Wow, the black sea is surging, this is a strange place attached to the main world, filled with the breath of the gods.

Om, the void is distorted, a wisp of breeze drilled out of the void, transforming into a vague figure. After leaving the battlefield, the spirit of the storm lord did not return to his own kingdom, but came here.

"You just let go of the guardian of nature, which is different from what we said before."

At the moment when the breeze appeared, a slightly rough voice sounded. I don't know when, a muscular and simple leather armor, like a female warrior, quietly appeared beside the lord of the storm.

"The temples are restarted. The gods of the starry sky have just signed a contract to determine the general direction of the unanimous external world. Although this guardian of nature has a strange origin, he is indeed an orthodox **** who holds the power of nature, and is natural to the temples. Members of the reserve, it is already the limit for me to shoot him once according to the rules."

"Moreover, the strength of this new guardian of nature really surpassed my expectations. I didn't have the ability to kill him just by descending the body."

The expression remained unchanged, and the Lord of the Storm spoke. No one knew that there was a close connection between this old righteous **** and the returned evil god, the mother of sea monsters.


Hearing this, a dim light flashed through the blue eyes, and the mother of the sea monster let out a sigh.

Divine power, divine body, and divine nature are the three elements of true gods. As long as the three are transformed, they will enter the ranks of true gods, such as the current guardian of nature. Although such gods have entered the ranks of true gods, they Is the most vulnerable true god.

With the development of the times, in addition to the three elements of divine power, divine nature, and divine body, the kingdom of God has become an indispensable element of measurement for the true God.

Although the newly promoted true **** has reached the level of Tier 7 in all indicators, it is the most vulnerable true god. During this period of time, the true **** is most likely to be killed. Once the true **** casts the kingdom of the gods, it will become the kingdom of the gods. After being a star ascending into the sky, it is almost impossible for a true **** with strong divine power to kill a true **** with weak divine power, unless it can lock the position of the opponent’s kingdom of God and destroy the other’s kingdom of God. However, the possibility of this is very low, and in the kingdom of God, the strength of the gods will get a terrifying increase.

In ancient times, the true body of the gods walked on the earth, and there was no such thing as the kingdom of God, but later the rise of wizards threatened the status of the true gods. Only then did the true gods get inspiration from the wizard towers created by the wizards and construct gods. Since then, it has been said that the stars in the sky are compared to gods.

With the kingdom of God as a support, the gods stayed away from the earth, exalted the kingdom of God in the starry sky, turned into stars and overlooked all living beings. Under such circumstances, even in the Silver Age, when wizards were at their peak, they could not really shake the gods. Foundation.

It can be said that although the ancient gods are arrogant, they are not complacent. The wizards have found their way forward from them, and they have also obtained further methods from the wizards.

"This is not necessarily a bad thing for you. Although the temples of the gods have no plans to include you in the temple, they will not deliberately suppress you in the future."

A storm was brewing in his pupils, looking at the mother of the sea monster, the lord of the storm spoke again.

Upon hearing this, the mother of the sea monster was noncommittal.

"Since you have made such a choice, then I can only abandon the pastures of the New World."

The slightly rough voice sounded again, and the mother of the sea monsters changed the subject. This time the Lord of the Storm did not kill or severely inflict Sieggel, so as the place of the gods, according to the tacit understanding between the gods, the green field leader It is almost inevitable that the New World will become the opponent's ranch. Under such circumstances, the mother of sea monsters, who is not perfect in their own state, naturally can only choose to avoid her edge.

"It's not a bad thing, is it?"

In his eyes, the storm subsided, lightning intertwined, and he stared at the mother of the sea monsters, and a smile appeared on the vague face of the storm master.

"That being said, it's a shame after all."

Although she was talking about embarrassment in her mouth, the face of the mother of the sea monster was full of relief.

"That’s all about Sieggel. He may not be our enemy. Although the signs are vague, I am pretty sure that Attoria has returned, and the sea god’s scepter Atok is probably in his. Hands."

The storm and thunder in his eyes were intertwined, and the words of the storm lord brought a touch of solemnity.

Hearing this, the relaxed color on the face of the mother of the sea monster also disappeared. If the appearance of Siggle, the guardian of nature and the father of the oak, was just a small accident, although it was a little troublesome, it was harmless, then Atoli The return of Ya threatened his foundation.

Atolia was a former sea god, with medium power, mastered two ocean powers, and possessed the magical sea scepter Atok, one person occupies three ocean powers.

If Atolia really returns, with the help of the divine power of the sea from the artifact Atokne, Atolia is likely to once again ascend the position of Poseidon, and with the previous accumulation, Atolia is likely to occupy it again. Three ocean theocracy, and this is not acceptable to him.

As the mother of sea monsters, the most reliable way to master the sea monster divine power is to seek the sea divine power, and this is the fundamental reason why he and the lord of the storm come together.

Like him, the Lord of the Storm also intends to seek a divine power of the ocean. Although the two are rivals, they are also teammates. They have a common enemy, that is, the former sea **** Atoria.

"I will take this opportunity to retreat into the depths of the ocean as soon as possible, build sea monster lairs, and search for traces of Atoria."

When it comes to the struggle for roads, the mother of sea monsters has no hesitation.

Hearing this, the face of the storm lord showed a hint of satisfaction. Although he and the mother of the sea monsters are rivals, they only need a divine power of the sea, and the contradiction is not irreconcilable, compared to In the competition between each other, Atolia is their common enemy ~ After Atolia returns, the most likely possibility is to continue the previous path, accommodate three ocean divine powers, and promote powerful divine power. , Even to become the master of the ocean, the most important thing is that Atolia has the possibility of achieving this goal, and once Atolia succeeds, the follow-up path between him and the mother of sea monsters is equivalent to being cut off. It is the endless hatred.

"I will also use the resources of the temples to find Atolia's traces. Once I find the two of us to take action together, I must cut the grass and root."

Senran's words spit out from the mouth of the Lord of the Storm. At this moment, the blue thunder flickered in the void, illuminating the world.

Although the gods of the stars have signed a contract to set the general tone of unanimously externally and reducing internal friction, Atolia is not a member of the temples, and what is involved in the battle between him and the Lord of the Storm is a road dispute. Either party will choose to retreat, and even the temples will not intervene in such a fight.

After all, the temples are just a loose alliance, not a tight organization, and there is no absolute leader. The gods can come together and reach a consensus on the general direction, mainly because of the oppression of the external environment.


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