All buildings in Bué are built around 131 springs. The 31 largest springs constitute the palace of the kingdom of Thalia. Of course, as an adult prince, Semiya has moved out of the palace. , Has his own mansion in the noble district.

The city of Bué itself is located on a large oasis, but its main style is still desolate, but after entering the nobility zone, this style has undergone drastic changes. Through the carriage, Sean can see a full range of things. The green and blooming flowers, if you just look at the scenery here, I am afraid it is difficult for anyone to believe that this is a city located in the desert.

"Teacher, I have arranged your residence. I still need to go to the palace to meet my father and mother."

A hoarse voice sounded, and at the end, a cold light flashed in Semiya's red eyes.

Hearing this, he glanced at Semiya, and Sean nodded.

After getting off the carriage, Sean walked into the palace of the prince's daughter under the leadership of the servant, while Semiya rode in the carriage and went to the palace located in the highlands of the king under the **** of the golden flame cavalry.

The overall terrain of the city of Bué is a large plain, but there is a raised highland in the center of the city of Bué, where the royal palace of the Kingdom of Thalia is located, as if a high emperor is looking down on its subjects .

Touched by inspiration in his heart, he stopped, passing the carriage and cavalry that were gradually far away, Xiao En's eyes fell on the high ground of the king.

"It makes me feel the danger that threatens my life. It seems that the power of the royal family in this world is really not to be underestimated. Maybe I should also prepare in advance."

His eyes flickered and he didn't choose to find out. Under the leadership of his servant, Xiao En walked into the palace of the prince and daughter.

As Semiya’s teacher, Sean naturally received great courtesy in the mansion. Not only did he own an independent courtyard, but there was also a spring in this courtyard. With this spring as the source, the spring water flowed. Through every corner of this other courtyard, including the room.

In the spacious living room, sitting on a stool made by cold stone and flipping through some miscellaneous books, Sean did not feel the slightest heat, but felt a refreshing coolness, and not far from him, there was a shallow place. In the shallow pond covered with green scallops, brightly colored, red, green, or gold fish are playing happily, bringing a touch of vitality to this room.

"This environment is pretty good."

Feeling comfortable, Sean's mind quickly sank into the book. Such a posture made many people who were paying attention here puzzled.

The palace, the Falcon Hall, this is where the current king of Thalia Kingdom Jordan Doyle handles government affairs. Here, Semiya meets Jordan Doyle.

As the king of the Kingdom of Thalia, Jordan is not as wise and martial as most people think. From the outside, he is considered ugly. His height is only 1.5 meters, and his stature is thin, as if he is only one. The skin was wrapped around the bones, and only one pair of eyes was very bright, as if two clusters of red flames were burning in it.


Kneeling on the ground, Semiya respectfully saluted.

Seeing Semiya in this way, a complex color flashed in Jordan's eyes.

"Get up, just come back safely."

Hearing this, Semiya stood up, her every move was very disciplined, without any overstepping.

"The people who assassinated you this time have been found. They are assassins from the Black Church. I have sent the Golden Flame Cavalry out. This time I will definitely teach them a lesson of blood, and it can be regarded as revenge for your mother and your brother. "

A low voice sounded, looking at Semiya, Jordan made a decision about her previous assassination.

The black church is the remnants of the church era. They have been against the nobles and want to restore the glory of the church. They have committed many tragedies, including the assassination of the nobles in power and the royal family. It is not impossible for them to assassinate Semiya, but Semi Ya clearly knew that they were not the one who shot this time.

Hearing this, although there was a bit of anticipation in her heart, Semiya still felt a deep chill. She didn't believe that Yordan, who was in charge of the entire kingdom, really did not discover the truth of the matter.

Silent, Semiya lowered her gaze to cover up the fluctuations in her heart.

"Semia, I heard you have a teacher?"

No longer entangled in the assassination, and did not care about the dead woman and child. Jordan changed the subject. Although the woman was somewhat attractive, she was only a maid. As for the child, she was just a girl. At the age of sixteen, there is no waste of awakening blood, and he can't be called his heir at all. If he dies, he will die. It doesn't deserve too much attention at all.

