Lord's Mansion, Study Room.

"Count, I have contacted that person according to your instructions, but for the concealment of the plan, it will take some time to really advance, and only enough time can it give birth to a suitable coincidence."

Wearing a mask, Shadow reported the latest situation to Sean.

Hearing this, Sean nodded. He wanted to go to the world of truth to take a look. This time must not be short. Before that, he needs to ensure the stability of his rear. Of course, even if there is no such thing as the world of truth. , Sean will still do it.

"Don't worry, we still have time to fight for it once and for all."

Looking at the shadow, Sean said.

Hearing this, the shadow nodded, and his figure disappeared.

It was at this moment that Sean suddenly felt something strange.

The Emerald Crown, the Botanical Garden, the top of the mountain, and the meditation room. After receiving feedback from the Infinite Door, Sean quietly came here.

The gates of the two realms stood, exuding a quiet atmosphere, but originally there should be only three portals here, representing the three worlds of Ark, Naruto, and Douqi, but at this moment there are a total of six portals standing here.

"Originally, after locking the world coordinates, the Gate of Infinity still needed me to provide space debris to build the Gate of Two Realms, but now it seems that it is not needed anymore."

Looking at the three newly emerged gates of two realms, Xiao En's thoughts turned.

"Chinese young master, full-time hunter, and Yangshen."

Looking around, after confirming the world behind the three gates of two worlds, Xiao En’s thoughts continued to roll over. Not to mention the little master of China, this is a world with a very low energy level, which is close to an extraordinary desert. The value is quite limited, of course, the cooking skills in it are still worthy of recognition, and the full-time hunter is a world with a power level that is not much different from that of Pirates. It has a unique extraordinary system called the ability of mind. This extraordinary The power shown in the front of the system is not strong, but its level of weirdness is definitely second to none, and has a certain reference value. As for the world of the sun god, it is a veritable big world.

"It turned out to be this world. Although it is not the world I want to enter the most, this world is not bad, especially for the exercise of spiritual power. This world has its own uniqueness, and there are many people who use faith in this world. Means of force."

Looking at the gate of the two worlds with mountains and rivers and various sentient beings, Xiao En's eyes narrowed when he recalled all kinds of information about the world of the sun god.

"Perhaps I can complete my vision in this world."

Thinking of a possibility, Sean's eyes lit up slightly.

The energy level of the Yang Shen world is quite high. There have been more than one seventh-order existence in this world. The danger of entering into it is conceivable, but the complete real name is condensed, and the source sea is entrusted, plus Infinite Gate has further recovered, and the possibility of Sean's complete fall is actually very small.

His eyes flickered, and after passing a message to Baibeard and Green Pheasant, Xiao En walked into the gate of the two worlds that represented the world of Yangshen.


Yangshen World, Daqianjie, Zhongzhou, Taishi Mountain.

At this time, the Dagan dynasty ruled the world, and the Dagan emperor Yang Panli did his best to rule, both civil and military, but the enemy outside, and morality and politics inside. At this moment, the great Dagan dynasty has a somewhat prosperous appearance, but he wants to truly achieve this step. In this year, the ancient temple Dachan Temple, which has been passed down for thousands of years, recruited a new group of young novice monks.

With red lips and white teeth, with a bare head, Shaun walked in the Great Zen Temple with a new look.

The Great Zen Temple is one of the six holy places in this world. It is the head of many Buddhist schools. It has a long heritage. It has not fallen for thousands of years since the ancestor Zen, and has a profound background. It is still admired by the world.

The Dachan Temple has strict rules. The young novice monks who enter the temple must start from handyman duties, sweeping the floor for a year, carrying water for a year, and chanting for a year, so after three years, if the Buddha's nature is successful, he can truly enter the gate of cultivation. At this moment, Sean is holding a broom and measuring this piece of Buddhaland with his feet.

"Who would have thought that such a Buddhist sacred place, which has been passed down for thousands of years, would soon be destroyed?"

With his jet-black eyes rolling, his gaze drifted far away, looking at the temple that could not be seen at the end of the Great Zen Temple, and the prosperous incense, Xiao En let out a slight sigh.

After entering this world for the first time, after confirming the approximate time point, Xiao En changed his shape and entered the Great Zen Temple as a little novice monk.

There are two extraordinary paths in the world of Yangshen, namely martial arts and Taoism. The martial artist first trains meat, muscles, and skin, then bones, viscera, and marrow. In this way, martial arts are practiced step by step. It can be called a great master, and further up you need to go through the blood exchange mark, reborn, cut the hair and wash the marrow, and the flesh is clean. This is the way of martial arts. At this step, it is basically the best in the world. Every martial artist They are all masters of the famous movement. As for going further, they need to be able to reach the world, measure their body, and open up acupuncture points, so that they can get a fairy character, and since then they are beyond the ordinary, called the immortal.

Of course, the human immortal is not the ultimate realm. After the human immortal reaches its peak, there is another step called smashing the void. After the achievement, it can break the boundary between reality and illusion, shatter everything, and have incredible power.

And the corresponding path of cultivation is also divided into ten realms of fixation, out of the shell, night tour, day tour, exorcism, manifestation, possession, ghost, thunder robbery, and sun god. Among them, thunder robbery is divided into nine layers, and each layer has its own significance. There is a huge difference in strength and a huge span. Together with the ghost fairyland, it corresponds to the martial arts martial sage and the human immortal realm. The ghosts are roughly equivalent to the junior martial sage, and one to three thunder tribulations are equivalent to the intermediate and peak martial sage. The second to six thunder catastrophes are equivalent to the elementary and intermediate people, and the seven to nine thunder catastrophes are equivalent to the pinnacle person.

In the world of Yangshen, whether you practice martial arts or Taoism, you can ultimately achieve great achievements. Wushu training can crush the void, and Taoism can achieve Yangshen. As the head of Buddhism today, Dachan Temple has three sutras of past, present, and future, among which the past Practicing the soul, cultivating the body now, and gathering incense in the future, each has infinite mysteries. It is the top-ranking inheritance in the world. The most important thing is that these three classics echo each other and can be practiced together.

The main reason why Xiao En became a novice monk and came to the Great Zen Temple was mainly for these three classics.

"The elementary human immortal in this world is roughly equivalent to the fifth-order legendary life of the Boya Great World~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Its peak is estimated to be comparable to the sixth-order. I don't know how much heritage does this world's first temple have?"

Withdrawing his gaze and sweeping the floor intently, the thoughts in Xiao En's heart were still rolling. After entering the Great Zen Temple, he once saw the first seat of the Precepts Hall of the Great Zen Temple. Rank legend, considering the huge transformation of the peak of the immortal, Xiao En estimated that the power of the peak of the immortal may have reached the level of Tier 6.

As for the old abbot, Sean didn’t look at it, because the old abbot majored in Soul and Soul, and he had already survived Thunder Tribulation. It is very likely that he had spent many times. In this case, although Sean used life mud The board has fundamentally changed its appearance, but in the case of close and direct contact, it is difficult to guarantee that the flaws will not be seen.

Although Xiao En's strength is not weak, but this world is a world with a seventh-order existence, and it is always necessary to act low-key, even if it is worthwhile to spend some time for this.

"It should be soon."

Sweeping the fallen leaves on the stairs, Xiao En whispered softly as he watched the setting sun that was about to fall.


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