In the early January of 1520, the highly anticipated supernova project in Luye Town will begin the formal selection process five days later.

   Monfitos, Xiacheng District.

   "Brother, are you back?"

   Hearing regular knocks from the door, a little girl with long burgundy hair dressed in coarse cloth came out of the room.

   Her face was stained with many stains, and she couldn't see her face clearly. Her eyes were big and beautiful. The only pity was that these beautiful eyes were dull. It was obvious that she was blind.

   "Yaya, I'm back."

   The door opened, and a man or boy with short dark red hair came in from outside.

   entered the door and took a look. After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the girl, the boy said:

   "Yaya, let's pack our things and leave here today. I have already inquired about. In the afternoon, a cargo ship will depart from the port and head to Lvye Town."

  Speaking of this, at the age of 16 this year, he has been very calm, and Welch, who is like an adult, has a rare excitement on his face.

   "Brother, are you really going to participate in that supernova selection?"

   "Yes, I think it over, don't worry, Ya Ya, I will definitely pass, I will let you live a good life."

   Looking at Yaya, whose worried color was exposed, Welch's slightly immature face was full of firmness.

   Damaitian Village, a subordinate village of Luye Town.

   "Big rice bucket, are you going to participate in the supernova selection too?"

   "Yes, I heard that you can have a full meal after passing the selection."

   Hearing someone called himself a big rice bucket, a boy who was more than two meters tall, but was extremely thin, not only was not angry, but showed a honest smile.

   Morris pioneered the collar. Against the background of blood and fire intertwined, a silver-haired old man and a blond boy escaped from it.

   "Master, we should go now, the danger is not far away."

   Seeing tears in his eyes and staring at the land that has become a sea of ​​flames, Vack Morris who refused to leave, the old butler Puth whispered.

   "Let's go, old housekeeper, as the last blood of the Morris family, I will survive. One day I will kill these disgusting natives."

   Wiped his tears vigorously, and Wacker choked.

There are generally two types of nobles who come to the New World to open up territories. The first is the great aristocracy, which is to search for resources and further expand their influence, just like the Montere family. The second is the fallen aristocracy. In order to restore the glory of the family, they can only make a desperate move. It's like the Morris family.

   Territory development is not a simple matter. In this process, blood and fire are bound to accompany. There are great successes and dismal endings, and the Morris family is the latter.

   "Old housekeeper, let's go to Greenfield Town, I want to participate in the supernova selection."

   "If you have thought about it, Master, then let's go."

   Pusi knew that although his young master was young, he had wisdom that ordinary people could hardly match.

   "Father, don't worry, I will revitalize the Morris family."

  Looking at the territory swallowed by the tongue of fire, Wake Morris made the vow that he would work for it all his life when he was fifteen years old.

 Luye Town, Lord’s Mansion, compared to the hustle and bustle of the outside world due to supernova selection, this place is much calmer.

   "Viper, have you really thought about it?"

   "Well, think about it, anyway, the worst result is just to change the body."

   After a while, the pale nightmare became more and more humane. Hearing him say this, Sean nodded.

   For him, his body is just a coat. If it breaks, he can replace it with one. Moreover, the quality of the viper coat is still a little worse, and he will change it sooner or later.

   "Then prepare and let's start."


   Laboratory, the second basement level, the whole body of the poisonous snake is bound by chains engraved with runes, and Aneth injects a tube of lavender medicine into his body.

   "Master, is this really okay? Every serial potion has to go through many experiments and repeated modifications before it can succeed."

With that said, Aneth’s face showed a rare look of worry. Although the viper was very impersonal and uncomfortable, after a period of time, he admired the other party’s knowledge and a lot of In his opinion, the other party can easily solve problems that are difficult, and even this includes the secret biography of "Scarlet Blood" he practiced. He doesn't want such a person to die because of the random sequence potion that was tampered with.

   "Regardless of whether there is a problem or not, we can only wait for the results to appear, and he is professional in terms of blood."

   Looking at the poisonous snake falling into a false sleep state, Sean said lightly.

The potion sequence was originally simplified based on the secret of the knight or the secret of the wizard. The snake sequence of the poisonous snake was created based on the secret of the wizard of a snake bloodline. There are four sequences in total, and each sequence must take one. The extraordinary organs of the magic snake are used as the main material of the potion.

After occupying the body of the poisonous snake, the Pale Nightmare quickly mastered the power of the Tier 3 Snake Spirit Guard based on his past background and the resources provided by Sean, but he wanted to go further but there was no possibility~www.wuxiaspot .com~ The extraordinary of the potion sequence must have potions to go further, and the sequence four potions of the snake sequence require the sarcoma of the extraordinary organs of the fourth-order beast black king snake as the main material of the potion. The pale nightmare was very helpless, he couldn't even find a trace of the black king snake.

   Of course, sitting and waiting is not the style of the pale nightmare. After careful research, he used the accumulation of the sixth-order blood wizard to deduce a substitute potion.

The essence of the spiritual snake sequence lies in the bloodline. Each level must absorb the bloodline power of a demon snake. In order to prevent the bloodline of the transcendent from collapsing and dying, the fourth level of the spiritual snake chooses the black king snake with the strongest tolerance. The blood of the king snake accommodates the blood of the first three kinds of demon snakes, integrates and covers them, so that the blood of the transcendent can jump. Considering this essence, the pale nightmare prepares to replace the black king snake with dragon blood. After all, the erosive power of dragon blood It is famous for its ability to corrode most biological bloodlines.

   Of course, not any kind of dragon blood will work. If it is too overbearing, I am afraid that the body of the poisonous snake will collapse before it has completed the erosion of the blood of the other three demon snakes.

The magical potion deduced by Pale Nightmare is based on the extraordinary material of the true dragon of water as the main material, coupled with the neutralization of other materials, as much as possible to make the potion mild while maintaining the corrosive power of the dragon's blood. The potion can be transformed from theory to reality, but the biggest hero is the Wave Murloc tribe, because the water-genus true dragon tooth used as the main material of the potion was once collected by their tribe.

   "Anes, you must always pay attention to the situation of the poisonous snake. If he shows signs of losing control, don't hesitate to notify Baibeard immediately and let him take action to solve it."

   "Yes, master."

   A chill in my heart, Anis immediately agreed.


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