The next day, the warm sun rose as usual, but the people in Luye Town felt an inexplicable chill.

  Professional soldiers who are usually rarely seen appeared in the streets of Luye Town on a large scale today, with serious faces, no smiles at anyone, as if they were looking for something.

   Although civilians don't know what they found, they also have their own cleverness. They are very wise not to stay on the street, so as not to cause trouble.

   Green Bank Coffee, today is much deserted, and there are almost no guests. Seeing another group of patrolling soldiers passing by outside the store, although Tsui Weier's complexion is as usual, she feels uncomfortable deep in her heart.

Last night, No. 3 left Greenfield Town with a badly wounded body. She originally planned to leave together, but was stopped by No. 3. The reason was that the organization needed her to continue collecting information about the Tier 4 Transcendent. , If there is any major action, the organization needs to be notified in time.

   The Twelve-member Council of Blood of Pure Silver is theoretically not superior or inferior except for No. 1, but in reality it is not the case.

The supremacy of blood, the supremacy of strength, this is the concept of the blood of pure silver, the more advantageous people in these two aspects, the more the right to speak in the council, and these two points are occupied by No. 3, the strength of the fourth-order knight, The legendary bloodline of the fifth-order silver moon wolf, this is the fundamental reason that she can't refuse at all, after all, she is too far behind compared to the number 3.

   "I only need to collect information, don't I need to take risks? Huh."

   Thinking of what No. 3 had said to her before leaving, Tui Wei'er's mouth was drawn with a sardonic smile, and asked her to collect information from the Tier 4 powerhouse as an ordinary Tier 3, isn’t it an adventure in itself?

   Lord’s Mansion, Oak Hall.

Sean sat on the main seat, folded his hands, leaning on the back of the chair, expressionless and silent. On both sides of the conference table, Monnes, Clerk Iluka, and Sheriff Ai Luos, military officer Ferrolie, and Yin Beast Phantom Lizard all sat there quietly with their heads down.

   The silence continued, and the atmosphere in the Oak Hall was very depressing, which lasted from the morning until now.

Although Xiao En knew that what happened last night was actually not to blame for them, after all, the opponent's strength is too strong, but the attitude of the watch is to show, no matter what, the other person invaded his residence as if no one .

   咚咚咚, a knock on the door, neither light nor heavy, interrupted the silence in the oak hall.


   Sean's voice is calm and cold.

   "Lord, we have not found any traces of intruders so far."

   said, the adjutant in military uniform lowered his head in shame.

   "I see, let's go out and notify the cancellation of martial law."

   Xiao En was not surprised by the answer given by the adjutant. After all, the opponent is a Tier 4 transcendent. Even if he is seriously injured, the method is not comparable to ordinary people. At this moment, I am afraid that he has already left Luye Town.

   "Yes, Lord Lord."

   After the adjutant left, Sean straightened up, his eyes swept across.

   Feeling Xiao En's gaze, everyone's bodies can't help but tighten slightly.

   "I don't want to say more about what happened last night. I just want to say that I hope this kind of thing will not happen again. Now I will notify the following five resolutions."

   A low voice sounded, and Sean looked solemn.

"The first item is the new farmland development plan. After the meeting, I will transfer the right to use the third-order dragon species Cryptocarpus to the city hall. I hope you can make good use of it and complete the goal of increasing the area of ​​cultivated farmland by half next year. "

"The second item is the population introduction plan. So far, the population of Luye Town is only over 10,000, which is far from enough. In the next three years, I hope that the city hall can increase the introduction of population. For this purpose, I will establish a A special fund."

   After finishing speaking, Sean's eyes fell on Iluka.

   "My lord, don't worry, the city hall will complete the task."

   The words were crisp and clear, and Iluka immediately expressed his attitude.

   Nodded in satisfaction, and Sean continued to speak:

"The third item is the Supernova Project. Judging from the events that have occurred during this period, the shortcomings of the lack of extraordinary power in Greenfield Town have been revealed. In order to deal with the more severe situation in the future, we need to cultivate new extraordinary powers. Ferrol is mainly in charge, with Monnes assisted."

   "Yes, Lord Lord."

   Sean's voice fell, Ferrol and Monns answered immediately.

"Ferrol, I know that you have already started the selection in the military and have achieved certain results, but this time I ask you to further expand the selection scope on this basis, not only in the military, but also civilians, not even necessary. Confined to the town of Greenfield, there are no distinction between men and women between the ages of 13 and 20. Anyone who can be selected for the supernova training camp can receive a living allowance. After a year, as long as they can successfully graduate, they can get an official job and a certain amount. As long as you can be in the top 20, you can get the chance to become extraordinary, as long as you can be in the top 10, you can get the secret of knight or wizard, and as long as you can be the top three, you can get a devil fruit and the first One Devil Fruit is a Tier 5 legendary species."

After Sean finished speaking, the Oak Hall fell into silence once again. All the people present were the high-levels of Greenfield Town, and they knew something about Devil Fruits. It was precisely because of this that they were sincerely shocked. Not to mention other rewards, just that one Tier 5 Legendary Devil Fruit is enough to drive everyone crazy, because that represents a shortcut to Tier 5 Legend.

   "Lord Lord, I have a nephew who has a good talent. I don't know if he can participate in this supernova project."

   After a short silence, Elos, who hadn't made a sound, spoke up.

   "I said that as long as everyone meets the conditions, everyone can participate. UU reading naturally includes your nephew."

   As soon as Sean said this, the minds of everyone present became active.

People are social animals. Although they can't participate in the Supernova Project, they still have relatives and friends. This is the same even for Monnes, who is a domestic servant. Sean has no opinion on this, regardless of his birth. As long as he has enough talent and enough hard work to get the number one supernova with his ability, then why not give him the fifth-order legendary devil fruit.

   "The fourth item is the reorganization plan of the Public Security Bureau. From today, the Public Security Bureau will be officially renamed as the Police Department. Its functions are to regulate and supervise civil behavior, fight crime, and protect civil rights. As for external defense, it will be fully transferred to the army."

   After waiting for a while, seeing everyone calm down, Xiao En continued to speak.

   "Yes, Lord Lord."

  Although the power has been weakened, Eros has no opinion. Since the revival of the demonic wave, the environment has become more unstable, and the greater the power, the greater the responsibility.

"The fifth item is the supplementary plan for Yin Beast members. At present, Yin Beast has suffered heavy losses and personnel losses are serious. In order to quickly restore combat power, you can try to recruit outside extraordinary people. This is the responsibility of the phantom lizard to find and evaluate, and other than that. The talent reserve of the company is also necessary. You can find some suitable seedlings to train as the Yin beast reserve. I will give you a sum of money for this."

   "Yes, Lord Lord."

   After hearing what Shaun said, the magic lizard responded. After Krom died, he was the person in charge of the Yin Beast.

   "I have finished talking about the five resolutions. I hope you can let me see the results as soon as possible."

   After finishing speaking, Shaun left the Oak Hall, and after Shaun left, the five Monnes stayed in the hall for a while before leaving one after another.


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