Luye Town, Botanical Garden.

   I don't know when, the devil fruit tree with its branches and leaves has two more devil fruits, one is pineapple-shaped, black and red intertwined, like flowing magma, the other is apple-shaped, the whole body is dark green, densely covered with fine scales.

Standing under the tree and looking at these two fruits, Sean thought about where these two fruits belong. Unlike the other animal species before, these two fruits are much more precious. One is the natural rock berry fruit, and the other This is the legendary ghost dragon form of the animal family.

Among them, the devil fruit of the legendary animal species, the ghost dragon form, was conceived by Sean using the real dragon egg as a template. It must be said that this is a kind of luck, and the natural rock berry actually cost Sean 50. The source power points were exchanged from the door of another world, only to be eaten by other people, so he used his own demon fruit tree to assimilate it and put a mark on it.

The Black Market Island and his party have brought great gains to Sean. The source point alone has gained eighty-one points, which is the highest in history. A considerable part of it comes from the treasure of the Maniac, and the white beard on the Maniac In addition to getting a hot chain of Tier 3 strange objects from the fanatics, they also obtained a Tier 3, three pieces of Tier 2, and eight pieces of Tier 1 wonders in the treasure room. These pirates from the black market island The searched oil and water eventually made Sean cheaper, and these strange things except for the special hot chain were transformed into source power points by Sean.

   With the source of power, Sean naturally exchanged the coveted rock berry.

For this fruit, Sean actually has a suitable arrangement in his heart. What really puzzles him is the ownership of the devil fruit in the form of the legendary animal species, the ghost dragon. This fruit has a high upper limit and a very powerful ability. But if you want to fully discover the potential of this fruit, you still need a suitable person. At present, Xiao En has not found such a person in the town of Green Field.

   With a thought, the branches bend, and the Devil Fruit Tree handed the rock berry to Sean, while the legendary Devil Fruit still hung on the branch securely.

   Lord’s Mansion, Study Room.

Sean sits behind the desk with his fingers crossed, and Monnes's figure is reflected in his azure blue pupils. In front of him, there are two objects, a pink gem the size of a human head, and a black and red one. Devil Fruit.

   waited quietly. Although his face was still calm, Monnes's heart was fluctuating. Looking at the two objects on the desk, he already had some guesses in his heart.

"Monnes, these two things are gem meat and rock berry fruit, among which gem meat can greatly enhance your physical body after you eat it, which is very helpful for you to attack Tier 3, and rock berry is actually very interesting to you. The devil fruit is just different from the animal type you have seen. It is a natural type. After eating, it has the ability to incarnate into magma. It has developed to the extreme the natural power that can reproduce volcanic eruptions, and has the possibility of becoming a mobile natural disaster."

   Sean's words were light, but they shook Monnes's heart.

   "Lord Lord..."

   The peace in his face is no longer there, and on one knee, Monnes seems to want to say something, but Sean waved his hand to stop it.

   got up and walked in front of Monnes, Sean stretched out his index finger and pointed it at the center of his eyebrows.

   "Next is the last thing, I hope it can help you."

   Soul Soul Fruit's ability was activated, and an unfamiliar memory rushed into Monnes's mind.

   Memory transmission, Sean’s newly developed ability, but the fruit of soul and soul is not a fruit of memory. The memory transmission that Sean has developed now has great limitations, and can only transmit some shallow simple memories.

   In his mind, he was struck by a strange memory. After the initial discomfort, Monnes was quickly immersed in it, as if he had had a dream.

In his dream, he witnessed the life of a man named Sakaski. When he was a child, his parents and family were brutally murdered by pirates. He wandered alone. He joined the navy and trained desperately. He used his blood and sweat to gain strong strength. His powerful strength implements iron-blooded justice and stabilizes the irritable sea.

In the study, Sean watched Monens’ changing expression and waited quietly. The memory he transmitted to Monens was actually extracted from the memories of One Piece that he had seen before. Of course, this was edited and processed by him. Yes, it can be called the bright moment of the red dog, Sakaski’s life, although this memory does not have the specific development method of the rockberry, it can guide Monns and let him see the true power of the rockberry. .

   I don't know how time has passed in the dream, and I don't know how long it has passed, and Monnes wakes up.

The breath suddenly changed, and the iron and blood rose, but Monnes soon calmed down. The knight’s secret "Heart of Steel" is the most important spiritual and will polish. Although the transmission of memory makes him resonate with Sarkarski, he Still bear it, will not be affected.

   "Thank you Lord Lord for the gift, Monnes will never let the Lord down."

   Looking at Sean sitting behind the desk, Monens made his own vow, and Sean accepted it calmly.

   At the beginning, he also hesitated in principle among the eater of rock berry fruit. There are three candidates ~ They are Monnes, Whitebeard, and Smaug.

Among them, Whitebeard has the greatest advantage. He has extremely high physical skills. After eating rock berry fruit, he can quickly transform it into powerful strength, but because of the existence of the remnant soul, Sean gave up after thinking about it, Whitebeard It’s the best partner with Zhenzhen Fruit, who has the memory of the remnant soul. As long as he eats the Zhenzhen Fruit, White Beard can quickly develop it to the point of awakening, but the rock berry is completely different and wants to develop it. It takes a lot of time, and it is not certain whether you can finally wake up.

As for Smaug, it is entirely due to habit. As the flame flying dragon Smaug has a high degree of compatibility with rock berry fruit, but the development of rock berry fruit requires a lot of time and energy. Smaug is greedy, playful and sleepy in a short time. There will be no results at all, so in the end, Shaun chose Monnes.

   "Monnes, break through Tier 3 as soon as possible. The current Lvye Town needs Tier 3 power."

   "I understand Lord Lord."

   "Go ahead."


   After Monens left, Xiao En soon also devoted himself to cultivation, because he had enough source power points, so he exchanged the gem meat in addition to the real rock berry.

   [Item]: gem meat

   [evaluation]: A food material from the captive world of gourmet food, produced in the body of legal mammoth, and tastes good.

  [Price]: 15 source power points

Gem meat is rich in energy and belongs to the fourth-order supernatural food. With such a good thing, Xiao En naturally wants to further strengthen his physical body. He believes that it will not take long for his physical body to reach the third-order level, and he will be skilled in time. Even if he doesn't use witchcraft, he can also fight against the third-order transcendents.


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