Phew, the deep cold air lingers on the sea. Although the golden sunlight is still hanging down, it can't bring the slightest warmth to life.

The sea froze and the dark waves froze. At the moment when the blue pheasant used the ice age, this sea area ushered in the coldest winter.

"The trick of not being on the table."

The darkness was frozen, and the disappeared figure of the Bone King finally reappeared, and at this time he had already arrived in front of the blue pheasant.

The majestic power surged, the lingering chill was easily shaken, five fingers squeezed a fist, and the Bone King slammed the green pheasant with a punch. Although he mastered the power of darkness, he was the strongest one. The hardened bones body.

Boom, the pure power gathered, the air was liquefied, and the void exploded. Under the fist of the Bone King, the body of the green pheasant turned into a pile of minced meat.

Rumbled, the fist fell, and the remaining power continued. The sea was shaken by the ice of the green pheasant, and dense cracks appeared. With just a punch, the sea was shaken.

"It's useless."

A bloodthirsty light flashed in the scarlet eyes, the footsteps were wrong, the glacier burst, and the figure of the Bone King disappeared again. At this time, the cold air gathered, and the figure of the green pheasant condensed again in the distance.

"I can blow you up once and I can blow you up a second time."

The cold words sounded, and the shadow cast, like a shadow, the moment the green pheasant appeared, the figure of the white bone king appeared immediately.

The power boiled again, the same roar sounded in the void, and as the shadow of the fist fell, the body of the green pheasant was blown up again.

"sucker Punch."

Catching the movements of the green pheasant, the bloodthirsty in the eyes of the Bone King became more and more intense. Although every time the green pheasant used the ability of mirror replacement to escape his attack, in fact, he suffered a certain amount of injury every time. The Bone King is very sure that if he continues to wear down like this, he must be victorious.

"Huh? Not right."

Once the green pheasant was blown to the ground, King White Bone suddenly noticed something strange in his heart. After several attacks, although the green pheasant had suffered serious injuries, his aura grew further unknowingly. This is not in line with common sense. .

If the previous green pheasant barely gained the power of being close to the gods with the help of strange things, then the current green pheasant gave him the feeling that he was a real close to gods.

"Are you aware of it?"

The figure condensed again, capturing the moment of hesitation of the Bone King, a cold light flashed in the blue eyes of the blue pheasant.

In recent years, relying on the resources of the green field, with the help of the time flow difference of the other world, the special strange thing Canglan Crown and the demon power of the demon fruit tree, plus the special nature of its own elemental creatures, the green pheasant has been developing the frozen fruit. The progress is rapid, and it has gone a long way at the sixth level. On the other hand, with the help of the frozen fruit and its own path, the green pheasant's analysis of the ice rules is also rapid. After all, the devil fruit has itself contained in the sixth level The power of rules.

After being promoted to the seventh level and becoming a regular fruit, the frozen fruit itself contains a projection of a complete ice rule. The process of the green pheasant's ability to develop the fruit is actually a process of constantly mastering the power of this rule. The deeper the development, The more you understand this rule.

Of course, to a certain extent, the devil fruit is equivalent to an embedded special strange object, through which the capable person can obtain power but cannot achieve the leap of life. However, according to the figure, there are frozen fruits. The analysis of the rules reached a very fast speed.

Under such circumstances, these years have passed, the green pheasant has been promoted from a lower titled wizard to a higher title, and its speed is far beyond normal. In fact, if the green pheasant is willing, he can already try to be promoted to a near god.

As Sean’s Hormitz, the mythical power of the Devil Fruit Tree is scarce, but the green pheasant is not lacking. Therefore, his own development of the frozen fruit has reached a very deep stage, which can be said to be far from the seventh-order awakening. It's only one step away.

Of course, the main reason for being able to do this is because the green pheasant itself has extraordinary talents, and its compatibility with frozen fruits is so high that ordinary people can't imagine it. Otherwise, it frequently borrows the power of the devil to catalyze the fruit. He had already lost control and went into madness.

With such convenience, the 90% threshold that is difficult for ordinary wizards to cross is not a problem for the blue pheasant, but the blue pheasant hesitated.

Appropriate devil fruit can effectively promote the improvement of the wizard's path, but after reaching a certain level, the improvement of the wizard's path can also promote the development of the devil fruit in turn.

Although the rules contained in the seventh-order devil fruit are illusory, they do not have the real power like the real rules, and need the support of the capable person to show the real power, but after all, it has a complete structure of rules, and it is in the awakening. For a moment, resonating with the world, the resulting power is definitely beyond the ability of ordinary people, that is to say, the awakening of the seventh-order devil fruit itself contains great danger.

