Pieces of buildings disintegrated, and turned into one side after another, big or small, flying into the sky, and gathered together to form a huge dome, covering the entire mirror capital in it, the mirror guarding the barrier, at this moment , Minissa twisted her fantasy rules into the most defensive earth rules, which in itself was actually a kind of illusion on herself. Through psychedelic herself, she achieved the fuzzy rules of fantasy and the rules of earth. The purpose of the boundary, this is also the core essence of Vientiane, but it is a very dangerous thing to hallucinate yourself. Minissa will not do anything if it is not a last resort, even if it can really make Vientiane into the threshold of falsehood. .

Boom, a huge explosion occurred, and the scorching brilliance enveloped the sky and the earth. The whole area was plunged into the day. No one dared to look directly at the scene in the sky. What’s more terrifying was that just a little leaked aftermath would let The small city of Bué gasified and disappeared between the world.

On this day, the city of Bué, which had been in peace for hundreds of years, suffered a terrible loss again. Nearly 100,000 people died. The most ironic thing was that the culprit of all this was the royal family they regarded as gods.

Phew, the scorching brilliance dissipated, and the sky became bluer than ever before.

The sun fell down, reflecting the dazzling rays of light in the sky. It was the broken fragments of the defensive wall of the City of Mirrors. Faced with a full blow from a close god, even with the blessing of the Wizard Tower, Minnessa was not an opponent at all. In the collision just now, the sunburst directly destroyed the defense that Minissa had worked hard to outline. Not to mention that she was using the rules of fantasy to imitate the rules of the earth, even if she really mastered the rules of the earth, she also blocked it. Can't help this blow, this is the crushing of strength, it is a qualitative gap.

In fact, if an accident hadn't happened, Minissa, the capital of mirrors, would not have been hit hard, and it would have probably crashed directly.

"Are there even accomplices?"

Squinting his eyes slightly, looking at the half-human, half-bird monster in the Capital of Mirrors, Savage's brutality flowing in his veins became more and more intense.

"Is this the strength of the near god? It's really scary."

Taking back the claws made of gold, and extinguishing the remaining power of the last sunburst of the palm, Xiao En let out a sigh as he looked at the palm that was exposed to the bones.

At the last juncture, Sean still took action, blocking the aftermath of the sunburst for the city of mirrors whose defense was broken. Fortunately, this area is sheltered by the mist. Even if he makes random shots, Sean does not worry about it in a short time. Discovered by the world consciousness, not to mention there is a shelter behind the door.

The Son of the Sun is the darling of light and flame. He is born with a strong resistance to the power of flame, but even so, after taking a hard blow to the sunburst with a strength comparable to the upper titled wizard, Sean still suffers. The most important thing about the serious injury is that this sunburst was weakened by the capital of mirrors.

Om, the magical power surged, and the golden light spots condensed around Xiao En, like a little star. As Xiao En's thoughts turned, Ba Chi Qiong Gouyu locked Savage with it.

Boom, the light fell like rain, and faced with the continuous blows of Ba Chi Qiong Gouyu, Savaqi was blocked before he had time to express his inner anger.

"Miss Mirror, I think we should stay further away from this place."

Glancing at the city underneath that was like a grain of dust, Xiao En said casually, and at some point, Minnessa, who was wearing a black robe and bare feet, came quietly to his side.


Although she didn't understand Sean's idea of ​​scrupulous about commoners in other worlds, Minisha did not object. Every wizard has his own values. Although Sean is relatively rare, it is not uncommon.

Under Minnessa's manipulation, the Capital of Mirrors immediately moved further away from the sky above Bué, but did not leave the mist-shrouded area.

"Mr... what should I call you?"

Looking at Sean, Minnessa’s blue eyes had deep doubts and curiosity. Just now, she was ready to destroy the Wizard Tower by herself, creating a chance to escape. Unexpectedly, this "person" suddenly appeared and blocked her. Savage's attack.

The other party’s breath is very peculiar, with human behavior habits, and the essence of a beast. The most important thing is that this essence reminds her of a certain legendary creature, but it is certain that the other party is not a native of the Yellow Sand World. Friends are not enemies.

"You can call me the sun, don't be too polite, after all, everyone is a wizard of the Eternal Tower."

With his gaze still staying on Savaqi who was chasing him, Sean spoke casually, revealing his identity as a wizard.

Hearing this, Minissa's pupils suddenly shrank. The two words "Sun" confirmed her conjecture, and the identity of the wizard was beyond her expectations. In her opinion, Sean is a real one. Warcraft.

"Is it some kind of unique transformation technique or is it really the way of a wizard that a stranger has embarked on?"

The thoughts in her mind turned, Minisha did not express her doubts, because since Sean only said a code name, he obviously did not intend to reveal her true identity. It is taboo to ask such words, but Minisha guessed It is the first type, because in the world of truth, there are very few examples of aliens taking the way of wizards.

"Miss Mirror, do you have any defenses?"

Ignoring Minissa's inner thoughts, and looking up at the sky, Sean narrowed his eyes.

Hearing this, inspired by the inspiration, Minissa also found that something was wrong. At this time, the air became scorching hot.

Phew, the wind screamed, and the three upright storm pillars quietly formed, with red flames flowing inside, sweeping the surroundings, and closing towards the capital of mirrors at a terrifying speed.

Om, the terrifying traction broke out. Although it has not yet approached, the attractiveness of the storm pillar has already affected the capital of mirrors, as if it has put a rope on the capital of mirrors, and is constantly pulling it.

Seeing such a scene, Minissa's expression changed slightly, she launched Vientiane again, and also created three storm pillars, but the size is much smaller than those three fire storm pillars~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but this is not the case. Importantly, Minissa created these three counter-rotating small storm pillars, just to offset a part of the traction brought by the fire storm and free the capital of mirrors from the shackles, but at this time Savaqi had already caught up.

A red flame was entwined at his feet, and one step was a flame jump. Looking at Minissa and Sean in the capital of the mirror, Savage's anger had accumulated to the limit, and only blood could extinguish it.

Seeing the fast approaching Savaqi, and then looking at the current place, after estimating the distance, a sharp lightsaber, the sky cloud sword, condensed in Xiao En's hand.

At the same time, in the palace that was in a state of alert, one strong and one thin, two equally tall figures quietly appeared here, they were the green pheasant and the white beard.

This time, Sean rescued Minnessa because Minissa was very curious about her abilities, and the other was that he wanted to experience the combat power of those close to the gods. Savage is almost the best choice. Third, this was also a good opportunity for him, a good opportunity to find out the details of the kingdom of Talia. Although this opportunity came a bit suddenly, Sean still didn't want to let it go.


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