"Is it a butcher? No wonder the murderous intent on his body is so strong."

Sitting steadily in the stands, Sean didn't panic at all. He watched the battle on the auction stand with great interest. After observing for a while, he finally discovered the extraordinary path of the strong man with lion hair, a rare branch of the "soldier". , Tier 3 Butcher, kills with killing, cultivates with war, cultivates the killing intent in the heart, the fluctuation of killing intent during the battle can cause spiritual damage to the enemy, and at the same time, it can wrap around his body to resist the enemy's attack.

   "The fighting power of this branch is indeed not weak, but it is a pity that the Montell family does not collect it."

   Appropriately, Sean seemed to be completely immersed in the theater.

   "Sir Sean, the scene is too chaotic now, let's get out of here first."

   Seeing Sean's appearance, Sir Link called up a bit.

   "Sir Link, don't worry, now is not a good time to leave."

   Seeing and hearing the color cover, Xiao En knew that at this moment more than ten pirate ships were carrying out violent shelling on the black market island on the sea. At this time, they went out to serve as their targets, which was completely unnecessary.

  Although he was a little confused about Sean's words, Link still endured it forcibly. As a Tier 3 hipster, it was not difficult for Link to escape from the Black Market Island, but he could not leave Sean alone to escape.

   Fighting in blood, the fighting spirit of the lion-haired brawny became more and more turbulent.

   Facts have proved that wolves are wolves, and even if they form a pack, they are not rivals for lions.

On the auction stage, if it hadn’t been for two Tier 2 transcendents with good skills to resist most of the pressure, the other four Tier 1 transcendents would have returned to the spirit world long ago. As for the auctioneer, Barbarossa had already been brought along The picture of the hidden treasure slipped away.

Under the cover of seeing and hearing, the auctioneer’s small movements are naturally not hidden from Sean, but Sean did not cut him off after thinking about it. Barbarossa’s treasure map was touched by someone, and he could not unlock it. , The water behind it seems a bit deep, I am afraid it will add a lot of trouble after taking it.

  In a luxurious manor in the center of Black Market Island.

   "Trash, it's all trash, even pirates can't stop it."

  嘭, the precious antique vase slammed on the ground fiercely, making a crisp sound, and the black market merchant Frogan, the master of the black market island, swayed his anger wantonly.

   "Blood lion?"

   "Blood Lion Lord is fighting the extraordinary people who fish in troubled waters in the dark room."

   Pop, anger surged, Flogan used his right hand, which was covered with gemstones, to slam the auctioneer's old face fiercely.

   "Then what are you doing back?"

   Huh, venting his anger, Flogan barely calmed down.


   Hearing the call, a figure walked in from outside.

   Looking at his right-hand man, Flogan took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart.

   "Have you notified the Royal Navy?"


   "But they said it will take some time to come over, let us hold on."

   嘭, anger can no longer be suppressed, Flogan slapped the table severely.

   "These big rats in the granary are so greedy. I feed them so much Jin Jialong every year, and even perfuse me like this at a critical moment. Don't they know who the people behind the black market are? How dare they, how dare they."

   incompetent furious, this is the most true portrayal of the black market businessman Frogan at this time.

   In the dark room, the shelling became more and more intense. The latest shell was only ten meters away from Sean. By this time, Sir Link was completely unable to sit still.

   "Sir Sean, we must leave."

   With a solemn look and firm attitude, Link has already decided that even if he is tied up, he will take Sean away.

   "Well, I see, Sir Link, it's almost time."

Feeling Link’s attitude, Sean replied. At the same time, the original anxious battle on the auction stage has become clear. Two of the transcendents who fished in troubled waters have completely lost their combat effectiveness, and only four of them are still struggling to support. .

   The balance of victory and defeat has been tilted. Not surprisingly, it won't be long before the lion-haired brawny can beat the four of them one by one.

   "White beard, I'll leave it to you next."

   A strange brilliance flashed through his azure blue pupils, and Xiao En's eyes were still condensed on the auction stage. Those were all living source points.

  嘭, the same mind as Sean, Sean understood his meaning as soon as he opened his white beard, and when he stepped on it, he left a pit on the ground, and his figure disappeared in an instant.


   Eyes flickered, a tall figure suddenly appeared in front of him, and the brawny man with lion hair was suddenly startled.

   "One style·Bengquan."

   The thick and powerful voice sounded in the ears of the brawny lion-haired man, like the murmur of death, making him chill all over.

   Crossed his arms and hugged him in front of his chest. At the critical moment, the body of the strong lion-haired man reacted instinctively.

   嘭, click, throw away, hit the wall heavily, the bones on the chest are broken, the whole is sunken, the strong man with lion hair is obviously not alive.

   "This, this is..."

   "Monster, run away."

   Knowing that at this time, the four transcendents who fished in troubled water realized what had happened.

In the face of death, the desire to survive broke out. The four quickly separated and fled, without any plans to fight against the white beard. In their eyes, the white beard and the lion-haired strong man are different. Although the lion-haired strong man is very strong, he is still the same. People, the white beard is also a monster through and through~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's a pity that they want to escape by this time.

   "Witchcraft·Kendi Cage."

After becoming a red robe wizard, the power of the second-order witchcraft of Kennedy's cage became more powerful. In an instant, hundreds of sturdy tree roots broke through the ground and woven into a huge cage, trapping the four people in battle. Inside, then there was no more, unable to escape, but the second-order four-person group was just a punch for Baibeard.

   "16 power points, not bad."

   Whitebeard is a Hormiz made by Sean with his own soul. After he kills the extraordinary, Sean can also get the source power point. Feeling the source of rapid growth, Xiao En's face showed a gentle smile, but it made people shudder under such a background.

   "Sir Sean, this..."

Seeing White Beard returning to his side, Sir Link was a little surprised for a while. As a third-order transcendent, he could barely see clearly what happened just now, but because of this, he couldn't believe it. What I saw.

   "Sir Link, formally introduce, this is Whitebeard, my guard, a fourth-order knight."

   Seeing Link's doubts, Sean explained.

   "Let's go, let's go out and have a look."

   cleaned the battlefield, harvested four strange objects, one second-order and three first-order, Xiao En and his party left the black hall.

   "The harvest is really not small, I hope there will be more in the future."

   After absorbing the auctioned second-order wonders and four loot, Sean once again gained 11 source power points, bringing the total to 42.

   Seeing this number, Sean’s thoughts of leaving the Black Market Island quickly faded away. This is about to become his hunting ground.


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