The Great World of Truth is very large and is a typical plane-like world. It is composed of 33 continents and countless islands. They are distributed in a ring on the sea and are divided into nine rings. The closer to the center point, the higher the number of rings. These continents and The island is part of the world of truth that originally existed, and part of it was regenerated after wizards merged the world of truth into the world of truth. Together they constitute the current world of truth and form the pattern of the nine rings of truth.

The third continent on the seventh ring, the name of this continent is called Eternity. It is a continent controlled by the Eternal Nightmare. All the living creatures here belong to the Eternal Nightmare. Of course, a considerable part of it is just a subsidiary force, and on this island In the center of, there is an invisible gray-white stone tower standing upright. It is the seat of the Eternal Tower in the great world of truth.

The third floor of the Aion, the residence of the natural school, the natural world.

Although it is only the first floor of the high tower, it is actually a space formed after accommodating a small world, where the world is perfectly divided into four equal parts, representing spring, summer, autumn and winter, recurring and reincarnation.

In the land of spring, a delicate garden, where the breath of life flows freely, nourishes the magic plants everywhere, the flowers always bloom undefeated, the green trees are always green, the bridges and the water flow, and the scenery is one step at a time, which is reflected in the ingenuity. The ultimate beauty.

In the small garden, on the grassy lawn, two men and two women are sitting together, bathing in the warm sunshine and enjoying a pleasant afternoon tea.

"Sister Evelyn, although it's not the first time I have seen you, I can't help but sigh every time I see you in this witchcraft garden."

In words, a man with short silver-gray hair cast his gaze to the owner of the garden, Evelyn.

Hearing this, she had long emerald green curly hair, her ears were slightly pointed, and her eyes were emerald green. Evelyn, with obvious elf characteristics, put down the tea cup in her hand and glanced at the silver-gray haired man.

"Sizal, my witchcraft garden is the inherited teacher after all, not my own, there is nothing to envy."

Using Ruyu's fingertips to comb the slightly tangled hair around her ears, Evelyn's words seemed very flat, and even cold.

Seeing Evelyn's performance in this way, the other three looked at each other, tacitly not entangled in this topic.

"Evelyn, do you know that the chief of our school of nature who only hears his name but does not see him has returned to the Eternal Tower."

A somewhat mysterious voice sounded in the hoarse, but it was another woman with long dark green hair and a strange look. She was similar to Evelyn. She also had a special bloodline, except Evelyn’s. It is the blood of the elves, and hers is the forest banshee.

Hearing this, I still had some doubts in my heart as to why the three people who were not usually close to me would come to visit Evelyn together at this time, but now I feel something in my heart.

In the Eternal High Tower, every school or college student will have a chief and four secondary seats. These five people have completely separated from ordinary students in terms of status and enjoyment of resources, and the chief among them is even more so. , The treatment he enjoys even far surpasses that of ordinary college teachers.

Different schools of thought have different requirements for becoming the chief. The prerequisite for becoming chief in the natural school is to practice the secret biography of "The Secret of Nature" and reach the fifth level before the age of 60. As long as this condition is met, the student Have the qualifications to become the head of the school.

Under normal circumstances, the competition for the chief student is quite fierce, but the situation in the Academy of Nature is quite special. Except for the chief of Sean, only two of the four second seats have become Tier 5 legendary beings, and the other two are both It’s just that Tier 4 is extraordinary. Fortunately, he is not very old, and he has the possibility to compete for the chief.

"Clearmont, what do you think about this?"

In words, Evelyn turned her gaze to Claremont. Among the four present, apart from her being a Tier 5 legendary life, only Claremont is a Tier 5 legend. It stands to reason that this matter is right. The two of them have the greatest influence.

"I will challenge him."

Looking up at Evelyn's gaze, Claremont made no secret of his plan.

Although the words were plain, they couldn't conceal the sharpness in them.

Claremont has short golden hair, three-dimensional features, blue eyes, and the gentle sunlight falling on him, adding a masculinity to his already handsome face, like the most perfect statue of a human body.

Seeing such a confident and sharp-edged Claremont, Evelyn retracted her gaze.

"If you win the challenge, then I will support you to become the chief."

Picking up the teacup and taking a sip, Evelyn made a decision or gave an answer. Although she was a little unwilling, she had no other choice now.

Today, Sizal and Latifah can come here with Claremont, which shows that they both support Claremont as the chief. Even if she opposes it, it will not be decisive, not to mention that there is even one. With the Witchcraft Garden in hand, she might not be Claremont's opponent in a real fight.

Upon hearing this, Claremont, Sizal, and Latifah all smiled.

"Evelyn, you won't regret your choice today."

Looking at Evelyn, Claremont's face was full of confidence and calmness.

Upon hearing this, Evelyn's face also showed a moderately gentle smile.

Evelyn had an ordinary background, but only because she had awakened the blood of the royal family of the natural elves, she was valued by a deputy dean of the school of nature, accepted as a student, and made her way to the sky ever since.

As a branch of the Eternal Tower, the School of Nature has a dean and three deputy deans in addition to the daily teachers. They are the leaders of the School of Nature.

According to the rules of the Eternal Tower, the dean of the school can only be served by the existence of the seventh order, and the vice-president can only be served by the titled wizard of the sixth order. Since the fall of the old dean, the natural school has not had a director for a long time~www such circumstances, the three deputy deans are the highest rights holders of the natural school. With such a teacher, Evelyn was originally qualified to compete with Claremont, who was born in Boyx. The chief one, but it is a pity that in an alien war ten years ago, her teacher completely fell, leaving her only a witchcraft garden.

To some extent, the chief student of the school is no longer a pure student. He holds a very important part of the school's rights. In such a position, if you want to sit firmly, you must be supported by the corresponding forces behind him. Possibly, but now that she has lost her teacher, she is not satisfied with this at all.

"This time I will definitely become the chief."

Relaxing and looking at the surrounding scenery, Claremont felt particularly pleasing to the eye at this moment.

The reason why Claremont, who was born in the Boyx family, chose to join the already declining natural school, in addition to his own qualifications, is more for the chief status. Before, Sean first achieved Tier 5 and became a legendary life. Designated as the chief, he wanted to challenge after he reached the fifth rank, but he couldn't even find anyone. Now that Xiao En finally appeared, he had waited too long for this day.


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