Sievers Kingdom, the seaside town of Kamuz, this is a small town with fishery as the pillar of survival, at this moment, the smoke of gunpowder is enveloped here.

Rumbled, the roar of artillery continued to sound, and a pirate ship with black sails was spitting flames against the town, violently attacking the town's newly organized defensive line.

The defensive line was broken, the pirates landed, the townspeople shouted in horror, and the pirates laughed wildly. The smell of blood soon permeated the town of Kamz. This was a feast of pirates looting.

The Ten Years War in the Old World and the reopening of the Golden Sea Route created rampant piracy, especially in the coastal areas of the Old World. This scene is very common at this point in time.

In fact, it was born by the sea. For safety, the defense of Kamz Town is relatively not weak. In addition to a large number of militias, its sheriff is a genuinely extraordinary person, capable of coping with ordinary pirates. , It’s a pity that the pirate group that was launched this time is the infamous porcupine pirate group. Its leader is a man who can eat the miracle fruit, which is the devil fruit.


In the corner, watching his father, a sheriff, was pierced by needles with the thickness of a thumb that looked like arrows, twelve-year-old Eric's fear and concern erupted, and he couldn't help letting out an exclamation.

"Oh, look, see what I found?"

A rough, ridiculous voice sounded, and a shadow cast, a monster nearly three meters tall, resembling a wild boar, covered with spikes on the back, standing in front of Eric, he is the porcupine pirate group The old butcher Magus.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me..."

His body was stiff, he fell to the ground, his feet kicked wildly, Eric backed back instinctively, and Mags's hideous face and bloodthirsty aura made him lose all his courage, and his body was cold.

"It's really fresh and tender, it must be very fragrant to chew."

The thick-haired palm stretched out, and Mags lifted Eric up like a chicken.

His neck was stuck, Eric's face quickly flushed, and his breathing was not smooth. He was struggling instinctively. His two calves kept pedaling, but it was useless. As time passed, his movements increased. The younger he gets, he is dying.

It was at this time that a breath of anger and killing intent came from behind Magus.

Dingling, sparks splattered, blood was flowing all over his body, as if he was a **** sheriff. Hals broke free from the shackles of the spikes and attacked again. With the belief that he would kill, he exhausted all he had. With the strength of his hand, he stabbed Magus with the big sword in his hand.

There is no blood, no soft feeling as imagined. Looking at the tall back in front of him, Hals’ eyes widened slowly, full of disbelief. He is a first-order "soldier", and he tried his best. The unexpected blow only pierced Magus's skin.

"What a useless guy."

Let go, let Eric, who was about to suffocate, fall to the ground, turn around, butcher Magus slapped and slapped Sheriff Hals.

"What I like most is the way you poor bugs are constantly struggling. Come on, continue to stand up."

With a grinning smile on his face and dark yellow fangs, Mags approached Hals step by step, and at this time, Hals, who had been hit hard, fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

"Keep on struggling, you poor beast."

Raising his foot and aiming at Hals' right leg, Butcher Mags stepped on it, squeaking, a clear voice sounded, and the bones were shattered.

Ah, the severe pain came, stimulating the nerves, and Hals, whose consciousness had begun to blur, let out a scream in an instant.

Hearing this voice, Eric, who was lying on the ground not far away, also reluctantly opened his eyes. In the vagueness, he saw the torture of his father Hals.

There were screams again and again, first with the right leg, then the left leg, then the two palms, and finally the third leg. This foot was stepped on, and Butcher Mags deliberately crushed it a few times. Trample it completely into a pile of rotten meat.

"Stand up, stand up, what's the point of lying on the ground like a woman?"

With a grinning grin, Mags continued to destroy Hals, reaping pleasure from the torment.

The screams became weaker and weaker, the breath of life became weaker and weaker, the nervous breakdown, Hals fainted with pain alive.

"No, no, father..."

Confused, Eric kept murmuring, that is, at this moment, a gentle, as if all-inclusive voice quietly sounded in his ears.

"Want to live? Want to save your father? Trade with me, I will give you strength, and you need to reward me for your future."

In the midst of many phantoms, Eric saw a sacred light.

"I am willing, give me strength, you can take away all my things."

The desire to survive exploded, as if a drowning man grabbed the last straw, and Eric struggled to give his own answer.

"As you wish, my child."

The sacred light bloomed, and as the words fell, a warmth like the sun in spring enveloped Eric.

The injuries on his body continued to dissipate, and his consciousness returned to normal. At this moment, Eric’s originally blue eyes were suddenly stained with purple, and they became thicker and thicker. He gained a pair of new eyes, which symbolized the reincarnation of power. .

"I want to kill you, I want to kill you."

A steady stream of power breeds in the body, the original cowardice retreats, and Eric's killing intent is boiling. At this moment, there is only one thought in his mind, and that is to kill the pig-headed monster in front of him.

"Huh, dare to look at me directly?"

After Hals fainted and was quite boring, Mags noticed Eric's change, and a perverted smile appeared on his rough face, as if he had found a new toy.

"These eyes?"

Looking at Eric, looking at the mysterious purple pupils with circular patterns, Mags instinctively felt uncomfortable in his heart, just like when he was stepped under his feet when he was weak. The feeling was the same, which made him feel a sense of fear instinctively.

"It's really annoying eyes. I'm going to dig him down and trample on him."

With a movement, he came to Eric’s head. Mags grabbed Eric’s head. His palm was bigger than Eric’s face, but at this moment a terrifying repulsion gave Eric Gram-centered eruption.

Rumbled, the earth wailed, and the clouds in the sky were also broken up, revealing a blue sky. In the violent turbulence, the ground was lifted layer by layer. The powerful body that Magus, the porcupine fruit ability, is proud of is here. A repulsive force was like paper in front of him, and it was easily crushed into minced meat. At this moment, all the scenes were distorted.

The aftermath The dense dust gathered into waves and flooded in all directions. At this time, Kamuz Town had completely disappeared, leaving only a circular sinkhole, repelled by the sea in the distance It is returning here, and Kamz Town will disappear completely in this sea after a while, as if it had never appeared before.

Standing in place, looking around, looking at everything that is empty around him, the coldness in Eric's purple eyes faded quietly, replaced by blankness, and then pain.

"I killed my father, I killed the townspeople, I destroyed Kamz Town."

Tears slid down his cheeks, and the body seemed to have been emptied of all strength, and fell to his knees, Eric constantly reproaching himself.

"No, those **** pirates killed my father, and they killed the townspeople. I just avenge them."

"Yes, I just avenge them."

One thought after another emerged in his mind, and Eric's spirit came to the brink of collapse.


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