Phew, a steady and powerful breathing sounded, causing chaos to turbulence.

In the real Ukraal, Sean fell into a deep sleep. Chaos enveloped him. The tall figure faintly left only a vague shadow. With his breathing, countless dimensional spaces were born in it. Extinction, an illusory river of time also quietly formed by his side, and the aura of life gleamed between the two.

Compared with the past, although the present Ukraal is still chaotic, its essence has been slightly different. The concept of time and space has been fuzzy and formed, and the rules of life have also been embedded in the bottom of this world, just like a Like seeds, waiting for the time to come, take root and sprout.

Rumbled, the sound of wind and thunder rang out. At a certain moment, Sean’s steady breathing was disturbed. A black-haired, dark-eyed, chubby figure walked out of Sean’s regular body, and his whole body breath was similar to Sean’s. But it's different.

At the same time, the space fluctuated, flowing golden divine light, and the Nine Orifice Divine Stones lingering in chaos also appeared in Yuklar.

He lowered his head, lowered his gaze, revealing his double chin, and narrowed his small eyes slightly. Looking at the Nine Orifice Divine Stone, this figure's eyes were full of scrutiny and expectation.

"Is this the body the deity chose for me? It looks pretty good, at least better than Siggal and Ymir's."

With one step, the tall figure that originally resembled a giant quickly shrank, and in the blink of an eye it became the size of a fist.

With a smile on his chubby face, across the distance of space, the figure approached the Nine Orifice Divine Stone step by step, and finally merged with the Nine Orifice Divine Stone.

At this time, the golden and red intertwined divine light burst out from the nine orifice divine stones, endless, like a vast ocean, bringing light and heat at the same time, like a small sun, and even the surrounding chaotic atmosphere. Dissolved quietly under this divine light.

Of course, this kind of divine light has nothing to do with the rules of light and flames. His essence is actually a kind of condensed blood to the extreme. A drop of such blood is enough to crush a continent.

And when the divine light continued to bloom and illuminate the chaos, the sounds of bang, bang, and bang sounded rhythmically, not hurriedly, calmly and powerfully, like a drum like thunder.

And as such voices continued to sound, the invisible might burst out, more and more chaos was opened up, and a faint world of illusion was about to be opened up and formed.

The divine light was introverted, and the nine orifice divine stones melted away. In the endless divine glory, a fat figure with black hair and black eyes came out from it, which symbolized the last person that Shaun was obsessed with.

"Is this what it feels like to be alive?"

Looking at his body, the figure's slightly fat face was filled with undisguised joy.

"From now on I will be called Morrel."

As if thinking of something, the figure made a name for himself.

"It's not the time yet."

There was a divine light hidden in the black eyes, shining through the chaos, Morrel held down his heart, soothing his own blood that roared like an angry dragon.

The Nine Orifice Divine Stone reverses the innateness and is a sacred embryo. Morrel was born from it as a body. It is not a congenital life but is similar to a congenital life, and is born and powerful.

Not only is the blood flowing like a sea, but also has the special physique of the Yangshen world. One hole hides a hundred orifices. The body contains 1,960 large holes and 229,600 small orifices, which can be smashed with just a gesture. vacuum.

Under such circumstances, Morrel is fully capable of opening up chaos and transforming Yuklar into a physical world, but now is not the right time, because Yuklar is not strong enough.

Although the current Uklar has been supported by many worlds, the time of gestation is too short after all. It is essentially only Tier 6 and one step away from Tier 7. If it is developed now, it will be a kind of potential for Yuklar. Waste.

And this thing shouldn't be done by Morrel, this is what Sean this deity needs to do, because it is related to the path after Sean.

Sean wants to use the rules of time, space, and life to condense the power of a world developer, so it may be a good choice for him to really open up a high-energy world, and Yuklar is the most suitable choice. .

