Black Blood Island, a small island hidden in the sea, is the secret base of Pure Silver Blood in the New World. Apart from the core personnel of Pure Silver Blood, no one knows the location of this island. Once on this island, there is no chance to leave. Even after death, the bones will be buried here. Of course, more often these servants can't leave the bones.

"Ah, don't kill me."

"Let me go, my lord."

The wailing sound echoed on the silent island, and the blood dyed the island red.

"Beroni, are you really crazy?"

Seeing the ten fingers change into the sickle shape, Belloni, who easily tore the former No. 2 and the current No. 3 into pieces, the eyes of No. 9 Travril were full of despair.

Not long ago, Belloni issued a convening order in the capacity of the current organization No. 2 to gather all the important members of the blood of pure silver in the new world. At first, everyone thought that the organization was going to make a big move. What ushered in was a **** massacre.

Hearing this, after cutting the original No. 2 into fleshy foam, Belloni turned and cast his gaze on Tweety. The scarlet eyes reflected the shadow of the six-pointed star, full of indifference, without the slightest temperature.

At this moment, his whole body, including his long silver hair, had been dyed red with blood, and there were some small fleshy foam in between, but these were not his, they belonged to other members of Pure Silver Blood.

"It's your turn."

There was no change in his eyes. Looking at Tweety, Belloni was like looking at a stranger or a kitten or puppy.

Raising the palm of his hand, his five fingers drawn into a blade, Beroni grabbed it under Trevel's desperate gaze.

Chi, warm blood was thrown, hitting Belloni's face, facing the shot of the fifth-order legend of Belloni, Tweety, such a third-order little figure, couldn't even struggle.

Papa, a slight applause sounded, and a figure wearing a wooden mask and a black robe appeared not far from Beroni. Similar to Beroni, he also has a pair of scarlet eyes with engraved eyes. With a six-pointed star pattern.

Hearing this voice, Belloni instinctively burst out a killing intent, but he quickly calmed down.

Come on, a snapping finger sounded, the six-pointed star rotated, and the scarlet color in Beroni's eyes gradually faded, returning to his normal appearance, that is, at this moment, there was a hint of vivid color on his slender face.

The things I experienced before were vivid, and came to my heart, and the expressions of fear, regret, and hatred disappeared in the depths of Belloni's eyes.

"Beroni has seen Lord Shadow."

Lowering his gaze to prevent the fluctuation of his mood from being discovered, Belloni kept his face calm and bowed to the black-robed man, the person in charge of the dark part of the city.


Seeing this look, Belloni stared for a while, and the shadow sighed.


Hearing this sigh, Belloni was instinctively aware of something wrong, and Belloni was about to fight to the death, but at this moment he found that the extraordinary power in his body had fallen into silence, and he couldn't even move his body.

"You are a wise man and a ruthless man. After realizing the restraint of the Devil Fruit, you decisively betrayed the pure silver blood and sold the benefits of the organization in exchange for your own way of survival. It's a pity that you are too smart. , Although the cover is very good, but he has never removed his wolfishness, and is not reconciled to be an obedient dog."

Seeing Beroni with a face full of resentment, there was a trace of emotion in Shadow's words.

After the sickle fruit in Beroni's body was awakened, his life and death were in the hands of Sean. Later, in order to make arrangements, Sean simply used his life as a bargaining chip and made him his own pawn.

Then with Belloni’s own cooperation, Sean gave him a perfect hypnosis, using him to tell Andre, the Red Devil, and Yas Los et al.

It is true that, as a sixth-order transcendent, Andre and others have the ability to judge the authenticity of intelligence, but Beroni was perfectly hypnotized by Sean. He himself believes that these things are true, and there is no sign of lying at all. In addition, the information itself was true, but some key things were missing, so in the end Andre and others believed the information that Belloni brought to them.

Later, Andrei, Yaros, and the Red Devil fell to the city of Greenfield. Beroni’s hypnosis was lifted. At the request of the shadow, he summoned all the people in the new world with the blood of pure silver in the name of No. 2. Together, Belloni also made some small moves in the process. On the one hand, he was unwilling to be controlled by the Wild City and became someone else’s dog. On the other hand, he didn’t really have no feelings at all, and then he was possessed. The shadow of a pair of kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes was controlled.

The essence of shadow is Bai Jue. It is a special creation made by Sean using the sacred tree. It has a special physique. It can be said that it is the most suitable physique to carry the kaleidoscope writing wheel. Under such circumstances, it is lucky to cultivate in Anais After creating a pair of kaleidoscopes to write round eyes, Sean gave him these eyes, and the special pupil technique of these eyes is mind control and supernatural power.

