Cuiwei Mountain, after Xiao En was promoted to Rank 6, the place of practice given by the Yuan Lian Sect. Although it is not a famous mountain, it can also produce a kind of Rank 6 wood road resource, Cuiwei Yuzhu, which is considered very good. It can be seen from this. The Yuanlian School has the profound background of the high-ranking sect. As for Mu Chunzi's death, it didn't cause much disturbance. At most, I sighed when I first heard it.

Yuan Lian Sect is the descendant of the Immortal Sect. Not to mention those ancestors who entered the heavenly court, the Yuan Lian Sect has never lacked Rank 8 Gu Immortals throughout the ages. Although a rank 6 Gu Immortal has a good position in the Yuan Lian Sect, it is only It's just not bad. If you die, you will die. It can't affect the overall situation of the Yuanlian Sect. Moreover, Mu Chunzi and a pro-disciple like Xiao En are there, and what he left behind can't tolerate other people's intervention.

Deeply living and simple, after dealing with the funeral of Mu Chunzi, the newly promoted Gu Immortal, Xiao En, the newly promoted Gu Immortal, became extremely low-key, and he never stepped out of the Yuanlian Sect. After that, it was three years.

On the top of Cuiwei Mountain, within an illusory portal, there is a world that seems to be true and illusion, which belongs to Xiao En’s Jade Forest.

The Gu Master's practice in the Gu world begins by opening the aperture. The aperture contains a strange space that can contain the true essence and contain the Gu worms. After the sixth rank ascends to the immortal, the aperture is promoted to the immortal aperture, evolving into a blessed land, and the reality of the outside world. The world is generally no different. Gu immortals can cultivate various resources in it, as if they have a world of their own. Even every blessed land has a tributary of time flowing through it. Gu immortals can adjust the blessed land by some means. The flow of time, of course, the flow of time is not as fast as possible. Although this can speed up the accumulation of resources and cents, it will also cause disasters to come quickly.

"Till today, this seed will finally take root and sprout."

Standing in front of a clear spring, with a halo of wisdom flowing in his eyes, Xiao En kept pouring his perception of the wood road into the seeds of the tree tree in his hand, and he has been like this for three years. .

After settled in Cuiwei Mountain three years ago, after doing some research, Xiao En found that the seal on the surface of the tree seed is actually a test, and there are two conditions for passing the test, one is under 100 years of age. , The second is that the perception of Mu Dao can reach the level of a master.

Although Gu Master is the only transcendent way in the Gu world, it has many branches, such as wood path, flame path, channel, luck path, air path, strength path, etc., and a Gu master’s understanding of a path has been Divided into various realms, although the understanding of the road does not represent the strength of the Gu master, a Gu master who can walk a few turns must have a corresponding understanding of the corresponding path, and the realm of the grand master is generally only a Gu Immortal with Rank 7 To reach.

The wood path of the Gu world is highly compatible with the life rules of the Boya World. As a high-ranking wizard comparable to Rank 8 Gu Immortal, after embarking on the path of Wood Dao Gu Immortal, Sean’s perception of Wood Dao has risen rapidly. It soon reached the level of a great master.

With such a background, the seal on the tree seed was naturally easily cracked by Sean, but this is not the end. To take root and germinate, the seed of the tree tree needs to absorb Gu Immortal’s perception of the wood road as a resource. The process lasted for three years.

Om, the emerald green brilliance is blooming, and the vitality of the vicissitudes is permeated. In this one, Xiao En clearly feels the vitality surging in the seeds of the tree. The ocean is like the sea. For the tree, from birth to death, it turns into The silence of the seed for thousands of years is also part of its life cycle.

Squinting his eyes slightly, watching the dazzling brilliance in his hands, the pale green seedlings of the chrysanthemum tree rendered the whole blessed land, Xiao En threw it into the spring's eyes.

Rootless spring, six-turn waterway resources, clean water quality, suitable for cultivating a variety of wild plants.

Ding Dong, the seeds fell into the spring. The rootless spring water accumulated for many years dries up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then a green branch protrudes out of the ground. After countless years of silence, the tree seed finally takes root and sprouts again.

At the same time, a brilliance that was neither black nor white flew out from among the branches of the Tsubaki tree and fell on Xiao En.

The soul shook, and Sean stretched out his hand and grabbed the brilliance.

"This is the real inheritance of that Rank 8 Gu Master, right?"

Guanghua dissipated, and looking at the jade gu worm in his hand that looked like a book page, Xiao En’s brow was slightly raised. This is a special gu worm. The name is inheritance gu. Although it is only Rank 5, because of its special effect, So it is used by many Gu Immortals.

