In the Supreme Palace, the Zhou Tianxing map spreads out, changing and constantly performing deductions. Xiao En holds a scroll of purple bamboo slips and constantly interprets the words on it. This is the fundamental inheritance of the gods.

The Taoist Book of God uses the alien purple thunder bamboo as its carrier. It is a magic weapon in itself. Faced with the conditions set by Xiao En, Han Xiaozi was finally shaken, and this book of Taoist God is what he promised to Xiao En. After the conditions are taken out from the secret store dedicated to Sean.

In fact, if Han Xiaozi still chooses to refuse in the end, those Sean will have to let the **** of death swallow his soul, but the result of doing so may not be satisfactory to Sean, because these ancient traditions with a long tradition are basically all There are secret methods to prevent the spread of Taoism.

"With this volume of Taoism, maybe I can start to condense the prototype of Lei Chi."

Putting down the Taoist book, Xiao En's eyes have infinite thunder light.

Eleven years have passed, although Xiao En has never taken a step down Tianzhu Mountain, but with the Nine Fire Flame Dragon as his minions, the power of the Supreme Dao has spread outward by a large margin.

As the world’s number one sect, Taishang Dao’s strength is beyond doubt. It’s just that because of the traditional problems of the sect, Taishang Dao has always been high above. Although it is famous, its subordinate forces are actually not many. This is in Xiao En took over the Taishang Dao and improved greatly, especially in the East China Sea and Yunmeng areas. Among them, the second holy ground of the Yunmeng Empire, Tianlong Dao, had already turned to Taishang Dao in secret.

As the second holy land of the Yunmeng Empire, the strength of Tianlong Dao is still good. The current Dao Master Ao Luan is a dragon girl who has survived the second thunder disaster. In fact, if only this strength is shown, Xiao En He doesn’t look down on the so-called Tianlong Dao at all. The reason why he took Tianlong Dao as a subsidiary power of the Taishang Dao is mainly because Tianlong Dao inherited a part of the secrets of the dragon clan. He not only knew the location of the dragon clan’s cemetery, but also mastered the condensed Taiyuan Thunder Pool. The means, these two things are what Sean needs.

"But before that, I still need to get a large amount of red refined yuan copper."

His eyes flickered, and Xiao En's figure quietly disappeared in place.

Chilian Yuan Bronze is a rare kind of **** gold. It is not only hard, but also can strengthen the surrounding space. It is a necessary material for condensing thunder ponds, and it needs a lot of it. This kind of **** gold is even in the secrets of the Taishang Dao. There was not much of it, and it was not enough to condense the Thunder Pond. Fortunately, in the news that Xiao En knew, there was a person who happened to own a large amount of Chilian Yuan Bronze.


Endless void, vast and boundless, here is the forbidden zone of life, except for a few strong people, no one dares to step into it.

The Eternal Kingdom breaks through the space, seeing the turbulence of space as nothing, and driving the Eternal Kingdom Sean to the outer void of the Yangshen World for the first time.

The Yangshen World is a huge world group. In addition to the Great Thousand Worlds of the Main World, there are also a large number of Middle Thousand Worlds and Small Thousand Worlds in the surrounding void. Most of these worlds are generated naturally, and a small part are It evolved when the sun **** strong fell. Of course, the void is vast. These worlds are like sand hidden in the sea. Without accurate coordinates, it is not easy to find them.

"According to the results of these years of investigation, it seems that Da Zhou Taizu guy should be hiding here."

The Zhoutian star map spread out, isolating the outside world from the sense of himself. Looking at the meteorite belt in the distance, Xiao En's eyes flashed with cold light.

In ancient times, there was a path called the Sky Dao. Its inheritance treasure was called the Sky City. It was a rare treasure. Its main material was the Chilian Yuan Bronze. Later, the Sky Dao inheritance was cut off and the Sky City crashed. It fell into the hands of the great ancestor of the Great Zhou.

