The spring of 1541, March 3, was a day destined to be remembered.

In the early morning, the mist had not cleared, and only a little light leaked from the horizon, but at this moment, the behemoth of the green collar, or the Emerald Principality, had already woken up from its deep sleep, and there were crowds of people everywhere on the streets of the city. People are discussing enthusiastically, discussing excitedly, and waiting eagerly because today is the day when the Emerald Principality was officially founded.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the ancient bell rang, echoing over the entire emerald Principality. With the passing of the bell, the mist dissipated, the sea of ​​clouds was penetrated, and the golden sunlight coated the earth with a layer of gold gauze.

Roar, the majestic dragon roar sounded, one after another, as if playing a solemn but majestic movement, headed by the two pure blood dragons, the gilt flame dragon Smaug and the polar cold dragon Xiaoxue, hundreds of people wearing battle armors and driving flying dragons The Dragon Knight flew low over the sky above Greenfield City. Although he had deliberately converged, the Xuanhe Longwei still amazed countless people.

After the Dragon Knights are three islands comparable to the legendary battleships of Tier 5, each of them blooms with dazzling aura, showing their own strength wantonly, and this is not the end, after that, the army and the navy are in succession. Debut, showing their style to the people.

And such scenes were broadcasted in real time by the phone bug, so that every city and even village in the New World could see it. At a moment, a sense of belonging quietly breeds in the hearts of the people of the Emerald Principality. Once I clearly realized that I stood behind a powerful country.

At twelve o'clock at noon, when the minute hand of the clock crossed the last mark, the ancient bell rang again, this time the sea of ​​clouds rolled, and a huge palace group gradually came into the sight of everyone.

Ancient, gorgeous, majestic, and people dare not look straight. This is the first impression most people have of this palace group. The palace group covers an area of ​​aurora, and it seems to cover the entire Green City in a vague way. The most important thing is the composition. Each palace in the palace group is blooming with magnificent aura, showing their extraordinary.

In the south of the palace complex, there is a vermilion pavilion-like building flowing with quiet stars, which is connected with the sea of ​​stars in the sky, and a vast starry sky is reflected above the palace complex. Its name is Guanxing Pavilion.

In the north of the palace complex, there is an emerald green palace surrounded by endless water. With it as its source, countless emerald green water flows through the entire palace group like veins and hangs down from the sky. Its breath is powerful and pure, and its name is Biyou palace.

In the east of the palace complex, there is a palace that resembles a mountain, stacked on top of each other, surrounded by countless vines, and flowing with a strong breath of life. Among them, there are vaguely many warriors wearing battle armor and strong aura, named Bean Shrine.

In the west of the palace complex, there is a palace made of huge stones, with tall stone pillars supporting the roof, as if from a distant era, exuding dazzling golden light, its name is the Sun Palace.

At the core of the palace complex is a mysterious palace shrouded in mist, black and white intertwined, making people indistinct and full of mystery, its name is Zhenyun Palace.

With these five palaces as the core, many buildings resonate and echo each other, forming a huge whole, they are ancient, solemn, gorgeous and powerful.

The rumbling, the big earthquake trembled, but it was restrained by the invisible force, and did not actually affect the outside world. Under the gaze of countless people, roots of trees shaped like mountains drilled out of the depths of the earth, intertwined and spread. Upward, explored the clouds.

It continued to spread and grew crazily. Just a quarter of an hour later, a mountain shaped like Optimus’ Pillar appeared in the core area of ​​Greenfield City, and when the top spread to the clouds, the tree roots intertwined with a giant peak. Although it no longer grows upwards, countless tiny roots are differentiated and weave the clouds and soil together to build a solid platform.

At this time, looking from the bottom up, the top of the mountain of Tianzhu seems to be covered by clouds and mist. At this time, the palace group is transformed from the virtual, drilled out of the void, and landed on the top of the mountain of Tianzhu. .

Rumble, the two bordered, the magnificent aura burst out, illuminating the entire sky, at this moment the colorful halo obscured the sun, rendering the sky splendid, revealing mystery in the grandeur.

