Silence filled the study room.

"The Surtilt Kingdom has an ancient heritage, and there must be a seventh-order power behind it. Does Amir have a way to solve it?"

Leaning back, relaxing, and sinking his body into the soft sofa, Sean broke the silence.

Hearing this, Asim's expression changed slightly, but thinking of Amir's explanation before leaving, he was still ready to tell the truth.

Reaching out, a spell exuding ancient aura appeared in Raheem's hand. With a surge of power, Asim was about to activate the spell, but Shaun prevented him from moving.

"No need to, outsiders can't perceive the situation here, including them."

In the end, Sean's tone improved a level.

Hearing this, thinking of the father of oak, after hesitating for a while, Asim quietly put away the charm in his hand.

"The royal family naturally has seventh-order powers, including the mythical weapons and blooming iron roses left under the crown of the first generation of Assad, and even the current king Eberhard has quietly completed the seventh-order transformation, A new throne knight."

Having said this, Asim paused for a while and looked at Sean's expression. After seeing Sean frowning, but still keeping calm, he continued to speak.

"But His Highness Amir has determined that King Abhad has gone mad. If there is no way to solve this problem, the entire Surtilt will become the funeral of King Abhad."

Hearing this, Sean stretched out his hand to interrupt Asim's statement.

"You mean that King Abhad completed the seventh-order transformation, but he became a lunatic?"

Frowning his brows, Sean asked a question. As far as he knew, although Eberhard was a qualified king, he did not have much achievements on the path of transcendence. At least he did not reach the level that can cross the seventh step. The most important thing is. The thing is that he was still crazy, becoming a madman comparable to a god.

Hearing that, looking directly at Sean's questioning eyes, Asim nodded solemnly.

"This is a judgment made by Amir. Does she have any evidence?"

Looking at Asim, Sean spoke again, and this time Asim stared directly at Sean and was silent.

Knowing it in his heart, withdrawing his gaze, Xiao En did not continue to ask this question.

"According to your statement, Ebohard has fallen into madness, but he is still a seventh-tier, and he is also a seventh-tier holding the mythical weapon and blooming iron rose. The combat power is extraordinary. Amir wants to be on the throne. Is there a corresponding hole card? How can you not pin all your hopes on the father of oak, right?"

The frowned brows loosened, and Sean changed a question. Eberhard was crazy. The only way Amir wanted to be on top was to solve this madman, but this madman is a seventh-order, and he can only solve the seventh-order. The seventh order is possible.

Hearing this, after a while, Asim spoke.

"Although the king is crazy, his power is unprecedented. However, as the destined king of the Kingdom of Suttilt, His Royal Highness Amir has obtained the approval of Yulin Borges, and he will become the most powerful of His Highness. A strong backing."

Speaking of this, Asim's words couldn't help but be touched with a touch of exaltation.

Hearing this, a gleam of light flashed in Sean's blue pupils.

Speaking of the name Euren Borges, few people know it, but when it comes to this other identity, many people in the Sutilt Kingdom know it very well, because he is the first monarch of Sutilt, Isa De Bansain’s knight companions, also known as the so-called horse riding beasts, must know that among the many recorded seventh-order knights, only a few have the seventh-order riding beasts, and Isard Bansain is one of them. one of.

Of course, as one of the oldest aristocrats in Surtilt, even before the founding of the nation, the Montell family had a better understanding of relevant information.

In the eyes of outsiders, Issad Banshin is a model of inspiration. He was born in a ruined nobleman. When the family passed down to his generation, the title had completely disappeared. So he went out and worked hard, starting as an adventurer, and then experiencing After some hard work, the light became brighter and brighter. Finally, relying on his powerful strength, he opened up his own territory in the wild land and finally established the Kingdom of Sutilt.

But ancient nobles like Montel know very well that the reason why Issard can counterattack all the way is part of his powerful extraordinary talent and personal charm, but the biggest reason is that he rode a dragon, a mythical dragon. , And the name of this dragon is Yulin Borges.

