Unknown area, in the laboratory, at the moment Pokel was killed by Sean, a bandaged weird suddenly stopped his actions.

   "Hey, it's a pity that another experiment has died."

He said a pity, but the strange man’s emotions did not fluctuate too much. After a short pause, he plunged into his experiment again. Behind him, there is a row of huge glass cultivation troughs, five of which are inside. Something already exists, and its appearance is exactly the same as the heart-eater that Pokel turned into after he lost control.

   In the underground laboratory, silence spread. Sean didn't give an answer to Aneth's request for a while, and when Sean didn't speak, Aneth could only wait passively.

   "Anas, do you know the value of wizard secrets?"

After a long silence, Sean said this to Aneth. In fact, Sean had already decided on Aneth's request. The reason for delaying so long was purely intentional. Some people must know about it. It's not easy.

   "I know, Lord Lord."

   The voice was a bit dry unconsciously, and Aneth barely maintained his composure.

As the most mature and complete transcendent path of the Liberal Arts world, the wizard is of inestimable value. Even an ordinary wizard secret is more precious than a lot of mystical knowledge, which cannot be seen by ordinary people. For these Anis knows well, but the demonic tide finally recovered. He was unwilling to stop his extraordinary path, so he could only ask Sean, this is the closest to him at present, and the most likely opportunity for him. .

   "Anas, to be honest, I do have the secret wizard secret in my hands, and the rank is not low, but what can you give?"

   Without going around in circles, Sean asked the most important question. Knowledge is valuable. Although Anais’s current performance is good, it is not worthy of a wizard secret.

   There was a flash of light in his slightly cloudy eyes, and at this moment Aneth saw hope.

   "Lord Lord, I don't have any precious treasures at present, but I will use the rest of my life to repay your kindness."

   "Are you for the rest of your life? It's worth enough, I just hope you don't regret it."

   Sean's voice was erratic, with an indescribable playfulness.


  In the lounge, Sean had already been involved in the experiment, and Aneth returned here alone.

Recalling the secret secret of the wizard that he had received from Sean, Aneth showed an unconcealable smile on his face, but thinking of the involuntary pain of the soul being torn apart, the fear from his heart appeared deep in his eyes. From now on he really sold his life to Sean.

It’s a pity that he didn’t know that this was just Sean frightening him. The tearing of the soul was true, but it was only the basic application of the fruit of the soul and soul. What he really lost was only a little lifespan, which was not compared to what he got. many.

"Scarlet Blood", the secret biography of the sixth-order blood wizard, or the quasi seventh-order secret, although it is not perfect and just a deduction, in theory, this secret may indeed support a wizard to enter the seventh step, and this is also Sean's greatest wealth from the memory fragments of Bloodstained Wings.

   Of course, the "Scarlet Blood" that Sean gave to Aneth was not complete, only the content of Tier 4 and below, but even so, its value far exceeded the general wizarding secrets.

  Time is always passing by inadvertently, and it is three months in a flash.

In the past three months, Sean’s gains are tremendous. In addition to optimizing the formula of the second-order knight’s blood with Aneth, he has also made considerable progress in alchemy. Of course, the biggest contributor is still The memory fragments of the blood-stained wings.

   In the laboratory, without distracting thoughts, Sean used his steady right hand to carefully depict between the squares where the bullets were gathered, and every stroke was accurate.

   first use corrosive liquid to engrave the traces of the inscription on the shell of the bullet, and then fill it with the prepared dragon blood.

Phew, after a quarter of an hour, when the last drop of dragon blood forms a complete cycle on the inscription traces, Xiao En breathed a sigh of relief. At this point, the explosive bullet is complete, and then he just needs to reinforce it with spirituality. Extend the use time of bullets.

   Of course, Sean’s explosive bullet can only be regarded as an enchanted product, not a real strange thing, but even in this way, its power cannot be underestimated, and its power is even higher when combined with the sniper rifle Barrett Destruction.

   In fact, Sean and I have tried to make real strange things during this period of time, but all have failed. In addition to the reason that Sean's alchemy skills are not enough, the more important reason is that there is not enough resources.

Different from natural wonders, as long as the opportunity is right, anything can become a wonder. Unless the alchemist’s methods are superb, artificial wonders have higher requirements for basic materials, and at least they must contain extraordinary power. There are not many things that Luye Town has.

   After completing the enchantment of a bullet, Sean rested for a while and prepared to continue his efforts, but at this time Gureya's arrival interrupted his experiment.

   Lord's Mansion, Study Room, Sean once again saw Sir Link with a face full of weather after half a year.

   "Sir Link, long time no see."

   "Sir Sean, long time no see."

   After a simple greeting, Lin Ke's expression became more serious~www.wuxiaspot.com~Sir Sean, I am offended, please forgive me. "

  Speaking, Sir Link took out a diamond pendant, inspiring extraordinary power.

  'S expression remained unchanged. After sitting at the desk, Xiao En quietly watched Lin Ke's movements.

   Invisible fluctuations emanated. After a while, the pendant did not react abnormally, and Link's serious face showed a smile.

   "Sir Sean, I'm sorry, but the matter is too big."

   The words were much easier, and Link expressed his apologies to Sean.

   "Sir Link, it's nothing."

   Sean understood that the pendant Link just took out should be a perception-like wonder, and seeing him so cautiously, Sean also had some guesses about his purpose.

   "Master Shadow, trouble you."

   Link's voice fell, the shadow was distorted, and a strange figure emerged from his shadow.

   Looking at this figure, Xiao En's eyes narrowed. He hadn't noticed this person before.

   "Young Master."

   wore a mask on his head and covered his entire body under a black robe. After the shadow came out, he bowed to Xiao En as a master and servant.

   After the ceremony, Shadow took out a gray cloth bag from his chest and a treasure chest from it.

   The treasure chest is not big, it is made of oak, and the whole body is covered with silver patterns, forming a lifelike oak tree.

   Looking at the treasure chest that was placed on the desk by the shadow, Sean knew what it was.

  Blood Deeds Treasure Chest, a first-order strange thing, only the blood of the direct blood of the Montell family can open this treasure chest.

   The blood slid down, and the wisps of blood spread along the silver silk pattern. When the entire oak tree pattern was stained with blood, the treasure chest opened silently.


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