"The Forge of Flesh" The secret biography of the sixth-tier knight, the secret secret of the highest-ranking knight in the Montere family, the specific origin is untestable, but the difficulty of cultivation is extremely high, since the acquisition, no one has been able to cultivate to the fourth rank, but this standard Or the curse is now broken.

In one month, Sean saw the rise of a monster. On the first day he stepped into the first rank and became a gray knight, on the third day he became a second rank and became a white knight, and on the tenth day he became a third rank and became a red knight. Step into Tier 4 and become a great knight.

   Although Xiao En knew that White Beard had a powerful body comparable to Tier 5 and that the secrets of the training knight were much faster than ordinary people, he did not expect it to be so exaggerated.

   boom, his right hand was covered with a black and red armed color domineering, punches like a dragon, the hillside torn by the white beard finally reached its limit at this moment and collapsed.

   嘭, stepping on the foot, the huge body of the white beard disappeared instantly, avoiding the billowing smoke and dust.

   "Young Master."

   After a month of teaching, although White Beard is still as childish as a child, it looks like an adult on the surface.

   "The Crucible of Flesh" is a rather strange secret of knights. Generally, the secret of a knight can be separated from the body by the third rank, which greatly enhances the attacking power of the knight, but "The Crucible of Flesh" will not.

   This knight’s secret legend is that its standing is basically to use itself as a melting pot, with vindictiveness as a flame, tempering flesh and blood, and forging a strongest body.

   After a month of tempering in The Forge of Flesh, the huge body of the white beard has shrunk a lot. Although he is still a little giant, his height is only about three meters.

   Looking at the white beard in front of him, Sean knew that although his body had shrunk, the pressure on his body had become stronger.

   "White beard, let's practice next time."

   "Okay, Master."

  咻, with a step, Xiao En's figure instantly disappeared in place, and the six-style shaving was running.

Bang, bang, bang, the sound of intensive hitting kept coming. Six-style finger guns, moon steps, squat feet, shaving, paper painting, and iron blocks were used in turns. Although the power of the six styles was limited due to physical limitations, their accomplishments were not. It's not low.

   Before, Sean was hit by the remnant soul of Whitebeard when he was making Homitz. Although this caused him trouble at the time, it also allowed him to absorb the fighting skills of Whitebeard.

As one of the four emperors of the One Piece world, he even has the white beard, who is the world's first person. One of the physical skills has already reached its peak, and he is also proficient in the Navy Sixth Formula, but the physical skills have reached the point of white beard, which has long been transformed. From complicated to simple, he integrated the six forms into his own system and formed his own physical skills.

   But for Sean, the white beard Dacheng’s personal style is too strong and not suitable for him. On the contrary, the navy type six is ​​more universal and more suitable for him to lay the foundation.

   An hour later, his physical strength was exhausted, his breath was like cows, and his sweat was like rain. Xiao En had to stop this duel exercise, or unilateral training.

   "White Beard, come here today, let's go back."

   "Okay, father."

  Between words, White Beard walked up to Sean and picked up Sean like a chicken. It was obviously not the first time that he was proficient in his movements.

   bang bang bang, there was a burst of air, stepping on the moon step, White Beard took Sean towards the town of Luye, because the movement was too loud, for convenience, Sean and White Beard specially found an uninhabited wilderness.

   Lord’s Mansion, Sean is soaking in the hot springs, sipping wine, enjoying Gulea’s massage, alleviating his fatigue, while the white beard is staying in the courtyard outside the hot spring pool, where there is a weird big tree.

  The tree is six meters high, with a tempting aroma overflowing, and pieces of barbecued meat are hung between the branches and leaves like big elbows.

   "Woo, it's spicy."

   took off a piece of barbecue, and White Beard ate it with big mouthfuls. In addition to staying with Sean, his favorite place is here.

   This barbecue tree is not a product of the Liberal Arts World, it was exchanged by Sean from the Gate of Other Worlds.

   [Item]: Multi-flavored barbecue tree

   [evaluation]: A barbeque tree from a captive of gourmet food, the taste is not bad.

  [Price]: 3 power points

After exchanging the white beard's corpse, Sean still had 6 source points left. After thinking about it, he exchanged this multi-flavored barbecue tree. After all, the barbecue on this tree not only tastes good, but is also very nutritious. Abundance is good for the transcendent on the physique side. Of course, with the physique of the white beard, these barbecues can only satisfy his appetite, and it does not bring any benefits.

   Hot spring courtyard, just walked into the courtyard door, watching the strange barbecue tree and the white beard like a little giant, Monnes couldn't help but stop.

   Although it is not the first time I have seen it, Monnes is still surprised, and the white beard is not enough. The Liberal Arts world has always had the legend of giants, but the tree with the barbecue is unheard of.

   "Woo, Monnes, you're here, come, let me eat."

   looked up at Monnes, Baibeard took a piece of barbecue from the tree and threw it to him.

   "Sir White Beard."

   reached out to take the barbecue that was flying over~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Monens said hello to Baibeard very respectfully, and the reason for this was because Shaun asked him to practice against Baibeard before.

   At that time, Baibeard stood there casually, allowing him to attack without a trace of avoidance. In the end, he seemed to be annoyed and gave him a slap, and it was this slap that made him lie on the bed for ten days.

   Even today, the feeling of being irresistible and powerless to avoid still permeates his heart.

   "Monse, are you looking for father, oh, master?"


   "Oh, then you go in and play games with me when you're done."

   Hearing this, the corners of Monnes's mouth twitched involuntarily, he bit his head and nodded, and walked in over the white beard.

   "Lord Lord."

   With his head down, without squinting, Monnes said hello to Sean.

   "Monnes, is there anything you are here now?"

   Opened his eyes, Sean’s blue eyes were like a pool of stagnant water, without any fluctuations, which made people unable to see clearly.

   "Lord Lord, there is news from the manager of Hagg that it is the beginning of the annual big auction of the black market in Memphis."

   Still lowering his head, Monnes said the purpose of this trip.

   "Oh? Is it a **** market? That's a bit interesting, I hope it will give me some surprises."

   His eyes changed, and Xiao En's face showed a hint of interest.

   "You two will go with me this time."

   After thinking about it, Sean said again.

   "Yes, Lord Lord."

   "Okay, Master."

   For Sean's words, Monnes and Gulea naturally have no doubts.


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