In the city of Thor, the wailing sounds echoed here, and the blood gathered here into a river. In the face of indiscriminate blows, this place has become a purgatory on earth.

Wow, the blood surging on the street gradually converged into a human form, Dion, the leader of the Golden Fire Cavalry, at this moment, although Dion has many traces of scorching on his body, his aura is getting stronger and stronger. Horror, this is the power of his blood, the blood of slaughter, the more slaughter he makes, the stronger his strength is shown.

"Is it so easy to die? It's surprisingly simple."

After capturing the traces of Garza's death, Dion's national character showed a trace of doubt. Since the black church chose to openly occupy a city, it shouldn't have only such a little power.

"Anyway, let's get rid of these remnants first."

As the thoughts turned, the blood-colored lake under Dion’s feet boiled, and one figure after another came out of it, dressed in blood-colored armor and holding blood-colored sabers, just like one after another heavily armed warriors. The only difference is that , They don't have a clear face, they will follow Dion's order and kill everyone in the city.

For the black cultists, Dion has zero tolerance. Since the city has been occupied by the black cultists, he doesn’t bother to distinguish. He would rather kill a thousand by mistake than miss one. If you kill it, the black cultists will die. .

"There seems to be a bigger fish slipping through the net."

Letting go of perception, Dion found the traces that Deen had left here, and took a look at the blood ghosts who had already started the killing. Dion was about to set off to pursue Deen, but at this moment, a chill suddenly came. On his body, let him feel the breath of death.

Outside the city of Thor, above the sky, he immediately noticed the subtle changes in the city of Thor, and a figure with red eyes suddenly sketched a subtle smile.

"Finally can't help it? Who the **** is it? Is it really a life in another world or the immortality of another kingdom?"

His eyes flickered, and the figure disappeared.

"Six changes to the strongest."

The thick blood flowed on the body, condensing a pair of hideous spiked armor, this is the five-changing blood treasure, the blood armor of thorns, but seeing the figure that suddenly appeared, this powerful armor could not make Dion feel For any peace of mind, Dion's words were extremely dry when speaking.

The visitor wore a black robe and concealed her figure. Although she couldn't see her face clearly, the sense of crisis from the depths of his soul let Dion know that he really met a monster and would die if he was not careful.

As the golden flame cavalry leader of the royal family, Dion is far more aware of the horror of the Six Transformations to the Strong than others. It is completely beyond his ability to resist. Now besides shock and fear, the only doubt in his heart is that the royal family knows. I don't know the existence of the strongest of the six changes.

"You did too much."

With bare feet, ice crystals condensed under her feet, and did not touch the dust on the ground. Looking at Dion, who was like an enemy, Mi Lisa Cooney sighed. There was compassion in her blue eyes. Dion seemed to be watching a poor clown.

Kawi, invisible power fluctuations, blue ice crystals spread from the soles of feet, Dion suddenly found that he could not move, and then he saw the black-robed man raised his right arm and stretched out a finger .

"I, I'm dead."

There is no pain, but this kind of enlightenment rises in Dion's heart. It is at this time that he can see the face of the black robe for the first time, with blue eyes, small face, and golden hair. It seems that one has not grown yet. The older child, but the child's face does not have the child's innocence, only speechless indifference.

Card wiped, the ice cube cracked, and Dion’s body was shattered along with the ice cube. The powerhouse who had the peak of the Five Transformations and mastered a Five Transformation Blood Treasure died just like that, and there was no way to fight back. , That is, at this moment, a slight applause sounded.

"Papa, what should I call you, a guest from another world."

The sky fell into flames, and in an instant a snare made of flames enveloped the entire city of Thor, including Minissa Cooney, of course.

"That's why you didn't save me and let me kill him?"

Glancing at the fire net covering the surrounding area, and watching the figure walking out of the flame, Minissa's expression still seemed very calm.

"It's just a dog, and it's dead if you die. It's an honor for him to make a contribution to me."

The long red hair and the flames complement each other, looking at Minissa, Ubano Doyle, the second ancestor of the Doyle royal family, is as handsome as a woman with a gentle smile on his face.

Upon hearing this, Minissa raised her eyebrows.

"Do you think you can keep me just by breaking the net?"

Phew, the chill rose, and the crystal-clear ice crystals began to spread under Minissa's feet, quickly turning the city of Thor into a world of ice and snow. For a time, the net of fire in the sky and the frozen city of Thor formed a conflicting but harmonious picture.

"Of course not, so I called one more person."

Looking at Minissa who exuded a deep chill, the smile on Ubano's face narrowed.

Phew, the flame burned, forming a flame channel, and a figure walked out of it.

With short red hair, flaming eyes, and a burly body, the person who came was the third ancestor of the Doyle royal family, Delig Doyle.

"Plus I should be enough, right?"

A deep voice sounded, and flames were burning in his red eyes. As soon as he appeared, De Lige used his powerful aura to lock onto Minissa.

"Now we can have a good talk, right? Visitors from another world."

With a playful smile on his handsome face, as if a cat was looking at a mouse, standing side by side with Delige, Ubano spoke again.

For this operation, the Doyle royal family not only used Dion, the five-transformation blood vessel, as bait, but also dispatched a total of two strong men with six-transformation blood treasures, just in case, it is necessary to The people behind the black church took it.

"Want to talk? Yes, I'll talk if I win."

Unusual enthusiasm appeared on the face of a child, and a sharp chill broke out. Faced with two powerful men of the same level, Minissa took the initiative to attack.

Seeing such a scene, his expression changed, and he glanced at each other, and the corners of his mouth were smirked. Ubano and Delige greeted them at the same time. Since the other party is uninterested, then they don’t mind using some tough methods. Anyway, the two of them Together, they have the upper hand.

Boom, blood-colored flames and faint blue ice crystals were intertwined, and both sides bloomed with terrifying power. The huge city of Thor soon became a pile of ruins, but in the process, the blood-colored flames occupied a clear advantage. The defeat of Blue Bingjing seemed to be only a matter of time.

At the same time, in the city of Bué, which is very far away from the city of Sol, an ice mirror condenses, and a figure in a black robe walks out of it. Minissa in the fierce battle in Seoul is exactly the same.

"This is Thalia's palace, After opening two bloodlines of six changes, let me see how much the kingdom has."

With her eyes flickering, Minissa raised her foot to the sky above the palace.

Boom, the vigor that belonged to Tier VI broke out, and the situation was violent. At a moment, she stepped on the entire palace on the soles of her feet.

The royal family of Doyle uses Dion, the golden flame cavalry leader at the peak of the Five Transformations, as bait to draw out Minissa, who is hiding behind the black church, and Minissa uses the black church and her own mirror image as bait, and will belong to the royal family. The two of the six strongest men were transferred from the capital and trapped in the city of Thor.

Although she is confident in her own strength, Minisha is not arrogant. Only by dividing the power of the Doyle royal family as much as possible, can Minisha be sure to find out the strength of the Doyle royal family as much as possible. It's not temptation but death.

Boom, the momentum descending from the sky weighed on everyone's heart, and countless people were terrified. That is to say, on this day, the city of Bué, which had been stable for so many years, once again ushered in the invasion of a powerful enemy, although there was only one enemy, but this It must be a day in the annals of history.


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