Bang bang bang, the sound of fighting is endless. As time passed, the three female beasts continued to cooperate and the rats began to get a little tired of coping. In the process, the sick dog was even more dependent on the help of the blood hoof and the phantom lizard. The speed advantage was close to the old hunchback several times, although in the end it was blocked by the rats, but it did put a lot of pressure on the old hunchback.

His face was gloomy, and the old hunchback knew that he should make up his mind. After a period of fighting, he had a certain understanding of the strength of the opposing three. One second-tier and two first-tier, with the singular ability of changing monsters, the strength is counted in the same tier. Not bad, in such a situation it is no longer realistic to rely on the rats to win them.

   As a Tier 2 wizard who specializes in imperial beasts, the main energy of the old hunchback is focused on the rat technique and the transformation of the rat group. He does not dabble in other witchcraft much, but he also has his own cards.

   made up his mind, no longer hesitated, his spirituality surged wildly, and the old hunchback began to activate a certain mark in his body, but at this moment a soil bag suddenly bulged on the ground in front of him.

  咻, a half-human and half-beast figure jumped up from the soil and suddenly appeared in front of the old hunchback.

  唰, sharp claws flashing with metallic cold light were reflected in the gray pupils. Before the old hunchback could react, a sharp claw slammed towards his neck.

   His pupils suddenly dilated, and there was a hint of horror in the old hunchback's heart, but at this moment the strange thing on him came into play again.

   Rat fur clothes, second-order strange thing, constant second-order rat transformation technique, can make the wearer incarnate into a rat, constant first-order dark shelter, and can automatically activate a shield to protect the wearer when in danger.

  嗞, the sharp claws were blocked, making a harsh sound like cutting a hard object, which changed the face of Gopher Enkexi, who was waiting for a long time to be ready for a hit.

   was fierce in his heart, and his arms suddenly swelled in a circle. In this situation, the dark shelter was eventually cut by Enxi's claws, but in the process, the old hunchback had already reacted from the surprise attack.

  The sharp claws rushed forward, and the target was pointed at the old hunchback neck, but at this moment a strange force acted on the gopher Enkexi, causing his offensive movement to be deformed at the very moment of the shot.

   Offset, first-order force field witchcraft, can offset the offense of physical objects, and has a good effect on arrows, bullets, etc.

  嗤, the blood was thrown and rolled on the spot, regardless of the possibility of being injured by mistake, the old hunchback once again inspired the fireball technique.

  'S face changed drastically, facing the muddy fireball, the gopher did not dare to pursue it any more, and could only change into a beast shape to form a ball.

Boom, the fireball exploded, the gopher was hit head-on, scorched all over, emitting a burnt smell, and the old hunchback was uncomfortable, because the dark shelter of the rat fur coat was just broken, so this time the protection is poor. A lot of it, but his goal can be considered to have been achieved.

   quickly pulled away, ignoring the severe pain from the facial scald, the old hunchback issued a new command to the rats.

   squeak, a weird rat sound rang, several rats suddenly left the rat group, and launched a decisive charge on the three sick dogs.

   Faced with such a situation, the three sick dogs had no choice but to deal with these mice first. With this gap, the remaining mice retreated like a tide and quickly returned to the old hump back.

Brilliant silver light rises from the darkness, and the strands are like blood vessels all over the old hump-backed body, his hands, arms, chest, neck, and face are various, which makes his whole person look like covered with ice. Like cracked porcelain.

   "You are all going to die."

   The voice was hoarse, like a curse, especially harsh. This was the first word the old hunchback said to the Yin Beast.

  Ah, the voice fell, and a painful snorted, the gleaming silver light penetrated from the old hunchback body, like a waving silver wire, unexpectedly beautiful.

   The silver wire was twisted, like a living thing, and quickly plunged into the rats.

Squeaky, painful wailing came from the group of mice, but it was strange that none of the mice escaped. Because no one of the mice resisted, they stood there and let the silver wire pierce into their bodies and swallow them. Of flesh and blood.

  The **** color appeared from the silver thread, like a light like a fog. In just a moment, all the rat's flesh and blood were swallowed by the silver thread, leaving only a place of dry rat skin.

   roar, let out a low growl that doesn't sound like a human voice, after devouring the rat group, the appearance of the old humpback quietly changed.

   His face was elongated, his body grew black hair covering the whole body, his fingers became sharp and slender, and his eyes were shining silver. At this moment, he was more like a mouse than a person.

   To some extent, the shape of the old hunchback at this moment is similar to that of the animal demon fruit ability, but it is more distorted and even more weird.

Seeing the change of the old hunchback, the expressions of Bloodhoof Krom and others became more solemn, and several of them moved closer in silence, not knowing when the scorched gophers all came together with them. , Relying on the powerful body of the animal demon fruit ability, he survived the silly fireball art.

Boom, there are no extra Only naked killing intent, the body after the mutation gives the old hunchback strong physical quality, the legs are hard, the ground is cracked, and the four Yin Beasts are in an instant In front of.

   With solemn eyes, without any hesitation, watching the menacing old hunchback, Krom directly greeted him, because he was the strongest of the four.

Boom, the fists crossed, Krom's expression changed. After eating the devil fruit in the form of the bloodhoof of the animal system, his power greatly increased, and even the second-order knight Monns could compete, but At this moment, he felt invincible.

  咚, the body flew upside down, and the black mist on his right hand was wrapped like a thread. The flesh and blood melted, and Krom couldn't help letting out a painful snoring.

   The fog of erosion, the first-order dark witchcraft, the blood of the eclipse rat is activated with the talent of the old hunchback.

Seeing such a situation, the other three members of the Yin Beast immediately launched an attack. The sick dog and the phantom lizard rushed to the old hunchback one by one, trying to contain him, while the gopher quietly retreated a few steps, wanting Launched the talent to burrow, looking for opportunities to sneak attack again, but at this moment the old humpback figure disappeared again.

  咻, a harsh air burst sounded, and at the moment the sound came, the old hunchback appeared in front of the gopher.


The panic in   's eyes magnified, too late to dodge, and unable to resist, the gopher's abdomen was quietly pierced by a strange sharp claw.

   Hey, let out a cold laugh, let the hamster fall to the ground softly, licking the warm blood on his fingertips, the old hunchback turned his eyes to the sick dog.

   "The third order?"

   Above the tall buildings in the distance, Xiao En murmured, seeing and hearing colors enveloped the surroundings, and the battle between the Yin Beast and the old hunchback fell in his "eyes."


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