"Witcher Tower."

The dry words were squeezed out from between his lips and teeth, looking at the green mountain peaks that shuttled out of the ice mirror, the Red Devil felt a little cold, not only the cold of his body, but also the cold of his heart. He didn't expect that there was still in Greenfield City. Such a trump card, you must know that the sixth-order titled wizard with the wizard tower is completely different from the sixth-order titled wizard without the wizard tower. If he knew before that the son of Winter in Green City actually owned a wizard tower, he would definitely not Come to this muddy water, at least not now, but it's a pity that nothing happens.

"The spirit of fear offered sacrifices to me, and the body of fear manifested to me."

Ruthless in my heart, understanding the horror of the Wizard Tower, without any hesitation, the Red Devil directly burned all his fearful spirits, turning them into a powerful force to bless him.

Hiss, a weird neighing sound echoed in the void, resounding deep in the heart of every creature, a large red phosphorus snake stretched out its body in the void, and at the same time, a ghost of a large black scale snake appeared quietly, Coincident with him.

The two colors of black and red are intertwined, and the sacred essence is revealed. At this moment, the red devil seems to have become the embodiment of fear.

"Snake of Fear, is the divine body of the gods? It's a bit interesting, but it's a lot stronger than Kenneth Tamu. It seems that you have walked far in the demigod."

In the Prison of Cold Peaks, through the Wizard Tower, looking at the red devil showing the body in the void, the green pheasant’s face showed a hint of surprise, and not far from him, a huge icicle stood, Inside, there is a silver-gray catfish man, who is the **** of the river Kenneth Tamu.

The three elements of the gods, the gods, the gods, and the gods. Among them, the gods are the fundamental and carry the life information of the gods. The gods are the authority and power. They determine the domain of the gods. The gods are the tools and are used by the gods to completely accommodate the gods. In a specially-built container, under normal circumstances, only the upper demigod will begin to condense the divine body in the demigod stage to prepare for the real divine seat, and once the divine body is equipped, the divine spirit will be able to maximize the power of the divine power.

"Son of Winter, the Wizard Tower is not invincible, and your Wizard Tower should have just been completed."

Wandering through the void, without head-on collision with the Wizard Tower, the Red Devil kept tentatively trying to sow the seeds of fear.

In this regard, the green pheasant did not waver, even if the Red Devil cleverly used the power of fear and divine power in this process, you must know that the seventh-order secret of the Frozen Throne itself has a strong temper on the wizard's mind. And the role of protection, despair is not only a means to the enemy, but also self-protection, of course, the premise is that oneself can not be swallowed by despair.

Om, the magical power surged, the brilliance of witchcraft was lit, and there was peace in his eyes. Looking at the scared red devil, the green pheasant activated the ice kingdom engraved on the wizard tower.

Kazed, the chill bloomed, the blue aura swept across the void, and the ice crystals instantly filled a whole world.

The Frost Nation itself is a domain-type witchcraft, and its attack power and defensive power are not top-notch. Its most powerful place is that it can combine with the wizard's domain power to change the surrounding environment.

"It's useless for you to do this."

Looking at the red devil who was constantly wandering and never colliding with the wizard tower, a cold light flashed in the eyes of the green pheasant.

Om, the wizard tower vibrated, and the inscribed ice mirror shuttle witchcraft was induced. With the densely voided ice crystals made by the ice kingdom, in a short moment, the wizard tower carried out ten short-distance ice mirror shuttles, making the red The devil is unavoidable. This is the horror of the wizard tower. Although a Tier 6 wizard can perform the same witchcraft in the same way, or even more ingeniously, it will inevitably cause a lot of consumption for the Tier 6 wizard when it is cast ten times in a row. The Wizard Tower will not, its energy is almost endless.

"Damn it."

Snake pupils reflected in the void, capturing the trajectory of the wizard tower. The red devil's face was not pretty. The green pheasant or the tyrannical power of the wizard tower exceeded its expectations.

"My divine body was temporarily constructed using the sacrifice of the spirit of fear, and it cannot last too long. Since I cannot sow the seeds of fear, I must retreat."

Twisting his body, releasing his fear, and once again blocking the ice storm set off by the Wizard Tower, the Red Devil had a few separate thoughts in his heart.

At the very beginning, facing the blue pheasant driving the wizard tower, the red devil still had a bit of hunting, because he held the authority of fear and nightmares, even if the blue pheasant owned the wizard tower, but this kind of wizard tower As long as there is no protection against the spiritual power, his power can penetrate the wizard tower and directly attack the blue pheasant, but he did not expect that the blue pheasant itself has the power of tyrannical spiritual protection.

"It's time to go, the nightmare mist."

The black mist spread and obscured the void. The red devil’s figure was buried by the black mist and faded away gradually, but at this moment, a golden ball of light straddled from far away and exploded in this black mist. .

Ah, the screams of screams continued to sound, and the golden flames rose, igniting the black fog, and immediately revealed the red devil's figure that has not completely disappeared.

"It's so easy to even want to escape through dreams."

The coldness of the cold permeated, and a pale light shot from the top of the wizard tower, covering the huge body of the red devil.

The void was frozen, and everything shrouded in pale light, including space, fell into stagnation at this moment.