Under normal circumstances, as a Tier 5 transcendent, Beroni will not be easily controlled by the shadow, and even in a frontal battle, the shadow may not be Beroni’s opponent, but it is a pity that since being hypnotized by Sean, Bei In the depths of Ronnie's mind, Sean left a secret flaw. Facing the shadow who mastered this key information, Belloni was directly manipulated with his mind and washed the pure silver blood with his own hands.

Om, the flesh and soul were swallowed in an instant. Under the gaze of the shadow, Beroni turned into a mass of fly ash, with no bones left. At the same time, a new one was placed on the crown of the devil fruit tree. The devil fruit quietly took shape, it was a sickle fruit in a metamorphosed state.


Picking up the space wonders on Belloni, carefully perceiving the situation on the Black Blood Island, using Mu Dun's power to sink the entire island to the bottom of the sea, the space fluctuated, and the shadow of the figure quietly disappeared.

Greenfield City, the Lord's Mansion, ignored the noise of the outside world, and Sean and the Green Pheasant were examining some information revealed during the previous battle.

After the previous battle, coupled with the current cleaning, the blood of pure silver has been uprooted, and only some remains in the old world, but I believe it will soon dissipate naturally, and the song of fear has also been hit hard. , Because the gods they believe in are dead. Although it’s a bit troublesome to clean them up completely, it’s enough to spend some money to completely knock them off the dust, and then let them die out slowly. Only the Black Sea Church is different, because there is a sea behind them. The Mother of Strange God exists.

"That is to say, there is indeed a **** in Yaros's body, and after Yaros' death, this part of the gods escaped by themselves."

After listening to the description of the green pheasant, Xiao En asked.

Hearing this, the green pheasant nodded.

"At that time I easily suppressed Kenneth Tamu with the help of the Prison of Cold Peaks, and then killed Yaros in one fell swoop, but the part of his body in his body broke away from his flesh by itself, breaking my barrier like a living thing. , Even the Great Freeze Divine Light couldn't keep it."

Speaking of this, the expression of the green pheasant is also a bit solemn.

Getting the affirmative answer again, Sean tapped his fingers on the desktop unconsciously and fell into contemplation.

Is Yaros dead? It is indeed dead, because the door of the infinite has obtained that part of the source power point, but in this case, the part of the gods possessed by Yaros can break through the obstacles of the blue pheasant on its own. The most likely thing is that he has not been blocked by Ya Loss really merged, but parasitized in Yaros's body, possessing great autonomy.

"Although it is a pity that the gods did not get it, it is not bad news for us. At the very least, according to this situation, the mother of the sea monster has not really returned, and the situation is not so good."

In words, there is a strange brilliance blooming in Sean’s blue eyes. The mother of sea monsters has not really returned. This is basically a certain thing, one is because the world does not support it, and the other is because if the mother of sea monsters It really has returned, so the New World will not be in the current situation.

This time, the reason why the green pheasant made a bold move to kill Yaros was to test the state of the sea monster’s mother. Now it seems that the situation is indeed as they expected. It's not that great.

The **** slough is a part of the **** body left by the true **** before ascending the throne, and it is also the resurrection left behind by the true god. According to the current situation, Sean speculates that Yaros and others are probably the body that nourishes the **** slough. Under normal circumstances Next, if it is possible that the mother of the sea monster will never let that Yaros die like this, because it will delay the progress of his resurrection. Lowes, the information revealed in it is worthy of deep thinking.

Hearing this, the green pheasant also nodded, he agreed with Sean's judgment.

"Anyway, after this time, no one in the New World should dare to provoke us in a short time. Even the Storm Church has made reasonable concessions. Taking this opportunity, you also need to further improve your Wizard Tower."

Withdrawing his thoughts, Sean changed the subject.

A complete wizard tower is not only a war fortress, but also a self-circulating, self-sufficient small world. In addition to the most important core cabin, it also includes an alchemy room, a magic plant cultivation room, a warcraft training room, etc. The unit adds up to an almost complete small world.

Although because of the different types, each wizard tower basically has its own focus, but some basic units are required, because in addition to fighting, the most important function of the wizard tower is to cross the void so that the wizard can Enter the void and explore.

Hearing this, the green pheasant nodded. His Cold Peak Prison is still very rough now. Not only is the additional unit seriously missing, but even the engraved witchcraft is seriously insufficient. A complete wizard tower except for the most important Tier 6 witch In addition to the magic, a large number of Tier 5 and Tier 4 witchcraft are needed as assistance. Although the power of these witchcraft is not as powerful as Tier 6, they have their own magical effects, and each of them can make the wizard tower more perfect.

"In that case, I will leave first."

After saying a word, the figure of the green pheasant quietly disappeared.

"Mother of Sea Monsters..."

After the green pheasant left, opened the window and looked into the distance, Xiao En whispered softly.


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