With the branches and leaves withered, the habitat forest on Xiaomao Mountain began to wither at a speed visible to the naked eye, first the ordinary living trees, then the sixth-turn barren plant, and finally the seventh-turn ancient barren plant.

Looking at the devastated Xiaomao Mountain, after hundreds of years of hard work, Xiao En was not only not angry, but smiled, because at this moment, the good fortune of the forest was plundered, and the wood charm Gu finally stepped out of vitality. One step.

Om, the breath of life like a vast ocean burst out from the ground, and the yellow Xiaomao Mountain was once again soaked with green. In an instant, Xiaomao Mountain once again returned to the appearance of shades of green trees and flowers in full bloom. Compared with the previous scenery, The only pity that was exceeded was that all the Breath-Life Trees had completely died, and were refined into the Wood Charm Gu as a refining Gu material, and could not resurrect again.

"The Eighth Rank Wood Charm Gu, it's done."

Feeling the change in the breath of Wood Charm Gu, Xiao En’s heart was filled with ripples. At this moment, a Gu worm resembling a wooden man broke through the ground and appeared in front of Xiao En. It was Rank 8 Wood Charm Gu.

Wood Charm Gu is a very precious Wood Dao Gu, because it can increase almost all Wood Dao abilities, but the eighth rank is its limit. So far, Wood Charm Gu has been upgraded in the Gu world. Nine turns formula.

Looking at the Wood Charm Gu, Xiao En made no secret of his joy, with a clear smile on his face, that is, at this moment, he received a letter from the ancestor of Long Mao.

Putting away the Wood Charm Gu, Xiao En left Xiaomaoshan with a movement.

Om, the void fluctuated, and Xiao En's figure appeared outside the Cloud Palace, that is, at this moment, Yiyanxian walked out of the Cloud Palace.

Passing by, stopping before stepping into the Cloud Palace, turning around, and looking at Yiyanxian's disappeared back, Xiao En felt a strange feeling in his heart.

After staying for a moment, taking back his gaze, Xiao En walked into the Cloud Palace.

"Sean, ten years are approaching, and you yourself have become Rank 8 Gu, and there is nothing I can teach you. The status of master and apprentice between you and me will end today."

Looking at Xiao En, the ancestor of Long Mao had an uncontrollable exclamation on his face. I have to say that Xiao En’s ability in refining really moved him, the great refining master, but it’s a pity that Shaun is not Mao. Min, otherwise he really wants to leave his inheritance to him.

Hearing this, Sean was silent. Although he and the ancestor Zhang Mao, the pair of mentors and apprentices, had been an exchange of interests from the beginning, they had some feelings after getting along with each other for so many years, not to mention that although Long Mao did not. Pass it on to him, but it was really good for him.

"This is Rank Eight Vine Dragon Gu, I hope you can achieve something in the future."

Looking at the silent Sean, the ancestor Long Mao took out a small thumb thick and entwined together, the appearance of a real dragon-like gu worm.

After taking the Gu worm, Sean bowed to the ancestor Longhair and saluted.

"Thank you very much for the teacher's gift. The teacher will never forget the gift of Taoism. If you succeed, you will protect Mao Min one or two."

Knowing what Long Mao's ancestor most remembers, Sean gave his promise.

Hearing this, the long-haired ancestor looked at Xiao En's eyes softer.

"go Go."

With a wave of his sleeves, the ancestor Long Mao expelled Xiao En from the Cloud Palace.

"Disciples bid farewell to Teacher."

Standing outside the Cloud Palace, Xiao En bowed and saluted again, and after Xiao En left, Langya Fudi completely closed the door and sank into the void.


"The scenery of the Northern Plains is really different."

Riding on a flying horse and looking at the majestic scene in Beiyuan’s ruggedness, Xiao En let out a sigh. He has stayed in Langya for more than 200 years. Nine years have passed since the outside world. During these nine years, he Basically, he stayed in Langya's blessed land and did hard work. He hadn't really traveled in the north. This time he planned to travel well in Beiyuan. While traversing the catastrophe, he explored some dangerous places. There are a lot of materials. Based on these materials, Sean has already made relevant plans. At this time, the void changes and the surrounding world changes.

"Huh? This is the ancient battlefield."

The cold light in his eyes bloomed, and the power of Immortal Gu was awakened by Sean.

Looking at the withered bones and wandering resentful souls all over the floor, Sean was pretty sure that he was being calculated.

"My little friend, in the next word, I want to use my little friend's wisdom."

The figure was condensed, and the figure of a word of immortality appeared in front of Xiao En. At this moment, looking at Xiao En, his pure white eyes were filled with enthusiasm and greed that could not be concealed.

When he was in Langya Fudi before, he lied to the ancestor Chang Mao. At the very beginning, he did not find anything, but it was precisely because of such a vision that he was curious, plus the thought that he was the ancestor Chang Mao. Ancestor’s death request, so he paid part of his life and forcibly calculated Xiao En’s future.

After hundreds of years of lifespan, he still failed, but he didn't get anything. At the last moment, he saw a Gu worm, a Gu worm that resembled a lamp.

As a Zhidao Gu master, Yiyanxian naturally recognized Wisdom Gu. Although it was just a glimpse, he was sure that he had not admitted wrong, so he was inevitably moved. It is too big, if he can get Wisdom Gu, then he may also have the possibility of being promoted to Rank 9.

"It's you?"

Looking at this familiar face, Xiao En was clear in his heart, no wonder he felt something was wrong before Langya Fudi Cloud Palace, and now it seems that the other party probably moved his hands and feet at that time.

And after hearing the name of the other party, Xiao En was even more sure of his conjecture. Although he hadn’t seen Yiyanxian before, he still knew something about this powerful Zhidao Gu Master, because he was on the original trajectory. This Gu Immortal once put forward the Three Sovereign Theory with very far-reaching influence.

The ancestor of Longhair was invited to refine the Nine Ranks Escape Gu at the invitation of the Heavenly Thieves. After the failure, he could not let go. Later, Yiyanxian and the ancestor of Longhair became close friends. A large price has been calculated on the escape Gu, and after obtaining the Juyang Immortal Venerable, the third Venerable, the Great Dream Immortal Venerable, will solve the answer to the problem of the escape Gu, which is the so-called Three Sovereign Theory.

Wisdom Dao is the way of calculation. It can calculate the Ninth Rank Escape Gu and the Great Dream Immortal Venerable. Although it does not involve the fundamentals, the answer is very vague, but it is enough to see Yiyanxian’s attainments on the Wisdom Dao. .

"Yiyanxian~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You figured out that Wisdom Gu is on my body, do you figure out that you will die here today?"

Looking at Yiyanxian, Sean made no secret of his killing intent. As for handing over Wisdom Gu, Sean had no such idea at all.

Hearing such words, Yiyanxian's expression became more solemn.

"It seems that Xiaoyou has already made a decision. That is a pity. Although I did detect a little danger in Xiaoyou, I knew that Xiaoyou must have a hole card to rely on, but I entered this ancient battlefield as a wooden player. Dao Gu Master, how much power can you exert."

Looking at Xiao En, Yiyanxian's face was full of the calmness of winning.

What Zhi Dao Gu Master is best at is never frontal combat, but layout. Even if the powerful Wisdom Dao Gu Master does not show up, he has the ability to lead the enemy into the dead. There was Wisdom Gu on his body that interfered with his calculations, but under the circumstances of occupying a favorable location, he had mental arithmetic and unintentional, and the seventh-ranked Sean was definitely not his eighth-ranked opponent.


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