"Go ahead, don't let the fat sheep run away."

   "Haha, that's mine."

   The killing was going on, shouts and wailing sounded into one piece, blood and fire intertwined and dyed half the sky. Of course, all of this had nothing to do with Sean, because the power in his hand was really too strong.

   Grumbling, seeing two more extraordinary pirates falling under Whitebeard's fist, he couldn't even struggle. Although Graff had watched it several times, he was still shocked. After all, this extraordinary is not a cat or puppy.

Feeling the addition of 4 additional power points, the smile on Sean’s face has become more intense, the recovery of the magic tide is not long, and the number of transcendents is actually not that many. The surrounding transcendents were attracted, and the pirates invaded, so it created the illusion of many transcendents.

   "Let's go, let's go to the next place."

The opportunity is rare, and Sean doesn’t want to waste time. Under normal circumstances, there would not be so many transcendents gathered together, and it would not give Sean a chance to slaughter. After all, transcendents are not fools. Run, and now the sea traffic is cut off by pirates, the Black Market Island has become an isolated island.

In fact, at this moment, with the exception of a small number of people on the black market island, the people who remain on the black market island are fighting against the trapped beasts, desperately delaying time and hoping for the arrival of the navy. Under such circumstances, everyone is likely to die. , As long as it’s not too obvious, Sean doesn’t need to consider the forces behind these transcendents. Of course, Sean is not a lunatic who kills everybody. Under his guidance, pirates are the main hunters. The target, of course, if someone is looking for death, Sean will not stop him.

   followed Sean step by step. The awe in Graff's eyes grew stronger and stronger. At the same time, he realized that his previous actions were a wise move.

   Although 3000 Jin Jialong is a lot, his life is far more than this price, at least in his opinion.

   In the center of the Black Market Island, the begging and crying for mercy in the luxurious manor rang.

   The second-in-command of the evil ghost pirate group Zheng Da Ma Jindao sat in the living room, while the original owner of the manor, the black market merchant Frogan, had fallen in a pool of blood.

   "The snake hasn't come over yet?"

Breathing out a breath of smoke slowly, the fanatic asked at will, according to the original plan, the viper should have joined him to attack Flogan’s manor and took down the remains of Barbarossa’s treasure, but now he is done. The poisonous snake has not yet appeared.

   "Yes, Master Madman, Master Viper has not come over yet."

   "Forget it, don't worry about him, I'm probably going to have fun again."

   Speaking of this, the madman’s face showed undisguised disgust. Although he also killed countless people, the viper guy was completely abnormal.

   "Hey, the things are already in hand, let the brothers search carefully and withdraw it. It will not be good if you delay it for too long, let alone, the taste of this silver cigar is good."

   "I see, my madman."

   The goal was clear. After going to the island, the fanatics did not join in the peripheral killings, but took the elite men and horses directly into Flogan's manor under the lead of the eyeliner. Now that the goal is achieved, it is natural to run away. Although the most powerful navy is blocked, it is not that there are no other forces in Monfitos. Whether it is aristocrats, churches, or other mysterious organizations, they have enough power. Even if part of these forces were separated, these pirates would not be able to resist it, but these forces had their own careful thinking, no one was unified, and they were still waiting and watching, and the facts were exactly the same.

  Memphis, City Hall, Noble House.

   The existence of the black market is not a secret in the upper layers of Memphis. Such a big movement on the black market island naturally attracted the attention of the nobles.

   "Brigadier General Mossel, can you mobilize the city guards to clear the pirates?"

   "Viscount Cecomo, the main duty of the city guard is to protect the safety of Memphis. If you want to transfer outside, you must have the order of Count Asim."

   Hearing this, Viscount Sescomo, who was dressed in a gentleman's outfit and had a fat body, looked like a ball and immediately changed his face.

"Brigadier General Mossel, don’t forget that there are still many citizens of the kingdom on the black market island at this moment. Are you going to sit and watch them die in the hands of humble pirates? What is your honor as a kingdom soldier? You deserve to be a soldier. Soldier?"

   With a loud voice, Sescomo severely accused Mosser.

  'S expression remained unchanged, Mosser sat there as if he hadn't heard such accusations by Sescomo.

"Huh, it is the duty of soldiers to obey orders. Without orders, how could the city guard be mobilized? What's more, if pirates attack Memphis and cause huge losses, who will bear the responsibility? Are you? Viscount Sescomo. "

  At this time, another man in uniform sitting next to Brigadier General Mosser spoke up.

   "That's right, Viscount Cecomo, you can't make fun of us all because you have a share in the black market business."

  As soon as the man in military uniform fell off, another person opened his mouth to help~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His face flushed, and his small eyes stared at the person who had just spoken. Viscount Sescomo gritted his teeth and said:

   "There are some things Baron Gelisi said without evidence. Don't you really know who is behind the black market?"

   Cescomo's voice was not loud, but he was extraordinarily powerful. When he said this, neither the Baron Gornis nor the man in uniform did not speak again.

   "Well, everyone, there is no point in arguing anymore. Let's vote. In accordance with the emergency agreement, in the absence of Count Asimo Bansain, our Noble House can propose a dangerous treatment plan and decide whether to implement it by voting."

   was silent for a while, a nobleman broke the silence and gave both Viscount Sescomo and Brigadier General Mossel a step.

The voting ended quickly, and the results were not unexpected. More than two-thirds of the nobles agreed to mobilize the city guards. After all, everyone here has a certain interest in the black market, and the real controller behind the black market They also knew it well.

   Brigadier General Mosser silently accepted this result and did not raise any objections.

   "I will mobilize the first regiment of the City Guard to rescue the Black Market Island."

   After finishing speaking, Mosser picked up the big brimmed military hat on the table and put it on his head, got up and left the meeting room.

   In fact, from the very beginning, Mosser was not opposed to the mobilization of the city guard. The reason why he expressed his opposition at the meeting was because he did not want to bear the relevant responsibilities.

War is not a trifle. There are wins and losses. Although the city guards of Monfitos have undergone certain naval battle training, they are not professional after all. There is a certain risk in going to sea to fight pirates without naval escort. In this way Under the circumstances, Mosser is naturally unwilling to make a strong push.


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