tell them personally, but it is because they are too easy to obtain that many witches gradually embark on it. The road out of control, because they don’t know how to exercise restraint.

Normal transcendents need to try their best to absorb power, while the witch needs to learn to restrain the growth of power, not to let herself get lost, and to be controlled by power in turn, and Alice obviously did not listen to Sean's teaching.

"Teacher, I'm sorry."

Alice's hoarse voice sounded again, and compared to the first stubbornness, this time more sincere apologies.


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