A vast ocean of blood and energy returned to silence, the scorching divine light no longer burst, and the thunder-like heartbeat no longer sounded.

Without the support of the follow-up power, the illusory world just opened up quickly collapsed, and the chaos re-evolved. Watching this scene quietly, Morrel's expression became a lot more serious. Although his power is now strong, it is not perfect.

"It needs to be silent for a while."

Knowing his shortcomings and not rushing out of Yuklar, Morrel stopped in the chaos.

The Gate of Infinity was formed and opened the Gate of Infinity. Morrel took out various resources that Sean had prepared for him in advance, the most important of which was "The Book of Transfiguration."

The original form of "The Book of Transfiguration" was the inheritance left by the madman of the Gu World Demon Lord. Later, after the magic transformation and redefined by the path of the magician, it became a magic inheritance that reached the seventh level, which contained a complete set of magic inheritance. The seventh-order magic pattern combination "faceless" with the seventh-order magic pattern "deformation" as the core.

"Sure enough, it is the most suitable inheritance for me."

While accepting the inheritance, one after another change-type magic pattern was quietly born in Morrel's body.

Time passed, and I don't know how long it has passed. When Morrel digested the entire inheritance, there were thousands of magic lines on his body, and they vaguely formed a whole, which looked like a shadow and changed.

At this moment, in addition to the most critical seventh-order deformation magic pattern, all the magic patterns Morrel contained in the faceless man's magic pattern combination have been controlled, and the speed is incredible.

But it’s normal to think about it carefully. Morrel is born sacred. Because of the nature of the nine-aperture divine stone, the body possesses the ever-changing abilities. The power of change is engraved in his life instinct, and now it’s just With the help of the inheritance of "The Book of Transformation", this power is deeply explored and expanded to a certain extent.

"The next step is the most critical step."

One by one acupuncture orifice was lit, and the horrible blood surged, and the mysteries belonging to the change surged into Morrel's heart.

One of the Immortal Gus in the Gu World was called Transformation. This Immortal Gu used to be as high as Rank Nine. Based on this, combined with the savage inheritance, Sean analyzed the seventh-order Transformation Magic Pattern.

With such clear guidance, Morrel began to draw on his own background and external resources to outline his first seventh-order magic pattern.

The brilliance of magic blooms, no waves and waves, everything will come naturally, a new seventh-order magician was born again at this time in silence, and it is still a rare mysterious metamorphosis branch magician.

"Huh? A very strange power."

The facial features melted, leaving only a vaguely shadowy face. Feeling his own power carefully, Morrel let out a sigh.

"Then who should I give it to for the first time?"

Whispering in a low voice, Morrel's invisible eyes fell on Sean who was invisible in the chaos.

He grew bigger and came to Sean. To Sean, Morrel slowly stretched out his palm. At this moment, Sean’s closed eyes suddenly trembled a few times, as if he was about to Opening it, at the same time, a deadly danger enveloped Morrel, making his figure stiff, but this feeling quickly disappeared, and everything returned to its original calm. , It's as if nothing Don't be so stingy, deity. "

The coldness in his heart dissipated, feeling the breath of Sean calming down again, and with a light breath, Morrel placed his palm on Sean's shoulder.

The power of the Faceless was launched, and the power of changing rules began to be revealed for the first time. With Sean’s acquiescence, the endless mystery began to appear in Morrel’s eyes, and at the same time a brand new force began to appear in Morrel’s Breeding in the body, and the nature of this force cannot be said to be similar to that of Sean, but can only be said to be exactly the same.

Body shape changes, natural flaxen hair with slightly curly hair, blue eyes like gems, handsome face, peaceful posture, Morrel has undergone a fundamental change from appearance to essence, and his face is now Belongs to Sean.

"Let me show my face outside while the deity is sleeping."

The corner of the mouth outlines a subtle arc, showing the noble attitude, the space portal quietly opened up in front of Morrel, and at this moment the power of space became his servant.


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