Om, space rhythm, when the palace group is completely manifested, a layer of invisible power envelopes it, then the vision disappears, the scene inside the palace also becomes blurred, people can only vaguely see a vague shadow , The only thing that is still clear is the four tall portals standing in the southeast, northwest and northeast of the palace complex.

The palaces in these palaces are actually magic towers transformed from Immortal Gu Houses in the Gu World. Although these magic towers are not perfect because they are the first attempt, they are already quite powerful.

"My people, the Emerald Principality is officially established at this moment, and I will be with you from today."

The sky was distorted, and a huge face was outlined, and Sean’s calm and powerful voice came from it. Although this face was a bit vague, the face of Sean and Xiao naturally appeared in everyone who saw it. En's name.

Om, a golden oak stretches its body in the endless void, and the sacred brilliance is scattered, moisturizing every inch of the emerald Principality. At the moment when the emerald Principality was established, the guardian of nature, the father of oak, Siggle gave it My blessing.

At the same time, in the depths of the starry sky, among a mountain peak that exudes immense light and illuminates the boundless darkness, a pair of pure and extremely pure pupils quietly opened. Here, light is the only main theme, and countless exudes light, resembling a phoenix bird. The monsters of war are playing in droves here, and here is the heaven mountain of the kingdom of the gods of the Lord of Dawn.

"It seems to be an interesting country."

A slightly smiling voice sounded, and a pure white phoenix feather floated slowly from the Heavenly Mountain, straddling the space, and falling to the material world. The next moment, under the shining of the sun, a patter of rain enveloped. The Emerald Principality.

Under such rain, people are exhausted and their illnesses are gone. This is the blessing of the Lord of Dawn to the Emerald Principality.

Flowers are like the sea. Standing in the sea of ​​flowers, the scene of the Emerald Principality appeared in front of Julien Borges, and everything was clearly visible.

"Oh, the action is quite fast."

Seeing the rain of light falling over the Emerald Principality, with a faint smile on his face and a glamorous incomprehensible thing, Euren Borges plucked a rose from his side and threw it into the light curtain in front of him.

The light curtain rippling, like the waves on the surface of the water, the roses disappeared after submerging in it. The next moment, in the fields of the Emerald Principality, beside the road, in the small courtyard, the roses of different varieties and attitudes quietly pulled out the branches, and then quickly It grows and blooms beautiful flowers. There is no lack of extraordinary magic plants. This is the king of fairies, the master of Mystal in the kingdom of flowers, and the blessing of the graceful dragon Yulin Borges to the Emerald Principality. He will The rose was given to the Emerald Principality.

In the depths of the endless starry sky, storms converge into the ocean here, and thunder and lightning shuttle freely in it. This is the sea of ​​storms of the kingdom of the gods of the storm lord.

"Unexpectedly, Artemis actually gave a divine grace, did he want to befriend Sieggel?"

Muttering in a low voice, dull thunder echoed in the void, a hint of thinking flashed in his eyes, and a spring breeze was born in the hands of the Lord of the Storm.

Call The spring breeze is blowing, passing through the sea of ​​storms, and into the material world. The next spring breeze that symbolizes life comes from the void and blows across the territory of the Emerald Principality.

The vegetation is lush and green, and it is blown by the spring breeze. All the life forms in the Emerald Principality feel a swell of energy rising from the bottom of their hearts, continuous, and after today, a large number of new lives will be born in the Emerald Principality. , This is the blessing of the Lord of the Storm to the Emerald Principality.

"The father of the oak, the lord of dawn, the dragon of grace, and the lord of the storm, there are four great beings who have blessed at the same time."

Among the delegations watching the ceremony, some emissaries made such a sigh.

Although the Emerald Principality is a newly born principality, judging from the power it exhibits today, many kingdoms are nothing more than that. At this moment, many envoys have once again raised the importance of the Emerald Principality in their hearts to a higher level.

Looking up at the looming palace of the king in the clouds, they sighed in their hearts that after today, there was a new chess player on the chessboard of the world.


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