The closer he gets to awakening, the clearer this premonition in the blue pheasant’s heart is. He clearly knows that he is not ready yet. Once he tries to awaken, the possibility of successfully passing backlash is very low, and the probability of losing himself and becoming the world’s Part of it, the natural disaster that incarnates walking becomes a natural phenomenon that symbolizes ice and snow.

The wizard and other ranks entering the near-god level will promote the process of his awakening, making him closer to awakening, and closer to death. This is also the fundamental reason for his hesitation. Even in order to delay this process, the green pheasant has been restrained before. Oneself, don't use the power of the close to the **** level.

"Since you forced me to step into the level of being close to the gods, then you have to pay the price."

The strands of chill were permeating. At this moment, all the thoughts of the green pheasant had returned to death, and it seemed that from the body to the soul were turned into ice, and the eyes of the Bone King were indifferent, as if they were looking at a dead person.

Om, the magic power surged, and the pure white aura bloomed from the prison of the cold peak of the wizard tower, brushing down towards the bone king. This was the great frozen divine light, and at the same time, a more severe chill rushed from the body of the green pheasant.

The temperature dropped sharply, and although the shining sun was still hanging high in the sky, at this moment tens of thousands of miles of the sea was simultaneously fluttering with heavy snow.

Darkness surged, and Sean’s great freezing light was blocked by the Bone King. At this time, with the wizard’s tower of cold peaks as the cornerstone, an illusory throne has been formed behind the blue pheasant. This is the **** witchcraft Frozen Throne. .

The throne is majestic, with an indescribable thickness, the whole body is blue, like an eternal iceberg, the surface is covered with white ice and snow.

With indifferent eyes, without a trace of fluctuations, the green pheasant slowly made a sword-drawing action. At the same time, the clanging sound of the sharp sword out of the sheath sounded in the void, the sharp sword inserted on the back of the throne. From the illusion to the reality.

The blade is ferocious, with shark-like teeth on both sides, and the hilt is shaped like a goat’s skull. Two curved horns extend to the sides. The black and silver gray are intertwined, revealing a deep despair. On both sides are inscribed with inscriptions of hell, which means where strength and despair are.

"Frostmourne·Everything is dead."

Gujing Wubo, like a machine, holding a sharp sword in his hand, the green pheasant cuts down, looking light and fluttering, without any power, but without any problems, as if it should be like this, that is, at this time, there is a wave of darkness. The mighty power in the middle descended from nothingness and blessed on the sword. The fall of this power gave the witchcraft in the hands of the green pheasant a real touch of reality, as if it had incarnate the real Frostmourne, and possessed the seventh rank. The breath of strange things.

The sword light was pure white, driving the ice, and evolving despair. At the moment the sword light fell, endless despair spawned, and the Bone King was unavoidably cut. This sword he has no ability to avoid unless he can cut it. The root of despair in the heart uproots the seeds of despair.

The true body was undamaged, the bones were flawless, and the attack of the blue pheasant did not seem to cause any obvious injury to the bone king, but at this moment, the bone king's breath fell suddenly, like a candlelight wagging in the wind.

The indifference in his eyes dissipated, and the fluctuations that should have been restored. Ignoring the bone king who was sinking in despair, the green pheasant looked up to the sky. At that moment, he heard an angry dragon roar and an ancient bell ringing. .

Seeing nothing, the green pheasant withdrew his gaze. At this time, the desperate aura permeated, adding a touch of boring paleness to the fluttering snowflakes. The Bone King’s life candle was completely extinguished and he died.

"Is the weapon Frostmourne possessed by the Hell Demon?"

Raising his hand and looking at the witchcraft figurative object that should have dissipated in his hand, the green pheasant narrowed his eyes. At this moment, the sword in his hand has transcended the concept of witchcraft and approached the strange thing. , And it is also the top sixth-order strange thing, because it carries a trace of true Frostmourne power.

"It's very powerful, but I don't want it, and I can't want it."

Power burst, and the projection of Frostmourne cracked inch by inch in the hands of the blue pheasant, turned into ice chips and disappeared in the breeze.

"The path of the wizard stepping into the level of the near-god will surely promote the power of the frozen fruit."

Looking at the right palm that was shining in the sun, the green pheasant let out a sigh.

"Let's go."

Putting away a sigh, glanced at the remaining naval forces. The green pheasant drew the power of the Wizard Tower. At this time, the naval forces had lost more than half, and most of them died in the aftermath of the previous battle. This is the blue pheasant deliberately controlled Coupled with the intentional maintenance of these strong men like Monnes and the fact that the other party did not deliberately target it, it has to be said that sometimes being weak is one of the biggest original sins.


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