Hearing these words, suppressing the resentment in her heart, showing uneasy calmness, Semiya nodded.

"I heard that this man is just a declining noble, who has not even awakened the power of blood?"

The red flames in his eyes were burning. When he said this, although Jordan's words were still calm, the temperature in the Falcon Hall had risen abruptly.

"Yes, the power of the teacher's blood is not awakened."

In the face of Yordan’s inquiry, Semiya did not conceal anything, because it was meaningless. Since Yordan mentioned this matter at this moment, he has naturally investigated everything clearly, and now he is just taking a walk. It's just the process.

Touch, slapped on the desk, after hearing such an answer, Jordan made no secret of his anger.

"Semiya, do you know who you are? You actually worship a down-and-out noble who hasn't even awakened the power of your bloodline as your teacher. You are embarrassing the bloodline of blood inflammation."

At this moment, looking directly at Semiya, the anger in Jordan's heart seemed to be reduced to substance, continuously burning Semiya's heart.

Her heart was scorched with anger, and Semiya's face changed slightly, but she still endured it silently, without opening an explanation or asking for mercy.

Seeing Semiya like this, although Jordan's anger on the surface was still the same, the depths of his eyes were cold.

"Don't you know where you are wrong?"

As the words fell, the aura on Jordan's body became more and more terrifying, as if a mountain was heavily pressed on Semiya's body. At this moment, the environment in the Falcon Hall had vaguely changed with Jordan's mind. It became a Jedi with magma flowing across it.

Although his appearance is not good, Jordan is a veritable genius on the road of transcendence. At just two hundred years old, he is already a strong bloodline and five changes, and he has reached the pinnacle of the five changes, and he is only close to the sixth change. Only one step away.

"Father, although the teacher has not awakened the blood, but he has a powerful blood treasure, comparable to the blood of the five changes, I think he is qualified to be my teacher."

He straightened his waist straight, raised his head with difficulty, and flames were also burning in his red eyes, and he stared at Yordan, and Semiya said word by word.

Hearing this, I was a little surprised. The anger in Jordan's heart was slightly reduced. This was different from the news he had received before, but he also believed that Semiya would not lie about this matter because it was too easy to be caught. Demolition.

Although in Huangsha World uphold the concept of nobility supremacy and blood supremacy, in the final analysis it is still the supremacy of strength. If Sean's strength is really comparable to the bloodline of the Five Changes, then he is indeed qualified to be Semiya’s teacher. As for the identity of the nobility at this time is not important, just need to be re-canonized.

"Since you have determined that you want that Sean to be your teacher, then I respect your choice and take him to the palace in three days. I will canonize him as a nobleman."

The anger dissipated, the illusory scene disappeared, and at this moment the situation in the Falcon Palace returned to its original appearance.

"I see, Father, I will bring the teacher to the palace in three days."

Squeezing her chapped lips, Semiya spoke.

Although everything just now is illusory, it has affected reality. If it continues like this, Semiya is likely to be burned to death by Yordan’s anger. Of course, there is another possibility that Semiya is inside. The power of blood ran away, and the two of them died together.

"You go back and have a good rest."

Looking at Semiya, who had never bowed his head and subdued, Jordan sighed, his tone softened.

Hearing this saluted, Semiya turned and walked out of the Falcon Palace.

"You seem to prefer that woman too much now?"

After Semia left, the golden eagle on the throne suddenly rolled its eyeballs and spoke.

Hearing that, Jordan's expression has undergone a subtle change.

Although the Golden Eagle did not name it by name, Jordan knew who it was talking about.

"I am the king of Thalia. There should always be the right to prefer a woman."

His expression changed and Jordan got up and left the throne.

Hearing this, looking at the back of Yordan leaving, the golden eagle did not say anything, and once again returned to the appearance of a sculpture. It is just a guardian of the royal family, responsible for protecting the king’s safety, and will not interfere with the king’s choice. No matter what he did right or wrong.


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