With a mythical dragon seed as its support, Assad’s rise is naturally much smoother. After all, in the face of such an existence, no matter who it is, he will make some concessions. Even later, Assad can smoothly break through the seventh step, too. Because Euren Borges provided a lot of help, many people at the time, in order to express their envy, jealousy, and hatred, kindly called Isard Bansane the lucky Issard and the Isa with a bad stomach. Germany.

Issard didn't mind such a statement, and sometimes even teased himself, but later with the death of Issard and Julien Borges disappeared, the descendants of the Bansian family gradually covered up this statement.

"The king of fairies, the emperor of dragons, and Yulin Borges with the title of graceful dragon? I didn't expect that he would appear again, and he was willing to support Amir."

Whispering in a low voice, waves of ripples appeared in Sean's blue pupils.

Sean is not too surprised that Yulin Borges is still alive. Although the life span of the seventh-order existence starts from ten thousand years, the life span between different races, different roads, and different individuals is still very different. , And the dragon species is undoubtedly the one with the longest life.

What really surprised him was that Amir actually got the support of this one. According to the record, this one quietly left the kingdom of Sutilt after the death of Assad, and there was no news after that, even these years. The royal family of Sutilt has always used sacrificial rituals such as the Hundred Flower Festival to get in touch with him, but he has never responded, never once. Obviously, he has no feelings for Sutilt or Bansain. , And there is no plan to continue to support them.

"With Jurine Borges under the crown, it is not impossible to deal with the mad king. Of course, to be on the safe side, we hope to get help under the crown of the oak father."

Looking at Sean who was in deep thought, Asim continued to strike while the iron was hot, and this was also his most important purpose for coming to the New World this time.

Hearing this, a sharp light flashed through Sean's blue eyes.

"Do you want the father of the oak to help you deal with the mad king? It may not be easy."

Looking at Asim, Sean frowned slightly. Although Amir's conditions were good before, it was just like that for Sean. At least it was not good enough to be worthy of a Tier 7 combat power led by Green Field. Even if it is just serving as an auxiliary, the same is true. The most important thing is that a divided and turbulent Sutilt kingdom may be more in line with the interests of the green collar.

"I know it will not be easy. In order to thank the Father of Oak for his help, we are willing to dedicate a beacon to the Sacred Oak Church to enter Treasure Island."

Looking at Sean, Asim directly gave the conditions, as if he was sure that Sean could reach an effective communication with the father of oak.

Hearing this, Sean was moved.

Treasure Island, the secret place in the legend of the Boya World, where gold refers to pure gold and silver refers to mithril. Rumor has it that there are rare and expensive pure gold and mithril everywhere in the outside world, just like the soil on the ground. , They together form a dreamy island. Of course, pure gold and mithril are only the most common in that place, not the most precious. It is rumored that there is a stream of clear spring flowing in the deepest part of Treasure Island. The name of Qingquan is Bu Laoquan.

Bold Spring contains long biomass is a treasure belonging to the seventh stage. A complete Bold Spring can extend the life of the seventh stage for more than ten thousand years. It can be said to be a truly valuable and no-market treasure. For such treasures, even the seventh-order true gods must be moved by it, after all, true gods will die.

Seeing Sean whose expression changed, Asim waited silently. He believed that neither Sean nor the father of the oak behind him could resist the temptation of Treasure Island, because under normal circumstances, the more immortal, the more fear of death. Their pursuit of longevity is unimaginable for ordinary people, and many of them are crazy, and the fountain of eternal life in Treasure Island can meet their needs.

"It's really a bargaining chip that makes people hard to refuse."

With a sigh of relief, he straightened up with a smile on his face. Sean stretched out his palm to Asim. As for life span, Sean is not lacking at present, not to mention that he still has a lot of life-prolonging treasures in his hands, such as from Gu The world’s longevity gu and longevity peach, but Tier 7 is a new beginning after all, and the meaning of time will become different. After all, there are not too many treasures like the elixir of Bu Laoquan, even if you don’t use it, you can use the old deal. A very good choice, not to mention that the pure gold and mithril on Treasure Island are a lot of wealth in themselves. Pure gold is a rare sixth-order extraordinary metal while mithril is a fifth-order extraordinary metal with extremely wide-ranging uses.

Seeing such a scene, Asim's face also showed a relaxed smile.

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