Wizard Tower, No. 1 Demon Planting Garden, lying on a recliner, Sean played with the black metal ball the size of a baby's fist in his hand, the whole hollowed out black metal ball, this is his trophy, the Eudemon Armed from Claremont, of course. In addition to the Eudemon Arms, during this challenge, Sean also harvested a Tier 6 blood-sucking magic vine seed. Unfortunately, this seed was used by Claremont as a spell-casting material, forcibly urging spirituality and value. Reduced a lot. From this perspective, in order to defeat Sean, Claremont really paid the bill.

"It's a wonderful technique that directly transforms monsters into strange things, while still retaining the characteristics of being alive."

Looking through the light, looking at the metal ball in his hand, Sean’s blue eyes have bright light. He is still very interested in this peculiar technology. Unfortunately, the current technology for making Eudemons weapons is only alchemy. Exclusive control of the tower by hand.

"If you have a chance, you can touch it."

The Hand of Alchemy is one of the twelve high-ranking wizard towers in the world of truth. It has the existence of a seventh-order wizard and is good at alchemy. His position in the Supreme Council is relatively special. For such a wizard tower, Sean does have some plans to get in touch with it.

Knowing that it is almost impossible to analyze the Eudemon Armament of the Alchemy Hand based on the current conditions, Sean put away the black metal ball, opened the void bracelet, and started reading today's newspaper.

In the world of truth, newspapers are not a rare thing. There are many types and a wide spread. However, the most famous ones are Pravda and Real Time, both of which are directly issued by the Supreme Council.

Pravda is an academic newspaper, which is basically only circulated among wizards. It is a place for wizards to promote their ideas and publish their results. Every wizard who can publish in Pravda not only gains fame but also benefits. It’s just that the threshold is very high. Only those results that are truly valuable or have corresponding potential can pass the review of the Supreme Council and be published in Pravda.

The real-time newspaper is a newspaper that records current events in the world of truth. It has a very wide coverage. It is divided into two categories, one is the real-time newspaper of the truth world, and the other is the real-time newspaper from other worlds. They record recent events in the world of truth. Some major events, and this has also formed Sean's habit of reading newspapers. This is a good way for him to further understand the big world of truth.

"The world of Eudemons, the new world discovered by the hand of alchemy, officially completed its occupation on June 15th. This means that a new world is once again shrouded in the light of truth. People in the Eudemons world have not yet broken their shells. At that time, he signed a contract with the Eudemons, and then grew up together. It can be transformed into a variety of weapons to enhance the combat power of the extraordinary. It has a magical effect far beyond ordinary strange things. The Great Wizard of Cotel thinks that this may be the alchemy of the world of truth. The road brings new changes."

Flipping through the latest real-time report to the alien world, he unexpectedly saw news about the Eudemons World, and Xiao En's eyes were faintly bright.

"Is this the tower of alchemy hands creating momentum for the emergence of Eudemons?"

After reading the news, Xiao En had such an idea in his mind, and this technique was inexplicably familiar.


It was at this time that Farias walked in.

He bowed and bowed, facing Sean, Farias became more humble. After all, Sean was a titled wizard of the sixth order. He never expected that a previous gamble would have him hug such a thick thigh.

Thinking about the regrets of those people before, and thinking about the kindness of others to him these days, Farias felt a little ecstatic. Of course, although he was much more pleased during this period, Farias did not really. Floating up, he clearly knows how his position came from today.

"Baron, the newly cultivated magic plants have matured."

Looking down, Farias reported to Sean the latest situation in the Enchanted Plantation.

The magic plants planted in the magic plant garden have been cultivated for a long time. Later, Sean used the Four Seasons Wheel Magic to ripen, and the harvest was already completed. On this basis, Sean used the life clay tablet. The Great Witchcraft optimized their seeds for their life plans, and now is the time to verify the results.

Hearing this, Sean closed the Void Band and stood up.

"It looks pretty good."

Looking at the luxuriant magic plantation garden and the little human races flying in and out of it, Xiao En showed a smile on his face.

Hearing this, Farias let out a sigh of relief.

"Chief, after your cultivation, the quality of the magic plants in the magic plant garden has reached a very high level in the same category. That’s why it looks like it is now."

Seeing that Sean was satisfied, Farias gave a small compliment.

Hearing this, Xiao En smiled. He didn't hate the flattery of his men, as long as he had the ability and could do the things he explained.

Along the way, Sean used the Void Bracelet to collect Mozhi's information one by one. In a trading network like the scale of the balance, in order to complete the reproduction of the goods, there must be an actual body.

Although Shaun’s core business in the virtual shop that will open in Tianpingzhizhi is the sale of villains, the simple villains are too monotonous, so Shaun plans to add some optimized magic plants to them. Put it up for sale.

The profits that these magic plants can bring to Sean in a short period of time are indeed not as great as the huge profits of the slave trade of the villain, but there is a long flow. As time goes by, the more kinds of magic plants that Sean cultivates, the higher the output. , The higher the rank, the final value may be more than the villain, and the appearance of these exquisite magic plants is itself a soft promotion of the villain.

After finishing the collection of the magic plant information in the magic plant garden, Xiao En felt more satisfied. These magic plants have been optimized by him. Although the grade has not changed, the quality has indeed improved a lot. This will continue and continue to optimize and cultivate. It is not an extravagant hope that some upgraded varieties will appear in the future. If there are some varieties that have better utility and have never appeared, then the benefits that Sean can get will be even greater.

After visiting the Demon Plantation Garden, and confessing a few words to Farias, Sean returned to Demon Plantation Garden No. 1 and poured his consciousness into the Void Bracelet.

General Internet, the scale of the balance, and Sean's consciousness appeared in his unopened store.

Thoughts turned, information was uploaded, and strange magic plants began to be shaped. In a flash, the blank shop of Sean changed its appearance, just like a pocket-sized natural garden ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ was full. Mozhi.

After this, the little human races were also created out of thin air. Although they are all fictional, these little human races are not rigid. According to Xiao En's instructions, they fly into the magic plants and start to get busy, as if they were real. Just like cultivating magic plants, it is full of vivid meaning.

"That's fine."

After taking a look at his shop, Xiao En nodded with satisfaction, and then he chose the option of applying for opening.

"Name? Just call it Nature House."

After receiving feedback from the Void Network, Sean gave his shop a name that fits the identity of a natural wizard, even if his shop’s main business is the slave trade.

"As for store information, choose the second one."

The choice was made quickly, and at this moment a shop called Nature House, whose main business was the slave trade and magic plant trading, quietly appeared in the scales of the balance.


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