Before Da Gan was Da Zhou, Da Zhou Taizu himself was a ghost and fairy who had survived five thunder tribulations. Later, in order to avoid the chase of Dream Machine, he simply fled into the endless void. Now his strength has greatly increased and reached The situation of Six Tribulations Guixian was precisely because of this. Before Xiao En went out of the mountain, Tai Shang Dao only carefully determined his general position, and did not really make a move.

The Five Tribulations Ghost Immortal possesses the characteristics of a whim, and will have vague feelings when encountering a big danger. The Six Tribulations Ghost Immortal can even tear the void to escape. At this point, it is difficult for a cultivator to be killed.

Although the Nine Fire Flame Dragons of the Supreme Dao have reached the level comparable to the ghosts and immortals of the Six Tribulations, once they take action, they will easily alarm the Great Emperor of the Great Zhou. Once the Great Emperor of the Great Zhou escapes, there will be no way to find him in the vast starry sky. It's that easy, and Sean can use the Zhou Tianxing map to blind his perception.

"right here."

The field of insight was released and clues were captured. With a thought, Shaun manipulated the eternal kingdom to tear through the void and entered the meteorite belt.

The black mist is permeated, evolving into a golden iron horse, floating in a luxurious palace at the core of the meteorite belt, that is, at this moment, a man with a national character face and an extraordinary bearing suddenly opened his eyes.

"Eternal Kingdom! Dream Machine? No, you are not Dream Machine."

The figure manifested, watching the eternal kingdom that suddenly appeared, Da Zhou Taizu was full of shock. The most fundamental reason why Da Gan was able to overthrow Da Zhou at the beginning was that they had the help of Mengshen Machine.

Da Zhou Taizu was pretentious, but he was frightened and chased by the dream machine, and finally had no choice but to escape into the void. He hated and feared the dream machine. At the moment when the eternal kingdom appeared, he His first thought turned out to be to run away, but he quickly cut off this idea. First, he discovered that the person who controls the eternal kingdom is not a dream machine, and second, because his own strength has improved greatly, and he has not only passed through it. In the sixth thunder tribulation, he also trained into a red-finished yuan bronze body, so he can save his life even if he is not the opponent of the dream machine.

"Who are you? What does it have to do with Dream Machine?"

The Throne of Abi appeared, the smell of blood was permeated, and a broken battlefield evolved. Looking at Xiao En’s unfamiliar face and confirming that it was not Dream Machine, Da Zhou Taizu breathed a sigh of relief, but he did not take it too carelessly, so he took it out as soon as possible. He knew his strongest magic weapon. After all, he had a deep understanding of the power of the eternal kingdom. At that time, Meng Shenji and him were the ghosts of the Five Tribulations, and the eternal kingdom that could chase him without a path to the sky and no way to rely on the earth was the eternal kingdom. Tyrannical.

"Are you the grandfather of the Great Zhou Dynasty?"

Looking at Da Zhou Taizu's body, Xiao En asked.

Hearing this, I felt the frivolousness in Xiao En's words, and the murderous intent in the heart of Da Zhou Taizu's heart became more and more intense. What kind of character is he, and how can a younger generation of too high-level despise him?

"Junior, you..."

The muffled voice was mixed with cold Da Zhou Taizu suddenly noticed something was wrong, because his soul was disintegrating.

"Do not."

With an unwilling roar, Da Zhou Taizu died.

"Under the cover of the field of insight, I can find the dead line of the target more easily."

The scarlet color in his eyes faded, and looking at Taizu Great Zhou who had lost his sound, Xiao En waved away his trophy.

Under the sphere of insight, Xiao En easily perceives the weakness of the Great Zhou Taizu, and grasps his death line with the opportunity, and then only a thought fluctuates, the Great Zhou Taizu, who has a heavy treasure to protect his body, and has cultivated a different technique. Guixian died silently.

Of course, there is a big gap between the great Zhou Taizu and Xiao En's cultivation, but the main reason is that the power of the reincarnation eye pupil technique of insight field and death gaze is too powerful.


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