High in the sky, stopped, listening to the roar of the zombies, looking at the city of Aruye filled with gunpowder smoke below, a trace of remembrance flashed in the eyes of the white beard. At the beginning, he had followed the orders of Sean to come here and set off a tsunami. At that time, Aruye only lost a lower city area, and the rest of the place has been preserved. Now, this city that has been standing in the New World for many years is about to become a playground for zombies. The reason is that the strength comparison between the two sides has been There has been a fundamental change, the strong and the weak are transposed, and the concerns of the past are no longer enough.

"Rabet, you stay here for the time being, remember, confine all the zombies in Aruye City, not allow them to spread out, and wait until everything is over before reclaiming them and sending them back to the zombie farm."

Withdrawing his gaze, he took a look at Rabet, a young girl, and White Beard made a decision. She is a capable person in the form of a zombie fruit controller. She is best at controlling corpses and is the most suitable person to perform this task.

The green field collar chose to release the zombies first to complete the ceremony, and second, to give a reluctant reason for the future occupation of the new world, not really want to set off a zombie frenzy and destroy the human race in the new world.

"Yes, Mr. Whitebeard."

He took his orders happily. Hearing Baibeard's instructions, Rabet immediately agreed. This time, in order to cooperate with the plan of the territory, the zombie farm lost a lot. Not only did the factory need to be rebuilt, the zombie group also suffered serious losses, and Aruye The city has a population of hundreds of thousands. If all of these populations are converted, then the ethnic groups lost before the zombie factory can be made up. After doing this, Rabet believes that he will be affirmed by the viper.

"Although the current situation in the New World is under our control, you still have to be more careful. Aruye may have already turned to the Old World for help."

A word was left, the broken space, and the white beard's figure disappeared. This time he came here to kill the Tier 6 title of Galligos. Mikul hugged Marisol and followed him. Mary Sol needs to be brought back as soon as possible.

Hearing this, looking at the disappearing backs of the three white beards, their eyes flickered, and Rabet also opened a space entrance. This is the dimensional apartment of her thought ability. Although she didn't do much on offense, she used it. It is very useful to come to hide. Galigos was found before because she left traces when she attacked Aruye's army, and Galigos was an expert in this area.

At this moment, she has made up her mind to hide in the Dimensional Apartment and carefully restrain the corpse group, and will never get out of it until the end. Anyway, there are a lot of various materials stored in it, not only for survival, but also for recreation.

The door of the space was closed, and Rabet's figure disappeared. For a while, the huge city of Aruye was only left with the roar of the zombies.

In the depths of the void, fear gathers here, wraith spirits are here, and it has become a hotbed of death.

In the depths of the underworld, the ancient golden coffin is still floating, but the **** of death, Danatus, lying in it, has disappeared, leaving only a whole body of pitch black, precipitating the silence and the ancient liquid glowing slightly in the ancient coffin. .

"The seventh-order potion Death God is finished."

Perceiving the change in the nature of the strength in the ancient coffin, Ymir let out a sigh of relief.

The scarlet brilliance was revealed, the reincarnation eyes were apparent, and the pale monarch, who resembled a skeleton, was pulled out by Ymir.

"Go ahead."

Turning his gaze on the pale monarch, Ymir spoke.

Hearing this, I didn't dare to hesitate, and the pale monarch immediately fell into the underworld.

Om, power resonance, when the pale monarch fell into the underworld, the underworld further evolved, blessing more power on the pale monarch, but this is also normal, after all, this piece of underworld itself was made by Ymir using the pale monarch’s power from.

The figure was taller, and the crown on his head became brighter and brighter. The pale monarch became the center of this land, but when he came to the golden coffin, the dark blue necromantic flame burning in his eyes appeared a little erratic.

He can clearly feel that the dark liquid in the coffin possesses extraordinary magic power. He is eager to integrate this magic power, but his mind is constantly warning him, letting him understand that such a move is likely to make him enter the real world. Death.

However, such hesitation was only for a moment. In the next moment, the pale monarch walked into the golden coffin on his own, because the desire to evolve was an instinct engraved in the deepest part of every life, and he knew clearly that he had no choice to back down. right.

Outside of the underworld, watching the pale monarch quickly cut off his hesitation, the coldness in the depths of Ymir's eyes quietly dissipated. If the pale monarch did not make a choice in time, then he would control the pale monarch to help him make a choice , It's just that at that time, it was not the Pale Lord that contained the potion, but the potion digested the Pale Lord.

Grumbling, the liquid boiled, and when the pale lord walked into the golden coffin, the originally peaceful and unreliable potion of "Reaper" suddenly boiled.

Lie down and let the potion drown his body, the pale monarch began to actively guide the power of the ritual to help himself digest the death potion.

Om, the golden coffin is closed, and the dark iron chain stretches out from the depths of the underworld. It binds the golden coffin and pulls it into the depths of the underworld. It is at this time that this illusory underworld begins to evolve towards reality.

At the same time, outside of the underworld, Ymir's reincarnation eyes changed for a moment, and the lines of the ring were disturbed, as if he wanted to outline a new outline, but this change only lasted for a moment, the next moment It returned to normal again.

"What's wrong?"

Turning his gaze, Sieggel noticed the abnormality of Ymir just now.

"The **** of death represents the human realm of my reincarnation eye, and his change caused the abnormal change of my reincarnation eye."

Frowning slightly, Ymir explained the reason.

Hearing this, Sean also cast his gaze over.

"If the **** of death successfully ascends to the seventh-order, is it possible for your reincarnation eye to transform into a seventh-order demon eye?"

With words, Xiao En proposed a conjecture that the Eye of Reincarnation has life, death, illusion and other regular fragments. If it can transform into a seventh-order by itself, then it will be of great help to Ymir's subsequent growth.

Hearing this, after a while pondering, Ymir spoke.

"It's possible, but I'm not sure if it will succeed."

There are very few types and numbers of the seventh-order magic eyes, and there are fewer people. The only person Ymir knows about and has been in contact with is the fairy dragon Yulin Borges. This fairy king has the seventh-order real magic eyes and is known as You can see through all the illusions ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ for up to three years. If he can't digest the death potion, he will be digested by the death potion, and then everything will have an answer. "

Turning his gaze to the underworld again, Ymir spoke again. Through the vain on the surface, he saw the ancient golden coffin buried deep in the ground.

The ritual death feast allowed more than 100,000 people to die in terror. Using grievances as firewood, fear as seasoning, and death divine power as the main ingredient, cooking a legendary dish silent death, and eating it There are only two people in this dish. They either digest the dish or are digested by the dish to add to the flavor of the dish. The status change between the diners and the food is only a moment. The ritual message does not erupt in silence, but in silence. die.

Hearing this, and looking at the quiet land, Sean and Sieggel didn't say anything. It was only three years. It was not a long time. They waited.

At this moment, the situation in various places in the New World is changing drastically. No matter what the elites of the pioneers think, the Green Field is gradually bringing the New World into its actual control.

The latest release.

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