His eyes flickered, letting go of the restrictions, and Sean allowed Inheritance Gu to be compatible with him.

Inheritance Gu shattered and disappeared into dots. At the same time, there was an inheritance called "Undead" in Xiao En's mind.

A long time ago, a baby was just born and was abandoned by his family because of a vision. He was thrown into the river in a wooden basin, descending into the sea, perhaps because of luck, the baby did not encounter anything. I don’t know how long it took. When the baby turned into a child, the tub was finally washed up on a desolate island by the waves. There was only one big tree on this island, and that was the tsubaki tree.

Under this big tree, for many years, the child who has not eaten, drink or sleep has fallen asleep for the first time, and when he wakes up again, he has changed from a child to a teenager, and at the same time, his body I don’t know when the aperture has been quietly opened. There are still dozens of wood road gu worms, including an immortal gu. It turns out that these are the wild gu worms attracted by him when he was asleep. He is already Rank 5 Gu Master.

Mastering Heaven and Earth, asked Yu Chunshu, with the company of Gu worms, the teenager became more interested in Gu.

Then the years passed, and the young man became an old man. At this time, he was still a Rank 5 Gu Master. Over the years, he taught the world, and accompanied the Gu worms, and was constantly learning about the Gu worms and their lives. To be born, to understand their growth, to understand their demise, and never thought of practicing in the past, or that he did not have the concept of practice, and he did not know how to practice.

"I'm dying."

Sitting under the tree while dragging his old body, the old man whispered softly.

"But I don't want to die."

It was at this time that the desire for life and the pursuit of immortality emerged for the first time in the old man's heart. At this time, all kinds of sentiments appeared in his heart, and he became a Rank 6 Gu Immortal.

The old man does not know how to practice, but practice has long been integrated into his every move, and when he thinks about it, it will naturally.

After the sixth revolution is the seventh revolution, and after the seventh revolution is the eighth revolution, the old man becomes a child again, and then the cycle goes back and forth, reincarnation again and again, after a long period of time, during which the old man also went out to see the world Prosperous, but in the end he came back, because only this place is his real home.

Time is like flowing water. Once gone, without looking back, the old man has once again become an old man who is dying. He is about to die again. After so many years, the old man is still only Rank 8 Gu Immortal. Although he has gone very far, he is still Didn't really achieve Rank Nine.

"I'm dying again, old man."

Standing under the tree, stroking the trunk of the tree, the old man's expression was a little sad, he was reluctant to be separated from the tree, that is, at this time the tree was shaking, a kind of understanding came to the old man’s heart, and he completed a The construction of Zhang Xian Gu Fang, and the rank of this Immortal Gu Fang is Rank Nine.

"Old man, don't you want to be separated from me?"

Looking at the swaying Tsubaki tree, a smile appeared on the old man's face.

The old man has no name, just because he pursues immortality, he calls himself the undead old man, and the immortal gu refined by this rank nine immortal gu recipe is also called immortal gu by him.

Whether Immortal Gu can really make a person immortal, the old man doesn't know, but Immortal Gu can really allow him to live a long time, and the core material for refining Immortal Gu is the tree tree.

Refining Gu failed, the old man died, and the Chun tree fell into another silence. Before he died, the old man left his inheritance in the seed of the Chun tree, because in his opinion it was also a kind of immortality. , And this inheritance is also called the undead secret.

"Inheritance of Immortality, Immortal Gu, Senhai Reincarnation Body."

After receiving the inheritance, Sean's eyes narrowed.

The undead old man lives in the Senhai reincarnation body among the ten unique bodies. He is born extraordinary and close to the wood road. That's why he can live forever without eating or drinking. That's why he can attract Immortal Gu to cast himself in his deep sleep.

"Is it because of the Tsubaki tree that broke the curse of the ten jewels?"

Thinking of the undead old man's Sean's thoughts turned.

The source of the ten unique bodies is the children of human ancestors. They are the top physique in this world. Gu masters with this physique can practice far more than other Gu masters. Even if you do not deliberately practice, his cultivation level will continue to rise. , Even the first-class qualification is difficult to compare with it, but this qualification is also a curse, because it is too strong, so the human body can't bear it.

Gu masters with this physique often died young and blew themselves to death. The most important thing is that in the current Gu world, there is no means to break this curse, but the old man does not die. Obviously it was an accident. He lived in the Senhai Samsara body. Not only did he not blew himself up and died young, but lived a long, long time. The biggest possibility of this is that the existence of the Tsubaki tree broke the Senhai Samsara body's influence on him. .

"The harvest this time was beyond my expectations."

Seeing the tsubaki tree growing and quickly turning from a sapling to a big tree, Xiao En whispered softly.


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