"How is this going?"

The body was stiff, and the extraordinary power returned to silence. The red devil's body, which had already begun to virtualize, condensed again, and then his thinking was frozen. The red devil gradually lost the ability to think. A little bug in amber.

Kazed, the sound of ice cracking sounded in the silent void.

"I'm dead!"

The body withered, like broken ice crystals. This was the last and only thought of the Red Devil after the freezing of the Red Devil's mind was lifted. At this moment, his body and soul had lost their sacred essence, just like the most ordinary mud, they died.

"Is it all over?"

Crossing the boundary between reality and illusion, Sean's figure quietly appeared here.

Hearing this, Qing Pheasant and Smaug nodded.

Looking at the surrounding scenes and getting the answer he wanted, Xiao En's face showed a gentle smile.

Come on, a crisp snapping sound sounded, and the surrounding illusion began to fade, or it began to merge with reality.

On the border of Greenfield City, a scarlet moon hung in the sky, and strange power was permeated. In the sight of ordinary people, a weird red dragon covered with golden feathers and a red phosphorus snake entrenched in the void were sleeping. Sleeping very dead and dead, if there is not a little breath of life, they are no different from real death.

"Count, do you want to keep them?"

Void fluctuations, Xiao En and the green pheasant appeared here.

Hearing this, Sean shook his head.

"To make a full set of the show, they are better off dead."

A thought turned, two messages of death shone from the illusion into reality, the sleeping weird red dragon and red phosphorus snake, or Andre and the red devil completely lost the breath of life at this moment, they died in their dreams. Among.

Infinite Moon Reading·True Reflection, Sean's secret technique based on the pupil technique Infinite Moon Reading after the spirit power reaches the Nine Tribulations Ghost Immortal. Although this kind of secret technique is not comparable to Infinite Moon Reading in scope, it can only cover A super large city, but it is more subtle than unlimited monthly reading.

When the scarlet moonlight falls, the land covered by the moonlight will form a general and undifferentiated reflection in the void, including all life and non-living matter. At this moment, the real side will be silent and fall into sleep. , The illusory side will continue to evolve, and eventually the illusion will shine into reality. This is the so-called infinite moon reading·real reflection.

In fact, the moment Andre and the Red Devil stepped into the area of ​​Greenfield City, they fell into this secret technique of Sean. As the sixth-order transcendents, they also included ancient people like the Red Devil. There is a certain chance to discover what is wrong, but Sean uses Al Suhod's pen, which is 0-08 to influence them.

0-08 This special strange thing from the secret world is very weird. If you know it, it will know your characteristics. When Andre and others talked about 0-08 in the secret meeting, they were 0-08 was captured, coupled with Sean's manipulation, they were naturally written into the story by 0-08, and they became the heroes in the story and the tool men in reality.

Infinite Moon Reading·True Reflection itself can’t actually kill Andre and the Red Devil, but when they can’t see through the illusion and reality and think that they are dead, they are really not far from death, as long as Xiao If you are willing, you can easily shine the illusion into the reality and kill them.

"If it weren't for giving the Devil Fruit a footstep, so that some people can eat it with confidence, and at the same time reduce coveting, I wouldn't have to spend so much effort."

Looking at the corpses of Andre and the Red Devil, Sean sighed slightly. This time, Sean used devil fruit trees and other treasures as bait, although he planned to lure snakes out of holes and clean up hidden dangers, but more of them were actually for the devil’s fruit. The Liberal Arts World prepares for the large-scale emergence.

As a part of him, the devil fruit tree has the shelter of the door. Sean is actually not worried that someone can find the truth through similar methods of divination, but in the past time, the devil fruit has left too many traces in the city. These can't be concealed. In this case, Sean simply weaves the truth for those people, so that when those interested people track it up, they will get the answer that Sean wants to give them.

"Next, we need to clean up the beginning and the end."

Thoughts turned, and as Sean's thoughts surfaced, the scarlet moonlight in the sky began to disappear.

Boom, the island in the cloud city shattered, and the sea of ​​clouds cracked ~www.wuxiaspot.com~The house in the green field collapsed, and the flames began to spread. When the illusion and reality overlap, the boundary between the two began to become blurred. Things in the illusion seem to have actually happened at this moment, but they are directly presented results, omitting the intermediate process, and are presented selectively, and when the residents of Greenfield City wake up from their sleep When they came, they would really think that they had suffered a terrible disaster, and they were lucky to survive thanks to the protection of the strong men in Greenfield City. No one would find the flaws, because it was them. What I have personally experienced is a complete story with a beginning, a development, and an end.

"The devil is cunning. It turns out that he set a terrible trap at the beginning. The moment the two warriors walked into the devil's lair, they fell into the trap of the devil. Oh, the two warriors were sleeping. It is shameful, crossed out, and sad to die. Their deaths are of great significance and will be remembered by the world.

In the dim study room, the rustle's voice gradually faded, and a quill pen or 0-08 drew a perfect period at the end of the page. Although this story was not what he wanted, it is necessary for a great author to finish writing. He believes that one day he will have the opportunity to write the devil to death. For this, he firmly believes that as a writer, he lacks the ability to dream.


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